Abaddon, 150
Abraham, 120
Adam, 188
Addison, Joseph (1672–1719): Cato (1713), 97
Adikia (injustice), 183
Adonis, 119, 121, 129, 130, 131, 170, 171, 185, 330
Aeschylus (ca. 525–ca. 456 B.C.), 331
Aesop (6th c. B.C.), 358
Agrippa, Cornelius (1486–1535): Vanity of the Arts and Sciences (1530), 392
Akenside, Mark (1721–70): The Pleasures of the Imagination (1744), 399
Alaric II (A.D. 450–507), 180
Albertus Magnus (ca. 1193–1280), 240
Albigensians, 249
Alexander, Samuel (1859–1938), 347
Alexander of Hales (d. 1245), 240, 242
Alexander the Great (356–323 B.C.), 171, 185, 194, 215
Alexandria, 142, 143, 166, 197
Allegory: as a phase of the prose anatomy, 391
its relation to symbolism, 310
Ambrose, St. (ca. 339–397), 237, 340
American Revolution, 25, 274, 411
Ananke (necessity), 183
Anatomy, as a form of prose fiction, 390–7
Anaximander (ca. 611–546 B.C.), 183
Andrew III (d. 1301), 251n. 67
Angus, Samuel (1881–1943): The Mystery-Religions and Christianity (1925), 189
The Religious Quests of the Graeco-Roman World (1929), 189
Animals: sacred, 130
sacrifice of, 132
Anselm (ca. 1034–1109), 246
Antinomianism, 275
Antiochus IV (Epiphanes) (d. 163 B.C.), 171
Apollo, 49, 171, 172, 173, 175, 183
Apollyon, 150
Appearance and reality, opposition of, 148
Aquinas, St. Thomas (1225–74), 210, 224, 226, 228, 240, 242, 259, 261, 295, 367, 402, 406, 407, 408, 411, 414, 437, 439, 467
Summa Theologica (1266–73), 403
Ares, 169
Aretino, Pietro (1492–1557), 211
Ariosto, Ludovico (1474–1533), 223
Aristophanes (ca. 448–ca. 388 B.C.), 186
The Clouds (423 B.C.), 181
Aristotle (384–322 B.C.), 141, 185, 196, 215, 227, 240, 284, 333
Arminianism, 276
Arnold, Matthew (1822–88), 7, 95, 104, 282, 283–4, 299, 361, 420, 441
Culture and Anarchy (1869), 282–3
God and the Bible (1875), 303
Literature and Dogma (1873), 303
Art: Arminian approach to, 325
as core of religious feeling, 311
critical and creative forms of, 19–20
and epistemology, 305–6
explicit and implicit religion in, 322–5
and morality, 315–19
and objectivity, 318
and propaganda, 317–18
and reason, 319–21
its relation to metaphysics, 320
its relation to religion, 305–11, 313–42
its relation to science, 321
symbolism of, 325–7
Ashley, William James (1860–1927): The Economic Organization of England (1928), 256
Asmodeus, 150
Attis, 119, 129, 135, 170, 171, 185, 330
Auden, W.H. (1907–73), 368, 418
The Dance of Death (1933), 427
Augustine, St. (A.D. 354–430), xxii, xxiii, 139, 191–216, 237, 295, 409, 414
NF’s analysis of The City of God, 200–8
opposing views of his philosophy of history, 191–2
as representative of his age, 193
The City of God (A.D. 412–27), 169, 403
Austen, Jane (1775–1817), 74, 75, 386, 387, 393, 396, 398
Pride and Prejudice (1813), 399
Baal: as a god of fertility, 120
cult of, 121
mocking of the priests of, 116
Babel, Tower of, 207
Babylon, 152
Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685–1750), 54, 55, 56, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 95, 96, 97, 267, 338, 339, 341–2
B Minor Mass (1747–48), 124, 342
St. Matthew Passion (1729), 57, 124, 342, 388, 467
The Well-Tempered Clavi-chord (1722), 62
Bacon, Francis (1561–1626), 17, 259, 296, 390, 408–9
Bacon, Roger (ca. 1214–94), 240, 242, 243, 259
Balder, 130
Ball, John (d. 1381), 435
Ballet, 342
Balzac, Honoré de (1799–1850), 75, 394
Bartholomew de Glanville (13th c.), 243
Baudelaire, Charles (1821–67), 28, 78, 82, 277, 350, 428
Beardsley, Aubrey (1872–98), 278, 283
Beauty, as part of the triad of the “good,” 19, 123, 299, 308, 314–15
Beethoven, Ludwig van (1770–1827), 55, 56, 61, 65, 70, 338, 395, 440
Diabelli Waltz Variations (op. 120), 61
Eroica (Symphony no. 3) (1803–4), 59
Sonata in B-flat (Hammerclavier Sonata) (1817–18), 62
Peasant’s Cantata (1742), 375
Symphony No. 9 (op. 125, Choral Symphony) (1824), 62
Bel and the Dragon, 145
Bellamy, Edward (1850–98), 397
Belloc, Hilaire (1879–1953), 268
Benson, Arthur C.: Walter Pater (1906), 284n. 23, 304
Bentham, Jeremy (1748–1832), 87, 286
Bergson, Henri (1859–1941), xix, 28, 294, 347, 348, 354, 366, 368, 412, 413
and romanticism, 51–2
Berkeley, George (1685–1753), 78
Siris (1744), 390
Berlioz, Hector (1803–69), 26, 56, 58, 59, 60, 63
Le Damnation de Faust (1846), 59
Traité d’Instrumentation (1844), 59n. 59
Bible: as an anatomy, 391
attitude toward during the Reformation, 266–7
folklore in, 145
importance for Protestantism, 408. See also individual books
Blackwood’s Magazine, 7
Blake, William (1757–1827), xviii, xx, 4, 8, 44, 50, 67, 71, 78, 87, 88, 93, 107, 285, 300, 322, 361, 363, 431, 434
All Religions Are One (1788), 285n. 29
Auguries of Innocence (1803), 107
The Book of Thel (1789), 4
A Descriptive Catalogue (1809), 43m. 1
Island in the Moon (1784), 398
The Marriage of Heaven and Hell (1790–93), 71
Songs of Innocence (1789), 4
Blunden, Edmund (1896–1974), xxvi, 383, 417
Boase, T.S.R. (1898–1974): Boniface VIII, 1294–1303 (1933), 256
Boccaccio, Giovanni (1313–75), 392, 437, 462, 463, 464
Bodkin, Maud (1875–1967), 136
Archetypal Patterns in Poetry (1934), 137, 343
Boethius (ca. A.D. 480–524), 453, 457
Boileau, Nicolas (1636–1711), 439
Bonaventura (1221–74), 242
Boniface VIII, Pope (ca. 1235–1303), 237, 244
Borgia, Cesare (1476–1507), 268
