Siphoning the Colenta Water

If your bucket does not have a spigot or tap near the bottom, you have a situation in which the colema hose must be positioned over the rim of the bucket. You must siphon the water in order to get it to flow down to the colema board. Once the water has begun to flow, however, it will continue to flow until the bucket is empty or the water is turned off by squeezing the clamp.

Siphoning is accomplished by putting the end of the hose that goes in the bucket under a water faucet. Run water through it, past the plastic 17-shaped tube, then hold it up in the air so that the water runs down into the long part of the hose. Once the water has run down, close the clamp, put the weighted portion of the tube back into the bucket, and hang the plastic 17-shaped tube on the rim. You can then start the water flow by releasing the clamp. The idea here is that when water is pulled down the long part of the hose, it naturally draws the water from the bucket up the hose and around the 17-shaped tube.

To retain the siphon potential, always clamp off the hose before the bucket runs dry. Clamping off the hose retains the pull of gravity without your having to repeat the start-up procedure. If the hose does run dry, you must repeat the siphon start-up procedure just described.

Another way of draining the bucket is to attach a small spigot at the base of the bucket. Attach the hose to this fitting, with the other end attached to the plastic tube at the business end of the colema board. Such a modification will render siphoning unnecessary. A spigot of the correct type and size is available in hardware stores.

tocks are in contact with the supports. This is most important. (For a further discussion of this, see "Insertion of the Rectal Tip" on page 129.)

Beginning the Cleansing Action

Once you are comfortable on the colema board, you can open the clamp to allow the colema water to flow into your colon. One of the major differences between the colema and the enema is that with the colema, the rectal tip is not removed until the cleanse is completed. The fecal matter will easily pass around the tip, allowing normal bowel action. The colema procedure encourages normal evacuation without producing bowel distention.

Massaging Your Abdomen

As you take the colema, massage your abdomen. A tennis ball is a most useful tool for this. Start massaging on your left side, rolling the ball with the palm of your hand while pressing it into your abdomen, but not so much that you make yourself uncomfortable. If you don't have a tennis ball, just keep your fingers together and use their flat surfaces to massage the abdomen. If you find any tender or sore areas, continue to massage until the tenderness is relieved. Continue up to your ribs on the left, then move across your abdomen and down the right side. This helps the water to get over and into the ascending colon.

If cramping occurs or the need to eliminate presents itself, simply relieve yourself as you normally would. The incoming water flow will temporarily halt from the pressure of the outgoing waste water and will automatically resume when you relax your abdominal muscles again. Continue in this manner until you wish to stop or the bucket is

Insertion of the Rectal Tip

It is very important that when you take a colema, you do not insert the rectal tip more than three inches past the anus.

The bowel bends at the sigmoid flexure, which is about four inches from the anus in the average person, perhaps less in some individuals. Inserting the tip more than three inches may bring excessive pressure to bear against the bowel wall at this bend, resulting in irritation, pain, and possibly mechanical problems. There should never be any force exerted on the bowel wall with the rectal tip.

To ensure your well-being, I recommend that you measure three inches from the end of the rectal tip and place an indelible mark there. Then, wrap a rubber band several times around the tip at the three-inch mark. Please note that I recommend using the soft-plastic rectal tip, which is flexible and will slide into the anus even in cases of hemorrhoids. Insert the tip to a maximum of three inches whether you use the soft or hard tip. Using the soft tip is an extra safety precaution, although I have experienced no problems with the hard type.

You must also be absolutely sure to insert the rectal tip by yourself. Never let another person insert it for you.

empty. It normally takes about thirty minutes to empty one bucket. If you are not finished eliminating and have exhausted the water supply, you can refill the bucket with enough water to finish. You may find it helpful to have someone ready to refill the bucket.

Completing the Colema

Upon completion of the colema, be very careful getting off the board, as any water present can make the board or floor slippery. As soon as you get off the board, disconnect the tubing and remove the board

from the toilet. (You can stand the board on end in the bathtub.) In the reclining position, you were unable to completely eliminate all the water from the upper regions of the colon. When you stand up, gravity will cause any water and material to flow into the rectum, where it may cause a natural but immediate urge to defecate. At this time, you will want the toilet to be readily available, not covered by your colema board.

