Let’s talk about church. I’ll start.
I grew up in church. Our family was there every single Sunday morning and Sunday night unless we were out of town or someone was sick. And you’d better have been, like, throw-up sick. Otherwise you could plan on running a fever or managing your cold while sitting front and center in Sunday School.
So what I’m saying is that church was a big priority.
When I went to college, though, I bailed on church the first chance I had. There was no one to make me get up and get dressed and get myself to the church house, so I opted out. Typically, I would sleep in before I’d make a late-morning run to Popeye’s for some fried chicken. (Even though I couldn’t be bothered with church, I never lost my affection for Sunday lunch.) And if you had asked me, I would have told you that God and I were good, but I didn’t see much need for church—because really, I just didn’t get that much out of it.
We don’t have room enough or time enough for me to tell you all the ways that my “freedom” from church eventually held me captive. It was a bad, shortsighted decision—one of my all-time worst, to be honest. So now, when I talk to girls who are about to go to college (which, in my opinion, is the most fun time of your whole life), my very first piece of advice is this:
Join a church.
Don’t just find a church. Don’t just visit a lot of churches. Join a church. Put down roots in a local congregation. Make a commitment. It’s so important. Here’s why:
As a believer you’re part of the family of Christ no matter where you go. The local church is your home base for fellowship and discipleship and service. Thanks be to God.
1. What are some of your childhood memories from church? Or, if you haven’t grown up in church, do you feel as if you missed out on anything? Explain.
2. Think about your favorite pastors or Bible study leaders. How has their teaching encouraged you?
3. Has the Lord ever used a sermon to change you? Reflect on that and write out as many examples as come to mind.
4. If you’re not part of a local church, list three or four you’d like to visit. And if you are part of a local church, list three or four things you love and appreciate about your church.
Today’s Prayer