Borrow, George (1803–81), 73, 95
The Bible in Spain (1843), 394
Lavengro (1851), 393
The Romany Rye (1857), 393
Wild Wales (1862), 394
Bradley, F.H. (1846–1924), 420
Appearance and Reality (1897), 279–80, 303
Brahmanism, 176
Brahms, Johannes (1833–97), 65, 105
Brett, George S. (1879–1944), xviii, xix, 11
Breughel, Pieter (ca. 1520–69), 375
Briffault, Robert (1876–1948): Europa, The Days of Ignorance (1935), 397, 400
Brome, Richard (d. ca. 1652), xxvi, 396
Browne, Sir Thomas (1605–82), 389
Religio Medici (1642), 391, 393, 394, 399
Browning, Robert (1812–89), xviii, xxi, 8, 58, 68, 69, 70, 78, 88, 288–9, 386, 427
on beauty and truth, 88
as dramatist, 105–6
Elizabethan character of, 95
estimate of his greatness, 108
Germanic diction of, 102–3
grotesquerie in, 101–2
musical qualities of, 96–105
obscurity of, 99–100
as a playwright, 95
Abt Vogler (1864), 98
Andrea del Sarto (1855), 103
Another Way of Love (1855), 100
Asolando (1889), 104
Balaustion’s Adventures (1871), 104
Bishop Blougram’s Apology (1855), 102
The Bishop Orders His Tomb at St. Praxed’s Church (1845), 99, 103
Caliban upon Setebos (1864), 98
Cavalier Tunes (1842), 98
Cleon (1855), 99
Confessions (1864), 103
Death in the Desert (1864), 92n. 24
An Epistle Containing the Strange Medical Experience of Karshish, the Arab Physician (1855), 92
“Essay on Shelley” (1852), 106
The Flight of the Duchess (1845), 98–9
The Glove (1845), 99
A Grammarian’s Funeral (1855), 99, 289, 302
Heretic’s Tragedy (1855), 101
How They Brought the Good News from Ghent to Aix (1845), 98
Ixion (1883), 98
Jochanan Hakkadosh (1883), 102
Johannes Agricola in Meditation (1836), 91
The Last Ride Together (1855), 98
Life in a Love (1855), 101
Love Among the Ruins (1855), 99
Master Hugues of Saxe-Gotha (1855), 97
Mr. Sludge, “The Medium” (1864), 71–2, 92, 102, 292
My Last Duchess (1845), 99
My Star (1855), 98
Numpholeptos (1876), 105
Of Pacchiarotto, and How He Worked in Distemper (1876), 99
Paracelsus (1835), 102
Parleying with Charles Avison (1887), 97
Pauline (1833), 102
The Pied Piper of Hamelin (1842), 100
Pippa Passes (1841), 88–90, 102
Porphyria’s Lover (1836), 90
Prince Hohenstiel-Schwangau, Saviour of Society (1871), 102
Rabbi Ben Ezra (1864), 91, 289
The Ring and the Book (1868–9), 80, 97–8, 102, 103, 104, 106, 384, 386
Saul (1845), 292
Sordello (1840), 105
A Soul’s Tragedy (1846), 102
The Statue and the Bust (1855), 91, 102
Through the Metidja (1863), 98
Time’s Revenges (1845), 93
Waring (1849), 98
Bruno, Giordano (1548–1600), 229, 230, 270
Buckle, Henry Thomas (1821–62), 16, 52
Buddha, 91
Bunyan, John (1628–88), xviii, 74, 93, 316, 329, 385
Grace Abounding (1666), 393
The Pilgrim’s Progress (1678–84), 232, 273n. 1, 393
Burke, Edmund (1729–97), 4, 276
Burns, Robert (1759–96), 31, 97, 102
Address to the Deil (1785), 445
Jolly Beggars (1785), 97
Tarn o’ Shanter (1792), 97
Burton, Robert (1577–1640), 389, 392, 394, 395
Anatomy of Melancholy (1621), 384, 392, 394, 400
Butler, Samuel (1612–80), 361
Butler, Samuel (1835–1902), 361, 398
Erewhon Revisited (1901), 397
God the Known and Unknown (1900), 294–5
Life and Habit (1877), 303
Luck or Cunning? (1886), 303
Byrd, William (1543–1623), 62, 96
Byron, George Gordon Lord (1788–1824), 7, 8, 31, 67, 79, 83, 87, 276
Caiaphas, 142
Calverton, V.F. (1900–40): The Making of Man (1931), 137, 154
Calvin, John (1509–64), xxiii, xxix, 15, 209, 269, 270, 281, 401–16, 467
caricatures of, 402
his doctrine of election, 409
doctrine of God’s sovereignty, 409–10, 413
features of his Institutes, 403
nonphilosophical character of, 402–3
as representative thinker of his age, 404, 409, 410
his value, 411
his view of Scripture, 409
Calvinism, 268, 269, 276, 283, 325, 402, 411, 414, 416
Campanella, Tommaso (1568–1639), 223
City of the Sun (1623), 391
Canaanite religion, 118–19, 130–1, 132, 332
Carlyle, A.J. (1861–1943), and R.W. Carlyle (1859–1934), 209
A History of Mediaeval Political Theory in the West (1903–36), 216
Carlyle, Thomas (1795–1881), 26, 50, 87, 91, 93–4, 103, 276, 288, 299, 318, 357, 361, 376
The French Revolution (1837), 94
On Heroes and Hero Worship (1841), 303
Sartor Resartus (1833–34), 94, 286, 303, 393, 399
“Signs of the Times” (1880), 274–5, 303
Carpenter, Edward (1844–1929), 132
Castiglione, Baldassare (1478–1529), 392
Cathari, the, 249
Cathedral, Gothic, 20
Catholicism, Roman, 404
attitude toward Reformation, 410
Cavour, Count Camillo Benso di (1810–61), 30
Century Magazine, 7
Cervantes, Miguel de (1547–1616), 15, 405
Don Quixote (1605–15), 74, 391
Cézanne, Paul (1839–1906), 321, 440
Chaldeans, 145
Chaplin, Charlie (1889–1977), 367, 368, 427
Charles, R.H. (1855–1931): Religious Development between the Old and New Testaments (1914), 154
Chatterton, Thomas (1752–70), 6n. 9
Chaucer, Geoffrey (ca. 1345–1400), xv, xxiii, xxvii–xxviii, 93, 102, 107
Boethius’ influence on, 453, 457
concept of sacrifice in, 462–5
estimate of, 440
translations by, 435–7
unity of his culture, 435
An ABC (1360s), 436–7
Anelida and Arcite (1370s), 446
The Book of the Duchess (1369–70), 438, 440–2
The Canterbury Tales (1387–1400), 106
The Complaint of Mars (ca. 1385), 438
The House of Fame (1370s), 438, 442–4
The Legend of Good Women (1380s), 438, 446–9, 455