Now that you are finished, you must clean the board and tubes with a good germicidal solution, as explained on page 116. When removing the rectal tip for cleaning, be sure to replace the piece of quarter-inch tubing that holds the tip on the adjustable holder of the rectal tube. It is suggested that the tube be stored immersed in a germicidal solution such as Rugged Red until the next colema.

Now, doesn't it feel good knowing all that toxic material is gone?


The Seven-Day Cleansing Program will provide you with the opportunity to experience the benefits of a clean, efficiently working body. Many people report a sense of mental clarity and exhilaration that they never felt before. Let yourself relax and enjoy the following seven-day schedule:

Day One

7:00 a.m. Start the day with skin brushing. Follow with a Cleansing Drink and a shower.

8:30 a.m. Take the following supplements with flaxseed tea and 2 tablespoons (or the dose recommended on the bottle) of liquid calcium-magnesium:

□ 12 tablets of chlorella or 8 tablets of alfalfa

□ 1 tablet (or your preferred dose) of niacin

□ 1 capsule of wheat germ oil

□ 2 tablets of vitamin C

□ 4 tablets of digestive-enzyme supplement

□ 2 tablets of whole beet juice concentrate

□ 1 tablet of dulse

10:00 a.m. Have a Cleansing Drink.

11:30 a.m. Take the same supplements as at 8:30 a.m., but this time with broth.

1:00 p.m. Have a Cleansing Drink.

2:30 p.m. Take the same supplements as at 8:30 a.m., but this time with herbal tea or broth.

4:00 P.M. Have a Cleansing Drink.

5:30 p.m. Take the same supplements as at 8:30 a.m., but this time with flaxseed tea.

7:00 p.m. Have a Cleansing Drink.

7:30 p.m. Take your first colema (with clay water added, if desired). Rest for one-half hour following the colema.

9:30 p.m. Take 2 tablespoons of liquid calcium-magnesium and 2 capsules of cod liver oil, then retire for the night. (Bedtime should be no later than 9:30 p.m.)

Day Two

7:00 a.m. Start the day with skin brushing. Follow with a Cleansing Drink.

7:30 a.m. Take a colema (with garlic, flaxseed tea, or liquid chlorophyll added, if desired). Rest for one-half hour following the colema, then take a shower.

8:30 a.m. Take the following supplements with flaxseed tea and 2 tablespoons of liquid calcium-magnesium:

□ 18 tablets of chlorella or 8 tablets of alfalfa

□ 1 teaspoon of liquid chlorophyll in a glass of water

□ 2 tablets (or your preferred dose) of niacin

□ 1 capsule of wheat germ oil

□ 2 tablets of vitamin C

□ 4 tablets of digestive-enzyme supplement

□ 2 tablets of whole beet juice concentrate

□ 1 tablet of dulse

10:00 a.m. Have a Cleansing Drink.

11:30 a.m. Take the same supplements as at 8:30 a.m., but this time with herbal tea or diluted juice.

1:00 p.m. Have a Cleansing Drink.

2:30 p.m. Take the same supplements as at 8:30 A.M., but this time with herbal tea.

4:00 p.m. Have a Cleansing Drink.

5:30 p.m. Take the same supplements as at 8:30 A.M., but this time with flaxseed tea.

7:00 p.m. Have a Cleansing Drink.

7:30 p.m. Take a colema (with clay water added, if desired). Rest for one-half hour following the colema.

9:30 p.m. Take 2 tablespoons of liquid calcium-magnesium and 2 capsules of cod liver oil, then retire for the night. (Bedtime should be no later than 9:30 p.m.)

Days Three Through Seven

7:00 a.m. Start the day with skin brushing. Follow with a Cleansing Drink.

7:30 a.m. Take a colema (with garlic, flaxseed tea, or liquid chlorophyll added, if desired). Rest for one-half hour following the colema, then take a shower.

8:30 A.M. Take the following supplements with flaxseed tea and 2 tablespoons of liquid calcium-magnesium:

□ 18 tablets of chlorella or 8 tablets of alfalfa

□ 1 teaspoon of liquid chlorophyll in a glass of water

□ 3 to 4 tablets (or your preferred dose) of niacin

□ 1 capsule of wheat germ oil

□ 8 tablets of vitamin C

□ 6 tablets of digestive-enzyme supplement

□ 2 tablets of whole beet juice concentrate

□ 1 tablet of dulse

10:00 a.m. Have a Cleansing Drink.

