
Resilience contains over 130 exercises. The vast majority were originally developed for my two books, for my workshops, or for my monthly e-newsletters and weekly posts.

Where exercises have been adapted from the work of my colleagues, credit is given below and in the notes, and permission has been granted to include the exercises in this book.

It has been a true blessing, privilege, and joy to learn my deepest lessons about resilience — showing up and saying yes in the face of adversity — from the hundreds of clients, workshop participants, and students I have worked with over the years. Although they are not named here individually, to have listened to and observed, to have sometimes guided and sometimes helped shape their learning and their choices, has been a treasured opportunity for me to learn and grow myself. And all of that learning and wisdom has improved and refined the practices that are now presented in Resilience.

I have been blessed all of my professional life to have been taught by mentors, teachers, and colleagues who themselves embody the core strengths of resilience — calm, compassionate connection, clarity, and courage.

The list here is long: these names represent living, nurturing people and the many hours of reading, study, presence, guidance, conversations, and moral compass that have taught me what they know, taught me what I know, and taught me that I know it.

My deepest bows to:

Bonnie Badenoch, Anat Baniel, James Baraz, Jane Baraz, Judi Bell, Natalie Bell, Teja Bell, James Bennett-Levy, Sylvia Boorstein, Tara Brach, Ashley Davis Bush, Christine Carter, Debra Chamberlain-Taylor, Ann Weiser Cornell, Deb Dana, Tim Desmond, Michelle Gale, Daniel Ellenberg, Lisa Ferentz, Janina Fisher, Diana Fosha, Ron Frederick, Birgit Genz, Chris Germer, Paul Gilbert, Elisha Goldstein, Susan Kaiser Greenland, Michaela Haas, Rick Hanson, Dacher Keltner, Jack Kornfield, Jerry Lamagna, Ben Lipton, Ada Lusardi, Kelly McGonigal, Richard Miller, Kristin Neff, Pat Ogden, Frank Ostaseski, Jonah Paquette, Laurel Parnell, Stephen Porges, Natasha Prenn, David Richo, Richard Schwartz, Dan Siegel, Ron Siegel, Rich Simon, Tami Simon, George Taylor, Sherry Turkle, Bessel van der Kolk, Barbara Voiner, David Wallin, and Chris Willard.

More deep bows to the very good folks who have sponsored my teachings at venues where people come to learn, grow, and transform their lives. Here again is a list, with cherished memories of deeply resonant, rewarding moments and deepening friendships with the people who open the doors:

1440 Multiversity, Arbor-Seminare, Cape Cod Institute, Esalen Institute, FACES, Focus on Kids, Hollyhock, Insight LA, Institute of Noetic Sciences, International Congress on Pastoral Care and Counseling, Island Institute for Trauma Recovery, K Events, Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health, Leading Edge Seminars, Learning and the Brain, Marina Counseling Center, Mindful Awareness Research Center, Momentous Institute, National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine, Omega Institute, Open Center, PESI, Psychotherapy Networker Symposium, Sivananda Ashram Yoga Center, Sounds True, Spirit Rock Meditation Center, U.S. Journal Training, and Utah School Counselors Association.

Then there’s the matter of translating lived knowledge and wisdom into a book and into online resources:

Deep thanks again to Caroline Pincus, publishing midwife extraordinaire, for her wise guidance and skillful editing, sometimes knowing better what I wanted to say than I knew myself, shaping this book into a program of practices that flows.

Deep thanks again, too, to Jason Gardner, executive editor at New World Library, for once again believing that recovering and strengthening resilience would be interesting and relevant to people in these always challenging times. And thanks to Erika Büky, copy editor extraordinaire. The readability and accessibility of this book owe a great deal to her skillful eye and conscientious revisions.

And deep bows to my beloved technical team — Ryan Barba, Stacey Harris, and Brandy Lawson — whose stellar support literally rescued this manuscript, my computer, my website, and my sanity more than once, with a faith and a lightheartedness that is deeply treasured.

And deep bows for the steady friendships that time and time again provided nourishment and encouragement for all of the above. Whether hiking a splendid wilderness trail, diving deep into soul-to-soul conversations about the true meanings and purposes of our lives, or experiencing the joy and tears of sharing poetry, thank you all for the blessings: Paul Basker, Marilynne Chophel, Kathryn Collier, Margaret Deedy, Terri Hughes, Bonnie Jonsson, Phyllis Kirson, Cariadne MacKenzie-Hooson, Lynn Robinson, Eve Siegel, Marianne Stefancic, Stan Stefancic, Mark Stefanski, Beverly Stevens, William Strawn, and Dina Zvenko.

And final bows to you, the reader, for finding the courage and perseverance to do the work, learn to use the tools, and practice the practices in challenging moments large and small. May your life be full of hope and wise choices.