The Monks Tale, 450
The Parliament of Fowls (ca. 1380), 438, 439, 444–6
The Squire’s Tale, 443
Troilus and Criseyde (1380s), 431, 432, 434–5, 439, 449–67
Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, 4th Earl of (1694–1773), 276
Chesterton, G.K. (1874–1936), 8, 102, 105, 134, 140, 268
The Everlasting Man (1925), 137
The Victorian Age in Literature (1913), 304
Chopin, Frédéric (1810–49), 31, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 63, 65
Prelude in C# Minor (op. 45) (1834), 60
Second Ballade (op. 38), 63n. 69
Messianic claims of, 155. See also Jesus
Christianity: antitheses of, 411
apostolic, 148
and classical culture, 180
and drama, 334–7
growth of, 153, 156–7, 158, 160
and music, 339–40
and philosophy of history, 199
as a proletariat religion, 414
relationship to Orphism, 186–9
religious synthesis of, 195
Ruskin’s view of, 282
Chronos (Cronus), 182
Church, Catholic, 173
as City of God, 204
function of, 416
Cimabué, Giovanni (ca. 1240–ca. 1302), xxiv, 250, 283
Cities, growth of, 14, 17, 274
Civilization: classical, 24
medieval, 13
Spengler’s view of, 214
Clement, Pope (1st century), epistles of, 158
Clement of Alexandria (ca. A.D. 150–ca. 215), 188
Clopinel, Jean. See Jean de Meung
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor (1772–1834), 4, 7, 26, 50, 58, 67, 68, 72, 87, 95, 102, 276
Biographia Literaria (1817), 393
Kubla Khan (1816), 68
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner (1798), 68, 72, 91
Collier, Jeremy (1650–1726): Short View of the Immorality and Profaneness of the English Stage (1698), 385
Columbus, Christopher (1451–1506), 265, 379
Comedy: Aristotle’s definition of, 387
of manners, 387
origin of, 333–4
Communion (Eucharist), 175–6
Comte, Auguste (1798–1857), 22, 42, 81, 201, 288
on the stages of history, 140
Congreve, William (1670–1729), 385
The Way of the World (1700), 395
Conrad, Joseph (1857–1924), 389
Heart of Darkness (1902), 388, 399
Lord Jim (1900), 399
Copernicus, Nicolas (1473–1543), 265, 406
Cornford, Francis M. (1874–1943): Origins of Attic Comedy (1914), 137, 343
Correggio, Antonio (ca. 1494–1534), 4
Cosmogony, 182–3
Coulton, G.G. (1858–1947): Five Centuries of Religion (1929), 255
A Medieval Garner (1910), 255
Council of Trent, 268
Couperin, François (1668–1733), 54
Cousland, Kenneth H., 191, 235, 257, 265, 273, 313
Coverley, Sir Roger de, 385
Cowley, Abraham (1618–67), xv
Davideis (1656), 97
Cowper, William (1731–1800), 107
Cowton, Robert (fl. 14th c), xxiv–xxv, 235
Crabbe, George (1754–1832), 93
Crashaw, Richard (1612–49), xv, 300
Creation, as opposed to criticism, 21
Cult of sensibility. See Sensibility, cult of
Culture: classical, 142
organic development of, 16, 17, 141–2, 147, 214, 405
Culture-towns, 14, 83–6, 141, 261–2, 407, 411
Cusanus. See Nicholas of Cusa
Cyrus the Great (d. 529 B.C.), 144, 180
Dali, Salvador (1904–89), 433
Danaides, 179
Dance: medieval, 171
relation to sacrifice, 123
as ritual, 135
Daniel, Book of, 232
Daniells, Roy (1902–79), 418n. 6
Dante Alighieri (1265–1321), xxiv, 141, 181, 224, 254, 310, 367, 425, 437, 439, 440, 444, 451, 466
De Monarchia (ca. 1313), 299
The Divine Comedy (1310–14), 384
Darius I (548–486 B.C.), Behistun inscription of, 144, 180
Darwin, Charles (1809–82), 28, 106, 288, 348, 412
The Origin of Species (1859), 140
Davidson, John (1857–1910), 279
Ballad of a Nun (1894), 283
The Testament of a Man Forbid (1901), 278
Debussy, Claude (1862–1918), 63, 68
Defoe, Daniel (1660–1731), 385, 393
Deguilleville, Guillaume (1295–after 1380), 436–7
Deism, 412
Deissmann, Adolf (1866–1937): St. Paul (1912), 189
Delacroix, Ferdinand Victor Eugène (1798–1863), 59
De la Mare, Walter (1873–1956), 418
The Eighteen-Eighties (1930), 304
Deloney, Thomas (ca. 1550–1600), 389
Delphi, 173
Demeter, 119
De Molay, Jacques (ca. 1243–1314), 243
De Quincey, Thomas (1785–1859), 26, 67, 78
Descartes, René (1596–1650), 17, 182, 209, 229, 363, 409
Deschamps, Eustache (ca. 1346–ca. 1406), 437
Diaghilev, Sergei Pavlovich (1872–1929), 364
Dickens, Charles (1812–70), xviii, 6, 59, 75, 87, 388, 394
Our Mutual Friend (1864–65), 298
The Pickwick Papers (1836–37), 357
A Tale of Two Cities (1859), 388
Didache, 158
Dike (justice), 183
Dionysus, 49, 119, 129, 130, 135, 330
and the development of drama, 331
and Orphism, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 177, 178, 182, 185
Disney, Walt (1901–66), 427
Disraeli, Benjamin (1804–81), 276, 393
Dodd, C.H. (1884–1973): The Bible and the Greeks (1935), 189
Dominic, St. (ca. 1170–1221), 147, 239
Donne, John (1572–1631), xviii, 5, 97, 100, 104, 324, 428, 459
Go and Catch a Falling Star (1633), 323
Holy Sonnets (no. 4) (1633), 324
Doolittle, Hilda (H.D.) (1886–1961), 420
Doré, Gustave (1832–83), 26
Dostoevsky, Fyodor (1821–81), 394, 428
The Brothers Karamazov (1879–80), 400
Doughty, Charles (1843–1926): Travels in the Arabia Déserta (1888), 384, 397–8, 400
Drama, 79–80
and Christianity, 334–7
and the Church, 136–7
Greek, 335
medieval, 336
relation to religion, 328–9
relation to ritual, 124
Dream, as symbol of unconscious, 173
Driver, S.R. (1846–1914): Introduction to the Literature of the Old Testament (1913), 138
Dry den, John (1631–1700), 4, 69, 93, 98, 387
Religio Laid (1682), 399