11:30 a.m. Take the same supplements as at 8:30 a.m., but this time with herbal tea or diluted juice.

1:00 p.m. Have a Cleansing Drink.

2:30 p.m. Take the same supplements as at 8:30 A.M., but this time with herbal tea.

4:00 p.m. Have a Cleansing Drink.

5:30 p.m. Take the same supplements as at 8:30 a.m., but this time with flaxseed tea.

7:00 p.m. Have a Cleansing Drink.

7:30 p.m. Take a colema (with clay water added, if desired). Rest for one-half hour following the colema.

9:30 p.m. Take 2 tablespoons of liquid calcium-magnesium and 2 capsules of cod liver oil, then retire for the night. (Bedtime should be no later than 9:30 p.m.)


Under certain conditions, you may want to use rectal implants following the colema. Although there are various types of rectal implants such as suppositories, the ones we use are placed in an infant rectal syringe and squeezed into the rectum.

If you have colitis or rectal bleeding, use an implant consisting of one cup of flaxseed tea and one to two tablespoons of liquid chlorophyll. As an alternative, you can use three to five crushed chlorella tablets in one cup of water. To aid elimination, use one tablespoon of chlorella powder and one-half cup of clay water, adding enough distilled water to thin the mixture so that it will flow freely through the syringe.

Colemas are not habit-forming. In fact, I have found that colemas promote the restoration of natural regularity. Most of the people who complete the cleansing program return quickly to natural bowel movements. Regularity is best brought about through exercise, a proper diet and regular meal schedule, and the addition of fiber (from oat or wheat bran) to the diet. Make sure you get plenty of rest, and do not overwork yourself to the point of fatigue. In the unlikely event that you have trouble regaining normal bowel function following the cleanse, I recommend taking alfalfa tablets. These are high in fiber and contain chlorophyll. Fiber gives the bowel musculature something to "work against," and this provides a natural stimulation to the bowel. Chlorophyll is an excellent bowel cleanser. Take three to four tablets at each meal, making sure to chew or crack the tablets before swallowing them.

If you find that you have an excess amount of gas, your bowels do

not move, or your anus is tense, you may be experiencing nervous strain. In this case, a glycerin suppository may help. Often, a warm cup of water infused into the rectum with an infant syringe will help the body relax enough to have a good bowel movement. Sometimes, drinking a glass of warm water will help. Unsalted sauerkraut is a good natural laxative that you can use at the first sign of constipation. It will not harm you in any way to continue using any of these methods until you once again have normal bowel movements. Never resort to unnatural chemical laxatives and risk the development of a bowel-debilitating laxative habit.


The Seven-Day Cleansing Program as presented here is often very helpful in relieving pain. Pain of all kinds from any part of the body— including joint pains associated with arthritis, and headache from migraine, tension, toxins, or another cause—will be relieved in the majority of cases. It should be understood that this treatment cannot be considered a cure-all, but rather an important step in leading the body to detoxification and cleansing. Serious medical problems should be referred to a physician.

You should follow the cleansing program at your own pace and watch for any reactions. Some people—especially the very toxic, the elderly, and the very weak—may have a negative response almost immediately. It may not be safe for you to stay on the program for more than one day if you experience a severe drop in your energy level or have another type of serious reaction.

This is the most powerful detoxifying program I know. Approach it with respect. You will be unleashing potent healing powers that may be overwhelming if you are uninitiated.

Although the Seven-Day Cleansing Program is a powerful detoxification procedure, I have found that most people with very chronic health problems cannot get rid of all the toxic material in a single cleanse. Additional cleanses are often necessary to bring about a thorough detoxification. You may need to repeat the seven-day cleanse a number of times in order to develop the necessary energy to eliminate more naturally and completely. You must remember that a tired and run-down body cannot eliminate as forcefully as it should. To restore the necessary energy to eliminate properly and to feel well takes time. Besides a cleansing phase, this program also has a phase in which building and restoration take place. Cleansing and building are partners with patience in the overall Ultimate Tissue Cleansing Program.

Chapter 6