Ray sat with Nettle and Sparks in Director Pfeffer’s office. One quarter of a small annex in the CDSE compound. Aymes had taken control of the situation at the Medbay in efficient fashion. After a short delay, while Prudence was fetched to translate, Nettle delivered an award-winning performance explaining how the evil CDSE men had thrown Ray and Sparks out of the Medbay and wouldn’t allow them to see their poor sick mother. Aymes had cut her off half way through and pointed at Ray,
“Is this true?” She asked Ray
Ray nodded.
“Does she need to be in the Medbay?”
Ray and Sparks hesitated for a moment then Prudence translated for Ray. “Bones has had a stroke of some sort but is stable now. She hasn’t woken yet but there is nothing to do except wait which she could easily do at home.”
Aymes nodded curtly. “Do that then.” She directed and accompanied a handful of marines plus Ray, Nettle, and Sparks into the Medbay.
They found the CDSE medical staff cowering wide eyed against the far wall. Aymes didn’t need to convince them to leave. The gunshot and shouting had clearly done that. They were out the door and gone before Aymes had finished her second sentence. Aymes requisitioned Dane and Gift to get Bones home and then ordered Nettle, Ray, and Sparks to come with her.
The three of them sat along one side of Pfeffer’s desk. Aymes stood at ease against the wall while Prudence fidgeted nervously beside them. Pfeffer arrived wearing her understanding and caring smile. Ray had seen Pfeffer wearing that smile while smashing people’s lives apart for the past two weeks, so she wasn’t fooled for a second. Pfeffer looked at each of them in turn and then looked up at Jager and Aymes.
“A disgraceful business,” she began. “I am extremely perturbed that matters have come to this.” She paused to read her notes, “I am informed that the wounded Dianian is in a satisfactory condition and is likely to recover well.” She looked at Ray directly, “You can rest assured she will receive the best medical care and rehabilitation that CDSE can offer. I am grateful to you Master Sergeant Aymes for interceding when you did. From the reports, it appears likely that there would have been further injuries to Dianians and security staff if the protest had been permitted to continue.”
Nettle jumped up, her chair clattering over backwards. She started signing furiously. Prudence made to step forward but Pfeffer lifted her hand off the desk raising one manicured finger, freezing Prudence in her place.
“Now, I am not saying that the security staff acted entirely appropriately. There will be an enquiry to be sure. However, as I explained last week, properly trained CDSE medical staff have been appointed to run the hospital now and their job is to make the best decision possible for the good of the patient.” Pfeffer smiled patronizingly and waited until Nettle ran out of steam and sat slowly down, still clearly furious.
“I know that you have all done a wonderful job operating under the guidance of Earth based physicians up until now. Nobody wants to diminish your contribution. Frankly, however, I am at a loss to explain why a relatively common medical event such as this had such a violent and disappointing outcome.”
Pfeffer cocked her head slightly, her jet-black bob curling under her smile. Her forehead creased with a concerned frown and looked directly at Ray, unblinking. “Can you explain that to me Ray? What happened to make you all so upset?” Pfeffer held Ray’s stare like a challenge.
Ray’s mind whirled, desperately trying to think ahead of Pfeffer. She had no doubt that Pfeffer had been informed about the memory block implant. Was she trying to find out what Ray knew, or did she suspect that Ray already knew and was she trying to unsettle her? Sparks kicked Ray’s foot gently, camouflaging the movement by adjusting his weight on the chair. He glanced at Prudence who stepped forward.
“Ray was just upset because Bones has never been sick before,” She translated for Sparks. “She wanted to stay with her and was upset when the doctor asked her to leave. People here love Bones. She is an important person. I guess they didn’t like the idea that Ray was being told she couldn’t stay with her mother.” He finished lamely.
Pfeffer’s head turned smoothly as if it operated independently of her unnaturally still torso. She smiled at Sparks letting her gaze roam around his face as the seconds ticked by. Just before the tension became unbearable she tilted her head again.
“I suppose that must be it. Is that correct Ray? Were you upset that the medical staff wanted to clear the room?”