Dubois, Pierre (fl. 1300), 244, 245
Duccio di Buoninsegna (ca. 1260–ca. 1319), 250, 440
Dumas, Alexandre (1802–70), 8, 95
Dunning, William Archibald (1857–1922): A History of Political Theories (1902), 216
Duns Scotus, John (ca. 1265–1308), xxiv, 224, 226, 227, 237, 240, 244, 407–8, 433, 439
Dürer, Albrecht (1471–1528), 102
DvoWák, Antonin (1841–1904), 97
Earle, John (ca. 1601–65), xxvi, 389
Microcosmography (1628), 390, 391
Earth mother, 175
Eastman, Max (1883–1969): Artists in Uniform (1934), 317n. 6
Ecclesiastes, Book of, 143
Echegaray y Eizaguirre, José (1833–1916), 8
Eckhart, Johannes (ca. 1260–1327), 246
Eddington, Arthur Stanley (1882–1944), 306
Edgar, Pelham, xviii, xxi, 3, 85
Edward I (1239–1307), 237, 239
Edward III (1312–77), 432
Edward VI (1537–53), 266
Einstein, Albert (1879–1955), 51, 347, 368
Eleusinian rites, 134, 180, 181, 337
Eliot, George (1819–80), 75, 394
Eliot, T.S. (1888–1965), xix, xxiii, xxviii, 78, 100, 346, 348, 352, 375, 377, 394, 417–29
antiromantic position of, 424–5
development of his poetry, 419
fertility themes in, 422
French influence on, 421
New England background of, 419–20
philosophic influences on, 420
his technique contrasted with Joyce’s, 424
his vision of the contemporary world, 422–3
After Strange Gods (1936), 428
Ash-Wednesday (1930), 425, 426
Aunt Helen (1917), 421
Gerontion (1919), 421–2
The Hollow Men (1925), 419, 425, 429
The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock (1917), 421–2
Mélange Adultère de Tout (1920), 422
Morning at the Window (1917), 421
Mr. Eliot’s Sunday Morning Service (1920), 422
Murder in the Cathedral (1935), 419, 426–7, 428
Prufrock and Other Observations (1917), 420
Rhapsody on a Windy Night (1917), 421
The Rock (1934), 419, 426, 428
Sweeney Agonistes (1932), 426, 427
Sweeney among the Nightingales (1920), 421
Thoughts After Lambeth (1931), 428
Triumphal March (1931), 427
The Waste Land (1922), 100, 419, 423–5, 436
Elizabeth I (1533–1603), 266
Empedocles (fl. ca. 450 B.C.), 183, 184, 320
Enoch, Ethiopic Book of, 145, 146, 150
Epistemology, 152–3
Epstein, Jacob (1880–1959), 349
Erasmus, Desiderius (ca. 1466–1536), 265, 266, 269
Encomium Moriae (In Praise of Folly) (1511), 392
Erastianism, 268, 406, 409, 414
Erdmann, Johann (1805–92): A History of Philosophy (1892), 256
Erebus, 182
Esther, Book of, 133
Ethical dualism, 150
Eucharist, 113, 146. See also Communion
Eulenspiegel, Till (14th c.), 247
Euripides (ca. 480–406 B.C.), 24
Bacchae (ca. 406 B.C.), 173
Cyclops, 174
Evans, Joan (b. 1893): Life in Medieval France (1925), 256
Exodus, Book of, 120, 132, 145
Expatriation, 79
Expressionism, 346
Ezekiel, Book of, 120, 133, 330
Fairweather, William: The Background of the Gospels (1908), 154
Jesus and the Greeks (1924), 154
Farnell, L.R. (1856–1934): “Greek Religion,” 190
Fascism, 142
Faulkner, William (1897–1962), 348
Feasts: of ingathering, 122
of unleavened bread, 122
Fechner, Gustav Theodor (1801–87), 16
Fertility cults, 119, 120–1, 130, 169–70
influence on Hebrews, 127
opposition to byYahwists, 131–2
relation to ritual, 130
Festivals: fertility, 131
harvest and vintage, 122
Feudalism, 432
Fichte, Johann Gottlieb (1762–1814), 27, 28, 31, 38, 40, 47, 83, 201
and romanticism, 38–9
Fiction, prose, 383–400
confusion about the genre, 384
medieval forms of, 392
satire as a form of, 389, 398–9
Fielding, Henry (1707–54), 74, 385, 387, 393
The Life of Jonathan Wild the Great (1743), 74, 391
Figgis, John Neville (1866–1919): The Political Aspects ofS. Augustine’s “City of God,” 216
Flaubert, Gustave (1821–80), 75, 367
Madame Bovary (1857), 387
Fletcher, Phineas (1582–1660): The Purple Island, or The Isle of Man (1633), 399
Hying Dutchman, 72
Foster, Stephen Collins (1826–64), 10
France, Anatole (1844–1924), 104
Francis of Assisi, St. (1181–1226), 147, 224, 237, 239, 242, 250
Franck, César (1822–90), 63, 65, 342, 428
Symphony in D Minor (1886–88), 65
Frazer, Sir James (1854–1915), xxv, 137, 292, 327, 334
his influence on Frye, xviii
Folklore in the Old Testament (1923), 137, 154
The Golden Bough (1907–15), xviii, 111, 137, 140, 154, 189, 288, 343, 398, 400
Frederick II, the Great (1712–86), 367
French Revolution, 4, 25, 80, 274, 315, 345, 411
Freud, Sigmund (1856–1939), 51, 306, 349
Friedell, Egon (1878–1938), 29n. 23
Fries, Jakob Friedrich (1773–1843), 212
Froissart, Jean (ca. 1377–1410), 259
Frost, Robert (1874–1963), 420
Froude, James Anthony (1818–94), 258n. 5
Frye, Northrop (1912–1991): his Emmanuel College essays, xxii–xxvii
influence of Frazer on, xviii
influence of Spengler on, xvii–xviii
his Merton College essays, xv–xvi, xxvii–xxviii
space-time opposition in, xx
his Victoria College essays, xvi–xx
on writing, xvi
Anatomy of Criticism (1957), xix, xx, xxv–xxvi, xxvii
“Ballet Russe,” 342n. 47
The Double Vision (1991), xxvii
Fearful Symmetry (1947), xix
The Great Code (1982), xxiv
“Jooss Ballet,” 342n. 47
“Music in Poetry,” xxi
A Natural Perspective (1965), xxvi
“A Short History of the Devil,” xv
Words with Power (1990), xxiv
Fugue, 20
Fuller, Thomas (1608–61), xxvi, 389
Galsworthy, John (1867–1933), 357, 389
The Forsyte Saga (1922), 357, 397
Galuppi, Baldassaro (1706–85), 97
Garbo, Greta (1905–90), 79n. 89
