It’s so easy—and so tempting—to expect that labels will define us.
I’m an Honor Roll student.
I’m vice president of my class.
I’m the fastest runner on my cross-country team.
I’m a trustworthy friend; people tell me their secrets.
I’m the youngest in my family and know how to get what I want.
The problem with labels, though, is that they can’t stick forever. They’re temporary. You can wear one for a little while, but over time it’s going to curl up at the edges. It won’t stick as well as it used to. It’ll fray and wear and eventually fall off. Even worse, someone might rip it off for you. And after the label is gone, then what?
Who are you then? Well, I’m going to tell you.
You are a deeply loved child of God.
You are fearfully and wonderfully made.
And you are precious in His sight.
It’s weird, isn’t it? We let all sorts of people (and who knows how many labels) define us. We tell ourselves that our lives will be perfect if we can just get that grade or win this competition or beat that time. We listen to lies and convince ourselves that we’re only as good as the number of followers we have on social media, and we hide other people’s criticisms in our hearts and play them on repeat when we’re alone. We so desperately want to be known for something that we’ll sometimes settle for being known for anything.
And when we do that, we chip away at our true identity, which has only ever been—and will only ever be—in Him. I’m so grateful that Jesus looks at all those other words and labels and names we call ourselves—the things we think will make us known—and lovingly shakes His head.
No, ma’am. Here’s what really and truly matters. You are Mine.
Can you remind yourself of that today? You. Are. His. No one else gets to define you. No one else gets to tell you who you are. And because of that, you will never find true and lasting peace in a title, in a role, or in a perfect GPA. You should absolutely do your best at whatever you undertake. (Colossians 3:23 is pretty clear about that “Whatever you do, do it from the heart, as something done for the Lord and not for people” business). But your work—or another person’s evaluation of it—has no bearing on your value as a person.
Because in case you’ve forgotten, I’m happy to remind you: the Lord established and sealed your value before the foundation of time. He created you with great intention. He loves you more than you could ever imagine. And at the end of the day, His opinion is the only one that matters.
So remember:
You are a deeply loved child of God.
You are fearfully and wonderfully made.
And you are precious in His sight.
That’s a label worth wearing. And it will never, ever fade.
1. Are you chasing after any labels? What are they? And if not, what labels have you chased in the past?
2. What problems can arise when we let people or things other than God define us?
3. Do you remember the words to “Jesus Loves Me”? Write them here. Then read them out loud . . . seriously!
4. List a few things that have recently reminded you of how much He loves and cares for you.
Today’s Prayer
Make a list of prayer requests and praises, or write out whatever’s on your heart.