Pfeffer nodded her head and Ray found herself nodding along with her, unable to think clearly.
“Yes…Yes…It’s understandable. You have had a very stressful day indeed.” Pfeffer sat back and clasped her hands neatly across her lap, expertly shifting the conversation to include the whole room.
“We are in a period of transition. Change is always difficult, and people may feel disenfranchised, afraid, and sometimes angry. You must appreciate that there will be tension during these next few months and we must all be cautious. We must be cautious and vigilant lest misunderstandings cause the kind of disasters we witnessed today.”
Pfeffer took a choreographed pause to look at each person in turn.
“There are too few of us and we are too far from home to allow tension to escalate. The potential for disaster is too high. We simply must find a way to work with each other. After all, there is only one small Atlas … If things go bad,” Pfeffer’s head swiveled back to look directly at Ray, “there is nowhere for any of us to hide.”
Ray couldn’t help her eyelid twitching. Pfeffer had dropped her smile and looked at her with the dead eyed stare of a great reptile. Ray lifted her hands to say something but Pfeffer suddenly stood, her magnanimous smile reappearing.
“I have spoken with the doctor and, considering the unfortunate events of today, she has consented for your mother to stay at home for now. Her case is under review, however, and the medical staff, pending the results of that review, may feel that it is more appropriate for her to return to the hospital.
If and when she regains consciousness your mother will have the right to dictate how her treatment progresses. Until then, the decision rests with the medical team.
Now, Ray. Your new technical team is due to leave on Thursday, correct? The work your team will do is time critical therefore I can only delay your departure by a few days. Report at 0700 Monday. Take the weekend to spend with your mother and I strongly suggest you speak with your…friends over the weekend, to decompress the tension lest we have further disasters. “
Ray could sense Nettle boiling next to her and felt her twitch; possibly the result of another well-timed kick from Sparks who was stony faced and nodding at Director Pfeffer.
Pfeffer looked at Jager and Aymes,
“Is there anything further that the UN would like to add?
Jager responded, “I suggest a marine presence within Atlas and a temporary ban on public meetings, I do not feel that a curfew is necessary at this stage.” He looked to Aymes and Pfeffer.
“Is that an order Sir?” Aymes queried
“It is Master Sergeant. Maintain a protective presence in the city. I’m sure you know what to do.”
Aymes nodded curtly, “Yes Sir.”
Pfeffer clasped her hands together to close the meeting, she was all smiles and kind eyes once again.
“Well that’s that then. Thank you for your time everybody, I do hope your Mother’s condition improves.”
She extended her hand indicating the door. Sparks moved first, the small gathering filing out after him. Jager, bringing up the rear, closed the door behind him. In the corridor, Jager’s ice blue eyes passed over the three Dianians as if they were invisible. As if lost in thought he gestured for Aymes to follow then appeared to change his mind. His predatory gaze shifted to Ray, considering her for a moment.
“Min-654… I suggest you keep your head down. The guard will show you out.” He twitched his head for Aymes to follow and strode away down the corridor.
Ray became aware that her shoulders were so tense that the muscles in her back were starting to ache. She forced herself to relax and shook her hands to get the blood circulating properly again. Nettle stared after Jager, gritting her teeth, lips peeled.
“I’d love to rip that cocksucker’s oily nut sack off.” She signed. Her hands making sharp hacking motions, emphasizing how she might accomplish the task.
Sparks grinned and put his hand affectionately on Nettle’s shoulder.
“I’m glad you’re on my team. Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that. Come on, let’s go check on Bones. And we need to talk. Ray - get Dane and Gift over.”
Ray nodded, and they followed the waiting CDSE guard towards the exit.
The five of them sat around Bones’ bed. In the last hour, she had begun to stir. Opening her eyes occasionally and moving her fingers. She had groaned a couple of times as if dreaming. Good signs, Ray thought.
Dane had made tea and handed cups around the small gathering. Sparks had filled Dane and Gift in on the situation with the memory implant. The mood was somber, everybody well aware of their relative powerlessness.