Gauguin, Paul (1848–1903), 348, 379
Ge (Gaea), 182
Genesis, Book of, 120, 132, 145, 294, 332
Gibbon, Edward (1737–94), 78, 276
The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (1776–78), 384, 390
Gierke, Otto Friedrich von (1841–1921): Political Theories of the Middle Age (1900), 216
Gilbert, G.H. (1854–1930): Greek Thought in the New Testament (1928), 167, 189
Gilbert, Stuart: James Joyce’s “Ulysses” (1930), 322n. 14
Gilbert, Sir William S. (1836–1911), 8, 284
Gilbert and Sullivan operas, 31
Patience (1881), 284
Gilgamesh, 145
Giotto (di Bondone) (ca. 1266–1337), 20, 250, 283, 440
Giovannitti, Arturo (1884–1959): The Walker (1914), 8
Glover, T.R.: The Conflict of Religions in the Early Roman Empire (1909), 189
God: dying and reviving, 176
as transcendental force, 149
sacrifice of, 125
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (1749–1832), 25, 29, 31, 50, 71, 215, 427
Faust (1808–32), 88
Goldsmith, Oliver (1728–74), 67
Gothic culture, 432
Gounod, Charles François (1818–93): Ave Maria (1853), 60
Gower, John (ca. 1325–1408), 449
Goya, Francisco (1746–1828), 375
Graduate English Club (Toronto), xv, 431
Gray, S. Buchanan (1865–1922): Sacrifice in the Old Testament (1925), 154
Gray, Thomas (1717–71), 6, 8, 107
Greek culture, Apollonian and Dionysian tendencies in, 168, 175
Greek religion, 134, 168–9, 173, 178
Green, Thomas Hill (1836–82): Prolegomena to Ethics (1883), 290, 303
Gregorovius, Ferdinand (1821–91): History of the City of Rome in the Middle Ages (1894), 255
Gregory I, the Great (ca. 540–604), 237, 340
Grétry, André Ernest Modeste (1741–1813), 60
Greville, Fulke (1544–1628), xv
Grieg, Edvard (1843–1907), 78
Grillparzer, Franz (1791–1872), 79
Gutenberg, Johannes (1400–68), 265
Guthrie, W.K.C. (1906–), 183
Orpheus and Greek Religion (1935), 190
Guyon, Jeanne Marie de la Mothe (1648–1717), 231
Hadrian (A.D. 76–138), 194
Hamann, Johann Georg (1730–88), 50
Hamsun, Knut (1859–1952), 79n. 89
Handel, George Frederic (1685–1759), 54, 55, 95, 97
Hardy, Thomas (1840–1928), 5, 67, 94, 461
The Dynasts (1903–8), 280–1, 413
Tess of the d’Urbervilles (1891), 293–4, 389, 399
Harris, Frank (1856–1931), 20n. 16
Harrison, Jane Ellen (1850–1928): Ancient Art and Ritual (1913), 343
Prolegomena to the Study of Greek Religion (1903), 190
Hawthorne, Nathaniel (1804–64): The Scarlet Letter (1850), 386
Haydn, Franz Joseph (1732–1809), 55, 56, 325
Hearnshaw, F.J.C. (1869–1946): The Social and Political Ideas of Some Great Medieval Thinkers (1923), 216
Hebrews, Epistle to the, 153
Hegel, G.W.F. (1770–1831), xxiv, 24, 27, 28, 30, 41, 47, 52, 81, 201
his philosophy of history, 211–12
Lectures on the Philosophy of History (1837), 216
Philosophy of Rights (1821), 212
Heine, Heinrich (1797–1856), 25, 27, 48, 83
Hemans, Felicia Dorothea (1793–1835), 92
Hemingway, Ernest (1899–1961), 77, 348
Henry VIII (1491–1547), 268, 405
Henry, O. (1862–1910), 388
Henry, Patrick (1736–99), 10
Henryson, Robert (1430–1506), 459, 462
Heraclitus (fl. 500 B.C.), 184, 195
Herbert, George (1593–1633), xv, 428
Hermes, 168
Herodotus (ca. 485–425 B.C.), 153, 194
Herrick, Robert (1591–1674), xv
Hesiod (8th c. B.C.): Theogony, 182
Hinduism, 185
Historical periods, NF’s colour scheme for, 32–3
History: absence of causal connections in, 274
evolutionary progression of, 147, 152
as opposed to science, 307
History, philosophy of, xxii, 17, 22, 27, 141–2, 295–6, 403–4
absence of, in classical period, 153
Calvin’s, 403–8
Catholic, 406
Frazer’s, 140
Greek view of, 194–5
human and divine progressions in, 151
Roman view of, 195–6
as ultimate theoretical human activity, 152, 153
Hitler, Adolf (1889–1945), 347, 433
Hobbes, Thomas (1588–1679), 6, 17, 43, 195
Hogarth, William (1697–1764), 361–2
Holy Grail cycle, 145–6
Holy Spirit, 112, 135, 296, 415, 416
Epistle of James, 161
Homer, 5, 9, 57, 145, 171, 180, 194, 330–1, 439
The Odyssey, 141, 181, 333, 384
Hood, Thomas (1799–1845), 8, 99
Bridge of Sighs (1843), 70, 99
Hopkins, Gerard Manley (1844–89), 300, 427
Inversnaid (1881), 301
St. Alphonsus Rodriguez (1888), 302
The Windhover (1877), 302–3
The Wreck of the Deutschland (1876), 302
Horace (65–8 B.C.), 440
Hort, F.J.A. (1828–1892), 158
Horus, 135
Howell, James (ca. 1593–1666): Ho-Elianae, Familiar Letters (1645–55), 393
Hugo, Victor (1801–85), 8
Hume, David (1711–76), 78
An Enquiry concerning Human Understanding (1748), 390
Huss, John (ca. 1369–1415), 408
Huxley, Aldous (1894–1963), 358, 418
Antic Hay (1923), 349
Brave New World (1932), 398
Point Counter Point (1928), 354, 384
Huxley, Thomas Henry (1825–95), 288, 294, 299
Administrative Nihilism (1872), 303
Huysmans, Joris Karil (1848–1907), 283
Hyacinthus, 129, 170, 330, 464
Ibsen, Henrik (1828–1906), 94
Ignatius Loyola, St. (1491–1556), 409, 411
Imagination: romantic theory of, 25
the imaginary versus the imaginative, 383
Incarnation, 125, 153, 183, 197–8, 200, 203–4, 214, 229, 295, 404, 414–15
Individualism, 413
as a feature of romanticism, 18
Industrial Revolution, 4, 23, 274, 315, 360, 386, 389, 407, 409, 411, 412
Wyndham Lewis on, 347
Interpenetration: as a central concept for Frye, xxviii–xxix
of folklore and Biblical myth, 145
of divine and human events, 416
of time and space, 20, 414n. 9
Isaac, 120
