Day 70


You know what can be difficult and disillusioning?

When you realize that you’re at a place in your life you never wanted to be.

And I’m not talking about a seemingly endless line at Disney World, of course. I’m not even talking about moving to a strange city or facing the harsh reality of re-taking Algebra II in summer school.

I’m talking about finding yourself in the middle of a very real struggle with alcohol. Or feeling trapped in an unhealthy relationship. Or vowing for the umpteenth time to flee from a pornography habit, and then giving in to temptation all over again.

Or maybe you’re in a tense stand-off with one of your parents, and neither of you seems willing to give. Maybe there’s a secret that has you in its grip to the point that you feel like you’ll never be able to shake it.

Those unexpected places—they can be so tough. And discouraging. And also exhausting. But listen to what Jesus says: “Come to me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).

I used to read that verse and, in the middle of something difficult, I’d think, Here I am, so FIX IT, JESUS. I’m ready to rest now! What I’ve learned over the years, though, is that while Jesus’ words are indeed comforting and full of grace, there’s also responsibility on our end of things. He will absolutely take our burden—our bondage to sin—and exchange it for mercy. We, however, have to show up and be willing to do what He asks.

What does that mean? Well, here are some thoughts:

  1. Conviction of sin. We need to be super clear on one key point: if we’re heavy laden because of our sinful decisions, we’ve been wrong. If we’re looking for rest from our weariness in sin while still holding on to any notion of our rightness, then on some level we’re not willing or ready to surrender.
  2. Willingness to cooperate. Rest can come in ways that have nothing to do with sleep. Sometimes rest is the peace that comes with laying down a burden. Sometimes rest is confession. Sometimes rest is placing yourself under someone else’s supervision. Pray to be humble and responsive however the Lord leads.
  3. Trusting the Burden Bearer. No matter how hard or how long the road to restoration and wholeness is, know that the Lord is leading you to a place of peace. Trust that He knows the very best path. We can really complicate a hard situation when we try to hold on to this part of it or manage that part of it. Give Him the whole thing. Trust Him with it. He knows best.

You are braver than you ever imagined.

And you are more loved than you know.


1. Have you or someone you love ever found yourselves in a situation you never planned or wanted? Explain.

2. Are there any personal battles you seem to fight over and over again? Does that battle ever make you feel tired and weary?

3. Why do you think it’s so hard for us see our sin for what it is? Why is it so hard to look at it honestly?

4. Are there any areas of your life right now where you know you’re in the wrong? List them, and then pray for wisdom.

Today’s Prayer