“The worst thing,” Gift was saying, “Is that we can’t even find out how to disable it. They have cut us off completely from Earth ComNet.”
“We could use my hidden one,” Sparks suggested. “But, as I said to Ray and Nettle, as soon as I use it they will most likely detect and locate it. We may need it for something more critical. At least we know that, for now, Mum is not in danger. As long as we keep her from trying to remember. Is there anybody who might know more about implants like this?”
Ray shook her head. “It’s not something we have ever done here. Even authorized implants.”
“Who did Stone’s speech implant?” Nettle asked the group.
“Not one of us. That’s for sure,” Ray replied. “I assume one of the CDSE surgeons.”
The group fell still for a while watching Bones sleep and sipping their tea.
Dane broke the stillness, “I wonder if Rose could find out. She’s sleeping with a guard at the moment. They must have access to ComPorts.” Dane’s eyes had gone dull as they always did when he talked about Rose.
“Would she help do you think?” Nettle asked Dane.
Dane shrugged. “Who knows? She doesn’t seem particularly interested in anybody but herself these days.”
“It would be risky to tell her everything,” Sparks offered, frowning, “We don’t really know where her allegiance lies. Could we get her to help without clueing her in?”
Ray thought for a minute, “We could probably pretend we were interested in speech implants like Stone’s, but I don’t know if that would help us. His implant is recording only. It records his thoughts and transmits them to the external speech synthesizer. Mum has both a recorder and a stimulator implant. The recorder detects when she is trying to recall the blocked memory and signals to the stimulator to cause the fear response. It’s the stimulator that’s the dangerous bit.”
“How are they powered?” Gift queried. “Turn the power off-disable the implant.”
“Most likely glucose bio-fuel-cells,” Ray explained. “They generate electricity from glucose in blood. You would have to physically get in there and remove them. We can’t do that without CT guidance and a surgical robot. We would kill her if we tried to do it here.”
“Electromagnetic pulse?” Gift offered.
“I thought of that,” Ray replied, “but the results would be unpredictable and risky. It could make the thing stimulate on max power forever and she would be dead in minutes. Besides, how would we generate an EMP big enough?”
Gift slumped back defeated. “Even if we find out what to do, we probably still need access to the Medbay and possibly an experienced surgeon.”
Ray nodded, “It seems to me that she must have had the implant put in during whatever happened all those years ago, when she was injured. That means there is some sort of facility out there in the Darklands. Perhaps we have to go out there. Failing that there will most likely be up to date medical facilities on whatever transports they are using to bring the new Life2 inhabitants. I’m sure they will not be risking their health by having bad medical facilities.”
“Speaking of transports, “Dane interjected, “I went out to the shuttle port to see the first wave of Life2s arrive. Apparently, they have arrived early. Two loads of twenty. They came in on the standard CDSE shuttles that they have been using for ages, but they had a couple of really flash new cars to take them out to their habitats around the lake. Paved roads too, for a nice smooth ride. Funny though. They were not like I expected.” Dane frowned remembering.
“How so?” Nettle asked.
“They were all young. I don’t really know what I was expecting. I guess a mixture. Some fat, some thin, some young, some older. You know…different.”
“They were all the same?” Nettle queried, clearly confused.
“No,” Dane qualified, “They were different from each other but… they were all young. Maybe early twenties. And they all looked really fit. Slim and fit and perfect. Like a red carpet from one of those movie awards on Earth. I guess I was expecting a bunch of old rich pricks with their trophy wives and old rich matrons with their pool boys or something.”
“Maybe they are only selling to young people, so they survive a bit longer?” Sparks suggested.
“Maybe.” Dane shrugged. “There was one other thing though … No face masks. When all the other humans arrive, they have face masks to protect them from local pathogens. Then they go straight to medical for a broad spectrum anti-everything right?”
Ray nodded.
“Just thought that was weird,” Dane concluded.
Ray considered that for a moment, “They probably just dose them on the transport before they come down. Those things work better if they have a few days before exposure in any case.”
“Oh, and one other thing,” Dane added. “The shuttles didn’t re-enter over the landing pad.”