Isaiah, Book of, 113, 133, 151, 169, 181, 318–19
Jacobins, 143
Jael, 145
Jahweh. See Yahweh
James, E.O. (b. 1886), 137, 154
its opposition to Paul’s theology, 159–63
James, Henry (1843–1916), 367, 387, 388, 398
The Ambassadors (1903), 397
The Ivory Tower (1916), 354
Portrait of a Lady (1881), 399
The Turn of the Screw (1898), 80, 388, 399
Jazz, 10
Jean de Meung (ca. 1250–1305), 244, 435
Roman de la Rose (begun ca. 1225–40, completed ca. 1270–78), 437, 439, 440
Jeffers, Robinson (1887–1962), 358
Jehu, 144
Jephthah’s daughter, sacrifice of, 120, 131, 170
Jeroboam II, 144
and the continuity of the present, 149
cultural environment of, 143
and doctrine, 147
as enunciating religious synthesis, 112
as incarnate God, 135
as keystone of religion and philosophy, 153
prophetic background of, 146–7
as supreme sacrifice, 125. See also Christ
Jesus ben Sirach, Book of, 157
Joachim of Floris (ca. 1135–1202), 210, 211, 223
Job, Book of, 136
Johnson, Samuel (1709–84), 3
John 1, Epistle of, 376
John, Gospel of, 187
teachings compared with those of Paul and James, 162–3
Jones, Henry Arthur (1851–1929), 95
Jonson, Ben (1572–1637): Bartholomew Fair (1614), 181
Volpone (1605), 387
Joshua, 122
Joshua, Book of, 131
Joyce, James (1882–1941), 79, 100, 347, 366, 372, 398, 418
Ulysses (1922), 76, 322, 357, 398, 418, 421, 424, 429
Work in Progress (1927–37), 348, 418
Judaism, 135, 137, 142, 145, 147, 149, 150
in the Epistle of James, 161
Judges, Book of, 120, 131, 332
Judith, 145
Jung, Carl (1875–1961), xxv, 327
Psychology of the Unconscious (1911–12), 343
Justice, as part of the triad of the “good,” 19, 123, 299, 307, 314–15
Justin Martyr (ca. 100–ca. 165), 188
Kant, Immanuel (1724–1804), 5, 19, 23, 24, 27, 34, 51, 86, 141, 212, 215, 275, 277, 407, 413
his law of three stages, 39, 42
and romanticism, 35–7
Katabasis, 134–5, 149–50, 175, 176–7, 181, 231, 333, 349
Kautsky, Karl (1854–1938), 258n. 4
Keats, John (1795–1821), 4, 7, 67, 68, 69, 72, 87, 96, 98, 281
Ode on a Grecian Urn (1820), 68, 87
Kemp, Helen, NF’s letters to, xvi, xviii, xxii, 111, 235, 383, 401, 417
Kennedy, H.A.A. (b. 1866), 167, 186
St. Paul and the Mystery-Religions (1913), 190
King: as incarnation of social unity, 128
sacrifice of divine, 114, 128–9, 130, 332
Kings, Books of, 120, 132, 144
Kipling, Rudyard (1865–1936), 294
Kittredge, George Lyman (1860–1941), 441
Kleist, Heinrich von (1777–1811), 79
Klopstock, Friedrich G. (1724–1803), 7, 23
Knights Hospitallers, 243
Knights Templar, 218, 223, 243, 244
Knowling, R.J. (1851–1919), 158
Knox, John (ca. 1513–72), 15
Kore, 119, 120, 129, 131, 134, 182
Kroton, 180
Kublai Khan (1216–94), 25m. 68
Laforgue, Jules (1860–87), 278, 421
Lamb, Charles (1775–1834), 95
Landor, Walter Savage (1775–1864), 106
Imaginary Conversations (1824), 393
Langford, Norman, 401
Langland, William (ca. 1330–ca. 1400), 93, 237n. 13, 256, 433, 434, 435
Piers Plowman (ca. 1360–ca. 1380), 432
Last Judgment, 152
Lawrence, D.H. (1885–1930), 348, 349, 357, 361, 364, 372, 380, 418
The Plumed Serpent (1926), 398, 400, 429
The Prussian Officer (1914), 388
Women in Love (1920), 349
Lawrence, T.E. (1888–1935): The Seven Pillars of Wisdom (1926), 384
Lenin, V.I. (1870–1924), 427
Leo I, St. (Leo the Great) (ca. A.D. 390–461), 180
Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519): Mona Lisa (1504), 377
Leibnitz, Gottfried Wilhelm (1646–1716), 5, 17, 19, 23, 34, 88, 90, 182, 184, 201, 229, 363
Lesage, Alain-René (1668–1747), 391
Leviticus, Book of, 124
Lewis, C.S. (1898–1963): The Allegory of Love (1936), 439
Lewis, Wyndham (1882–1957), xvii, xxiii, 383
on art, 352–4
attack on Nietzsche, 348
as caricaturist, 361–2
on Gertrude Stein, 349, 351, 355, 375–6
opposition to “time philosophies” of modernism, 348–9
on Shakespeare, 368–70
on Spengler, 366–8
The Apes of God (1930), 345, 349, 356, 358, 372, 374, 399
The Art of Being Ruled (1926), 346, 348, 351, 364, 367
The Childermass (1928), 345, 346, 377–8
The Diabolical Principle and The Dithyrambic Spectator (1931), 346, 354, 355, 359, 363, 365, 374
The Enemy of the Stars (1932), 346
Hitler (1931), 346
The Lion and the Fox (1927), 346, 347, 353, 367, 368, 369, 371
Men without Art (1934), 32m. 9, 346, 347, 350, 352, 354, 362, 367, 370–80, 399
One-Way Street (1933), 346n. 4
Paleface (1934), 346, 348, 352, 362, 365, 368
Time and Western Man (1927), 346, 347, 350, 351–2, 353, 357, 359, 360, 362–3, 364, 366, 368, 374, 375, 377
The Wild Body (1927), 362
Lightley, John William (b. 1867): Jewish Sects and Parties in the Time of Jesus (1925), 154
Lilith, 113
Lindbergh, Charles (1902–74), 79n. 89
Linus, 180
Liszt, Franz (1811–86), 58, 61, 65
Little, Andrew G. (1863–1945): The Grey Friars in Oxford (1892), 235, 255
Studies in English Franciscan History (1917), 255
Locke, John (1632–1704): Essay concerning Human Understanding (1690), 390
Lods, Adolphe (1867–1948): Israel (1932), 138, 154
Loisy, Alfred (1857–1940), 167
on the stages of religion, 116
Lombard, Peter (ca. 1100–64), xxiv
Book of Sentences (ca. 1158), 241
Loos, Anita (1894–1981), 367
Lot’s wife, story of, 131
Lotze, Rudolf Hermann (1817–91), 51, 65
Lowell, Amy (1874–1925), 420
Lowes, John Livingston (1867–1945), 441, 443
Loyola, Ignatius. See Ignatius Loyola, St.
