PREHEAT the grill to a medium setting.
RUB oil over 1 large eggplant (aubergine), prick all over and grill for 20 minutes. Turn every 3–4 minutes until the skin is scorched and the flesh is soft.
LEAVE the eggplant to cool, then remove the skin and finely chop or mash the flesh.
HEAT 1½ teaspoons oil in a frying pan. Add ¼ teaspoon cumin seeds, 4–5 fresh curry leaves, ¼ teaspoon ginger, ¼ finely chopped onion and fry over a low heat, stirring, for 1–2 minutes. Stir in ¼ teaspoon ground coriander, ¼ teaspoon chilli powder and season with salt. Fry for 30 seconds.
STIR in the eggplant and cook for 6–8 minutes.
REMOVE from the heat, cool, then place in a bowl and mix in 340g natural or Greek-style yoghurt.
GARNISH with finely chopped coriander and 1½ teaspoons pomegranate seeds, if liked.
BOIL 1 large potato with skin on, then cool and chop into small cubes.
DRY-ROAST the following whole spices: 1 teaspoon cumin seeds, 1 teaspoon pomegranate seeds and ¼ teaspoon coriander seeds in a non-stick frying pan.
COOL then, use a mortar and pestle to grind until coarse. Reserve 1 teaspoon for the garnish.
MIX the rest with the potatoes, 340g natural yoghurt and ¼ teaspoon chaat masala.
SEASON with sea salt and coarse black pepper.
GARNISH with a sprinkling of reserved spice mix and finely chopped coriander.
PUT 5–6 mint leaves, a large pinch of dried mint, 1 finely chopped garlic clove, 1 teaspoon toasted cumin seeds and a large pinch of salt in a mortar.
GRIND with the pestle to make a smooth paste.
PLACE 225g cooked chopped spinach into a bowl, together with the mint paste and stir in 225g natural or Greek-style yoghurt.
GARNISH with 2cm piece peeled and grated ginger and fine slivers of red chilli, if liked.
PLACE 225g natural or Greek-style yoghurt in a bowl.
STIR in ¼ teaspoon dried mint, a large pinch of chilli powder, ¼ teaspoon chaat masala and salt to taste.
GARNISH with 2 tablespoons Crispy Okra and a large pinch of toasted and finely crushed cumin seeds and toasted sesame seeds, if liked.
MIX together ½ very finely chopped small carrot, ¼ celery stick, ¼ green capsicum (pepper), ¼ red onion, 1 tablespoon finely chopped coriander and 1 small seeded tomato in a large bowl.
STIR in 225g natural or Greek-style yoghurt, 1 finely crushed garlic clove, ¼ teaspoon ground cumin and salt to taste.
HEAT ¼ tablespoon oil in a frying pan and fry ½ teaspoon black mustard seeds, ½ thinly sliced red chilli and 3–4 fresh curry leaves.
COOL slightly and stir into the yoghurt, reserving a little for the garnish.
MIX together in a large bowl, grated or tiny cubes ½ small carrot, 5cm piece cucumber, seeded, grated or chopped into tiny cubes (squeezed dry using muslin or a clean tea towel), ¼ very finely chopped garlic clove, ¼ finely chopped small green chilli (seeded, optional), ¼ teaspoon dried mint, ¼ teaspoon ground cumin, a large pinch of chaat masala (optional), 225g natural yoghurt, salt and coarse black pepper to taste.
GARNISH with 1 tablespoon finely chopped Spring Onion, Coriander and Mint, if liked.