This got everybody's attention.
“What do you mean?” Sparks asked looking intently at Dane.
“I mean they didn’t enter the atmosphere over the landing pad. There was no re-entry plume like there has been for the humans so far. They just cruised in from the East. From the direction of the Darklands. Everybody knows there are very few gaps on the nets on the light side, so I guess they are shuttling them down over the Darklands for some reason.”
Ray looked at Sparks. “The life2 transports are over the Darklands? Why? Why re-enter all the way over there?”
Sparks looked as surprised as everybody. He shrugged, “No idea. They must have cleared a hole in the nets though. Most of the Darklands is pretty packed and not as well managed as the light side. It never really mattered that much right?” Sparks referred to Nettle.
Nettle agreed, “True. Transports only ever came here, so as long as the re-entry corridor on this side was clear, then we were all good.”
Ray looked at Bones’ hand still nestled within hers. “We have to know everything about the new re-entry corridor if we are to shut down entry corridors. If there is some sort of CDSE facility in the Darklands there is no reason why they would not have a shuttle port. We need to get into Town Hall and access the current Netmaps. “
“Or else,” Ray offered suddenly thinking…she tapped her teeth wondering if her idea were possible. The group waited patiently for Ray to continue. Any idea at the moment was gold. “Perhaps if I can get to a remote comms station I will be able to download a Netmap remotely.”
Everybody looked at Ray in unison, the same thought occurring to them all simultaneously. She was going to be going out in a few days with her new CDSE crew. She would have access.
Nettle nodded slowly, “Can you find out?”
Ray looked up after a long pause, considering, “If I get enough time without someone breathing over my shoulder then, yes, I can find out. It could be tricky. I’m supposed to be teaching them about our comms towers, not doing work on my own and I have no idea how big a full map is or how long it would take to download. I will have to be sneaky. I’m unlikely to have a chance to have a good look at the map though. That’ll have to wait till I get back. We should be able to find a non-networked display somewhere.”
Sparks nodded, and Ray looked around the group of familiar faces.
“If we go into the Darklands at all I may get a chance to look around. See if I can find out where the Life2s are shuttling down, where this other facility might be. It could be Bones’ best chance of getting rid of that implant.”
“The Netmap has to take priority though,” Nettle added, “There will be time to fix Bones once we have control over who can land on Diana. Don’t go doing anything stupid and giving the game away. Sparks and I will look after Bones. Dane, you should talk to Rose. Don’t tell her anything but be friendly. We may need her help yet. Gift, get out around town and talk to people. We need to start deciding who will be on our side if trouble starts again. Begin with those that you remember from the front line at the Medbay earlier. Be careful what you tell them. Nothing about Ray or Bones and no meetings, just one-on-ones, spread the word. Also, we need to start thinking about what we can use as weapons. I’m not keen to go up against CDSE guns with my bare hands again.”
“It would be great if I could communicate with you while I’m away. Send the data through to you directly.” Ray signed to no one in particular.
“If we had a HERB walkie talkie we could,” Gift offered. “The marines have a few. They are paired devices, each has one half of a HERB. That way they can send data or voice over any distance completely safely. Completely undetectable. Not like the ComPorts and Com towers that transmit normal light data through the nets.”
“Would the marines give you one if you said it was to check on Bones?” Nettle asked Ray.
“Worth asking, I suppose,” Ray responded. “I’ll go to the Gym tonight and talk to Jonah. You should come too,” Ray suggested to Nettle.
“Cool,” Nettle responded. “I haven’t kicked your ass for a couple of days. Time to fix that.”
Ray smiled properly for the first time that day. Things were moving. She could help, and maybe.... they could actually get out of this horrible mess.
Ray and Nettle made the Gym around 20:00, far enough after dinner that the marines would be engaged in a good bout of rigorous exercise. Nettle looked around at the seething mass of testosterone with a few of the hardier women interspersed among them. Next to the marine men, Ray felt like a midget. The gym always smelled a bit funky, even in the early mornings when Ray and Nettle typically sparred. Now however the air was thick with the tang of large men sweating heavily. Ray was simultaneous repulsed and excited. It felt like they had entered a new forbidden world uninvited. More than a few eyes turned to stare at the pair making their way around the gym. Ray tried unsuccessfully to stop the blush spreading around her cheeks.