Luke, Gospel of, 144, 147, 318–19
Lull, Ramon (ca. 1232–1315), xxiii, 252, 383
books about, 234
and the Catalan Renaissance, 226
as a didactic writer, 226
life of, 217–25
mysticism of, 231–3
Pelagianism of, 229
position in medieval theological debates, 226–7
Ars Magna (1274–75), 221, 223, 230, 252
Blanquerna (1283–84), 222–3, 226, 392
Book of Contemplation (1272), 219, 220, 221, 229
Book of the Beasts (1286), 223
The Book of the Gentile and the Three Wise Men(1272–73), 219
Book of the Holy Spirit (ca. 1276), 222
Book of the Lover and the Beloved (1283), 220, 222, 227–9, 231–3
Book of the Order of Chivalry (1274–75), 221
Desconort (1295), 226
Doctrine for Boys (1274–75), 221
Felix, or the Book of Marvels (1286), 223
Tree of Science (1295), 224
Tree of the Philosophy of Love (1298), 224
Luther, Martin (1483–1546), 209, 263, 266, 267, 268, 281, 341, 405, 408, 414
Lutheranism, 409
Lydgate, John (ca. 1370–ca. 1451), 433
Lyly, John (ca. 1554–1606), xv
Euphues: The Anatomy of Wit (1578), 391, 394
Macallum, Reid, 343
Macaulay, Thomas Babington (1800–59), 201
MacDowell, Edward Alexander (1861–1908), 28
Mackenzie, Henry (1745–1831), 7
MacLeish, Archibald (1892–1982), 418
McMullen, George A., 305
McNeile, Alan Hugh (1871–1933), 159
Macpherson, James (1736–96), 6n. 9
Maccabees, the, 151
Macchioro, Vittorio (b. 1880): From Orpheus to Paul (1930), 190
Machaut, Guillaume de (ca. 1300–77), 437
Machen, J.G. (1881–1937): The Origin of Pauls Religion (1921), 190
Machiavelli, Niccolò (1469–1527), 211, 263, 265, 268, 367–8, 405, 408, 409
Magellan, Ferdinand (ca. 1480–1521), 265
Magic, sympathetic, 123–4, 127, 130, 135, 330
Malachi, 144
Manicheanism, 150, 198–9, 206, 254
Mann, Thomas (1875–1955): Joseph and His Brethren (1933–43), 398, 400
Mannhardt, Wilhelm (1831–80), 326–7
Mansfield, Katherine (1888–1923), 77
Marduk, 121, 133, 144, 180, 334
Marie Antoinette, Josephe Jeanne (1755–93), 24
Marinetti, Emilo (1876–1944), 348, 366
Mark, Gospel of, 323
Martini, Simone (ca. 1284–1344), 440
Marvell, Andrew (1621–78), xv
Marx, Karl (1818–83), 28, 50, 52, 82, 83, 201, 213, 400
Das Kapital (1867), 216
Mary, Queen of Scots (1542–87), 266
Masaccio (1401–ca. 1428), 432
Masefield, John (1878–1967), 72
Masters, Edgar Lee (1869–1950), 420
Petit, the Poet, 9
Mathematics, during romantic period, 27
Matthew, 156
Matthew, Gospel of, 144, 145, 147, 153
Maupassant, Guy de (1850–93), 77, 388
Mayor, Joseph B. (1828–1916), 158
Mazzini, Giuseppe (1805–72), 29, 30, 82, 83, 201
Melville, Herman (1819–91): Moby Dick (1851), 393
Mendelssohn, Felix (1809–47), 58, 59, 63, 95
Songs without Words or Spring Song (1832), 60
Meredith, George (1828–1909), 8, 67, 77, 103, 376, 387, 388, 393
A Faith on Trial, 293
Merton College, xv, 417, 419, 420
Merz, John Theodore (1840–1922): A History of European Thought in the Nineteenth Century (1904–14), 304
Methodism, 277
Micah, 146
Micah, Book of, 120
Mill, John Stuart (1806–73), 87, 283, 286–7, 290, 299
Essay on Bentham (1838), 303
On Liberty (1859), 287, 296, 303
Utilitarianism (1861), 303
Millay, Edna St. Vincent (1892–1950), 420
Miller, Joaquin (1839–1913), 10
Milton, John (1608–74), xviii, 4, 5, 58–9, 71, 97, 101, 107, 310, 336, 359, 365, 428, 434
Areopagitica (1644), 391
L Allegro (1631), 97
Paradise Regained (1671), 71
Samson Agonistes (1671), 103n. 62
Mirsky, D.S. (1890–1939), 418
Mithra, 135
Mithraism, and sacrifice, 115
Moab, King of, 120
Moffatt, James (1870–1944), 158
Moloch, 121
Mommsen, Theodor (1817–1903), 16, 52
Monotheism, 116, 144, 148–9, 170
Montaigne, Michel (1533–92), 230, 299, 367, 390, 405, 409
Montefiore, C.G. (1858–1931), 147
The Old Testament and After (1925), 154
Moore, George (1852–1933), 79
Moore, Marianne (1887–1972), 8
More, Sir Thomas (1478–1535), 211, 223
Morley, John, 1st Viscount Morley: Compromise (1874), 303
Morris, William (1834–96), 95, 100, 283, 397
A Dream of John Ball (1888), 291
Moses, 144
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus (1756–91), 29, 55, 56, 58, 60, 61, 62, 65, 86, 88, 95, 338, 395, 440
Murray, Gilbert (1866–1957), xxiii
Five Stages of Greek Religion (1925), 190.