Nettle quirked an eyebrow at Ray’s blotchy cheeks and grinned.
“I hate it when they do that,” she signed.
“You must be allergic to beefcake, “Nettle replied still grinning.
“Let’s just get this over with.”
Ray spotted Jonah sparring on some mats over in the far corner. He was stripped to the waist and engaged with another male marine of similar height and build.
They were taking turns working on a particular throw. It was a takedown countering a right-handed haymaker punch towards the face. The defender would move forward towards the punch but slide right, allowing the punch to glide past his left ear. Then they’d use the momentum of the attack to execute a hip throw, the defender following the attacker onto the mat into a side cover position.
Ray watched several cycles, analyzing the move and storing it to try with Nettle later. Jonah moved with a grace and speed that she envied. His lack of body fat made the exercise akin to an anatomy lesson. She could see the various muscles in his chest, back, and arms bunching and stretching in concert. The sheen of sweat made him glisten like a living bronze statue; perfectly proportioned. Jonah noticed Ray looking on as he circled and smiled up at her. His combatant noticing the momentary lapse in concentration launched a jab at his face. Jonah’s reflexive flinch moved his face enough that the jab missed his nose but not enough to avoid it all together.
“Ow,” Jonah said, rubbing his cheek and holding up his hand in defeat. His combatant looked back over his shoulder at Ray and Nettle and then back at Jonah.
“Well I know how to beat you from now on,” he joked. “Distracted?”
“Shut up Barnes,” Jonah retorted, “there’s only one thing you know how to beat.”
Barnes grinned and the two exchanged a shoulder slap man hug signifying the end of the sparring session. Jonah walked over to Ray.
“Hi Ray,” he signed.
Ray smiled, pleasantly surprised. “Hi yourself,” she signed back.
“I’ve been practicing,” Jonah signed, hesitantly but correctly. “Since you started to teach me I thought I should continue. Prudence has been giving me lessons.”
“I’m very impressed,” Ray signed.
Jonah frowned at, “impressed,” so Ray changed it to “Pleased,” eliciting one of Jonah’s big honest smiles.
“Mind if I talk?” he asked. “That last punch shook my brain a little. I have good news.”
“You have news for me?” Ray asked
“Yup. I requested to be on your crew as security escort and interpreter. Most of the other crews are getting an interpreter but you will be the only crew with a combat ready one.”
“Oh good,” Ray signed attempting to look nonchalant. The ripple of blotchy redness that overtook her face and neck told a different story entirely however.
Jonah smiled, “Still does that huh? It’s a redhead thing. My cousin was the same.”
“I hate it,” Ray signed. “I can’t keep any secrets at all.”
“How’s Bones?” Jonah asked adroitly changing the subject.
“She’s getting better and actually that is one of the things I have come to talk to about. Is there any chance you could give one of your Walkie talkies to Sparks while I am away so that I can keep up on how Bones is doing?”
Jonah thought for a few seconds. “I’ll have to check it with Aymes, but I think there is a good chance she will say yes. She talks about you two you know. She’s impressed that you work out and impressed with what you have managed to teach yourselves in terms of fighting. I will probably have to hang on to your one however. I can’t imagine, with things being the way that they are, that CDSE will be happy for you to be carrying around a communicator that they cannot control. They can’t say anything to us though.”
“Thanks,” Ray signed beaming, “that would mean the world to me.”
“Don’t mention it … no promises but I will ask … what was the other thing?”
“The other thing?”
“You said that was one of the things you wanted to ask me about.”
“Oh right … how do you fancy teaching two Dianian girls how to fight?”
Jonah grinned again. “I’d love to he said, Aymes doesn’t seem so hard assed about us talking to you guys since the Medbay. Seems to have changed her mind about something. She’s letting me go with your crew for instance. He looked around at the sweating profusion of muscle circling and attempting to beat the hell out of each other. “You want to start now?” he asked looking expectant.
“Oh God no,” Nettle signed finally injecting herself into the conversation. “The stink in here makes me want to puke. We work out early.”
“I usually run early, “Jonah mused, thinking and rubbing sweat off his forehead. He looked at the slick of sweat on his hands and made a decision. “Do you guys fancy a drink? I was nearly finished anyway. I could seriously use a cold beer.”
Ray and Nettle looked at each other. “In a bar?” Ray asked.
“Yes, in a bar, where else? This is the first time you have said more than two words to me in five years and I want to make the most of it. And why go out with one woman when there are two available.”
Ray started to hedge, “I really should…,”
“Sure,” interjected Nettle, “why not.” Nettle offered her arm to Ray. “We’ll wait for you outside. Have a long shower please. Use soap.”
Jonah laughed reminding Ray how much she had enjoyed his easy company and how badly she had missed him in those first few months after he had dropped out of circulation.
Ray guided Nettle outside and they waited in the evening sun, enjoying the warmth.
“Why did you say yes?” Ray asked. “We really should be getting back to Bones.”
“For you, dumb ass. You’ve been mooning after stretch back there for half a decade, and now he’s asking you out for a drink. When someone you’ve been sweet on for five years asks you out for a drink, you say yes you fucking moron.”
“He asked both of us”, Ray answered petulantly “and I haven’t been mooning or sweet on him.”
Nettle rolled her eyes dramatically, “You hide it well but you’ve been mooning I’m afraid. I’m picking he would have rather not have a chaperone by the way. And that is why I will not be going with you.”
Ray grabbed Nettle’s arm, “No you have to come. Don’t leave me alone with him.”
“Grow a spine sunshine. You’re going to be almost alone with him for a couple of weeks soon anyway. You might as well start now. Just remember not to put your elbows on the table and wear protection you crazy kids. You know sailors, a girl in every port and all that.”
Ray punched Nettle hard in the arm making her grimace. “Now I’m definitely not coming,” Nettle teased, “It turns out you’re mean, and I hate you.” Nettle pretended to toss her nonexistent long hair and feigned dignified disapproval.
Jonah appeared in remarkably quick time. Hair still dripping slightly from the shower. “Let’s go to The Mug,” he said, “doesn’t your friend Rose work there? She might be on tonight.”
“I’m sorry Jonah,” Nettle signed with a deadpan face,” You guys will have to go without me. I just remembered I have to shave my pubic hair.”
To Ray’s relief Jonah looked confused. “She can’t come.” Ray filled in.
“I can cum,” Nettle added, “I might do that while I’m seeing to the pubic hair situation.”
“Shut the fuck up,” Ray signed, wide eyed.
Nettle swung an imaginary handbag over her shoulder and stalked away, hips swinging dramatically.
“Sorry,” Ray signed turning back to Jonah. “She’s completely crazy.”
“I remember,” Jonah signed this time. “I still see her around plenty. She’s hard to forget.”
“You can talk if you want,” Ray suggested. “I don’t mind.”
“This is good thanks, I need the practice. It might come in handy over next few weeks if you are going to be having secret conversations using my communications gear.” He needed help with the word secret which Ray provided.
“Gee you’ve gotten good,” Ray complimented. “You must be a quick study.”
“One of the many reasons why I was chosen for this illustrious mission. Best of the best of the best sir,” he said, saluting Ray.
“One drink,” Ray signed.
Jonah spun and offered his arm. Despite who he was, a human man reaching in her direction still made the hair on the back of her neck stand up. Ray forced her body to behave, this was Jonah after all. She had never had the feeling that he was any kind of danger to her.
” Hold those horses cowboy. Drink first,” Ray signed, slightly impressed that she had the presence of mind to think and joke while her heart was thumping like it was. She still felt nervous as all hell and her instincts were telling her to run, but she was handling it. Ray smiled to herself, quietly pleased. I’m a grown woman going for a drink with a human man. Nothing wrong with that. She turned and walked beside Jonah down the street. “Nothing wrong with that at all,” she thought.