Musaeus (5th-6th century), 180, 182
Music, 25
defined, 53–4
Jewish emphasis on, 341
and mathematics, 319–20
relation to religion, 328–9
spirituals, 10. See also Romantic music
Mussolini, Benito (1883–1945), 83
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769–1821), 215, 461
Nashe, Thomas (1567–1601), 357, 359, 361, 389
The Unfortunate Traveller, or the Life of Jacke Wilton (1594), 391
National Socialism, 83
Natur and Geist: in Schelling, 39–41
in Schleiermacher, 44–5
Nebuchadnezzar, 144, 145, 180, 181
Necessity. See Ananke
Neoplatonism, 167, 185, 194, 197, 203, 227
Neo-Pythagoreans, 197
Newman, John Henry (1801–90), 284, 296–9, 301
Apologia Pro Vita Sua (1864), 303, 393
The Idea of a University (1873), 296, 297–8, 303
Newton, Sir Isaac (1642–1727), 17, 229
Nicene Council, 187
Nicholas of Cusa (1401–64), 215
Nietzsche, Friedrich (1844–1900), 28, 82, 83, 201, 278, 339, 348, 352, 363, 366, 408, 428
anti-Semitism of, 50
and romanticism, 49–50
Also Sprach Zarathustra (1883–85), 48
The Birth of Tragedy (1872), 137, 168, 175, 190
Nilsson, Martin P. (1874–1967): History of Greek Religion (1925), 190
Nineteenth century: aesthetic movement, 281–6
agnostic movement, 277–81
catholic movement, 296–9
the four religious impulses outlined, 275–6
pragmatic movement, 286–91
synthetic movement, 292–6
Noble savage, myth of, 3, 23–4, 25, 32
Norse sagas, 141
Norwood, Gilbert (b. 1880): Greek Tragedy (1928), 343
Novalis (1772–1801), 50
Novel, the: autobiographical, 397
biographical, 76
comic tradition of, 387
development of, 385–6
epistolary forms of, 393
relation to the anatomy, 393, 394
relation to the tale, 387
similiarity to drama, 385
stream of consciousness in, 398, 400
Occam, William of (ca. 1285–ca 1349), 224, 226, 240, 249, 407–8, 432, 433, 439
Occultism, 141
Oesterley, W.O.E. (1866–1950): Hebrew Religion (1931), 138, 154
Studies in Isaiah 40–66 (1916), 154
Olympias (d. 316 B.C.), 171
O’Neill, Eugene (1888–1953), 77
O’Neill, Hugh (ca. 1540–1616), 268
Onomacritus (Musaeus), 181
Opera, 341
Oras, Ants (b. 1900), 418
Origen (ca. A.D. 185–ca. 254), 158, 208
Orlando di Lasso (1530–94), 340
asceticism of, 177–8
as founder of a religion, 174
martyrdom of, 174
as musician and theologian, 124
origin of, 180
Orphism, xxiii, xxv, xxvii, 134, 150, 338
its archetypal myth, 176
doctrine of election, 178
eschatology of, 179
philosophical developments of, 183–4
question of its influence on Paul, 165–6
relationship to Christianity, 186–9
as a religion, 173–85
spread of, 181
Osiris, 119, 129, 133, 135, 170
Otway, Thomas (1652–85), 387
Ovid (44 B.C.–A.D. 17), 24
Metamorphoses (ca. A.D. 8), 454
Oxford Movement, 296
Paganini, Niccolo (1782–1840), 65
Painting, 20, 21, 25, 123, 327
Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da (ca. 1525–94), 59, 97, 267, 341
Palingenesis, 177
Pantheism, 135
Paracelsus (1493–1541), 405
Paris, as centre of romanticism, 15
Parmenides (fl. 5th century B.C.), 40, 320
Pascal, Blaise (1623–62), 17, 184, 229, 411
Pater, Walter (1839–94), 7, 67, 95, 104, 337, 350, 377
Gaston de Latour (1896), 284
Marius the Epicurean (1885), 284, 303
Pico della Mirandola (1876), 284
Studies in the History of the Renaissance (1873), 303
Patmore, Coventry (1823–96), 299–300
The Toys (1877), 300
his doctrine of salvation, 159–63
Epistles of, 153
and mystery religions, 167, 174, 186
and Orphism, 186–9
question of influences on, 165–8
syncretism of, 167
Pausanias, 179
Peacock, Thomas Love (1785–1866), 393
Pearl (ca. 1400), 433
Pecock, Reginald (ca. 1395–ca. 1460), 433
Peers, Allison, 317
Ramon Lull (1929), 234
Pelagius (ca. A.D. 360–ca. 420), 243, 254
Pentateuch, 145
Pepys, Samuel (1633–1703), 397
Percy, Thomas (1729–1811): Reliques of Ancient English Poetry (1765), 6n. 10
Persephone, 119, 129, 170, 182
Peter, 156
Peter Lombard. See Lombard, Peter
Petrarch, Francesco (1304–74), 435, 437
Phanes, 182
Pharisees, 143
Philip II (Philip of Macedon) (382–336 B.C.), 171
Philip II, King of Spain (1527–98), 268
Philip IV, King of France (1268–1314), 237, 239, 242, 244, 245, 249
Philo Judaeus (ca. 15 B.C.-A.D. 50), 143, 157, 197
Philosophy: function of, 403
as prior to science, 152
relation to theology, 402
Philosophy of history. See History, philosophy of
Picasso, Pablo (1881–1973), 349, 368, 429, 440
Pilate, 142
Pindar (ca. 522–ca. 440 B.C.), 24, 395
Pisistratus (600–527 B.C.), 330
Plato (ca. 428–ca. 348 B.C.), xxvii, 19, 180, 185, 186, 194, 195, 197, 199, 229, 284, 362
his allegory of the cave, 177
Augustine’s attack on, 203
his idea of anamnesis, 176
Orphic doctrines in, 184–5
three forms of the “good,” in, 19, 123, 299, 307–8, 314–15
Cratylus, 177
Laws, 185
Phaedo, 185
Republic, 176, 177, 179, 181, 183, 184, 189, 195, 337, 338–9
Plotinus (ca. A.D. 205–70), 91
Plutarch (ca. A.D. 46–ca. 120), 169, 171
Of Superstition, 190
Poe, Edgar Allan (1809–49), 26, 67, 68, 74, 77
The Raven (1845), 7
Poetry: difference from prose, 8
music of, 96–9
Polygnotus, 179
Polyphemus, 174
Pope, Alexander (1688–1744), 4, 9, 69, 88, 93, 96, 98, 395, 399
The Rape of the Lock (1714), 439
Poseidon, 168
as a space-synthesis, 22
Postromanticism, 22, 27–8, 79, 82, 86
Pound, Ezra (1885–1972), 78, 100, 348, 420
Cantos (1925–34), 358
Praz, Mario (1896–1982): The Romantic Agony (1933), 278, 304, 349, 374
Preaching, artistic appeal in sermons, 310–11
Pre-Raphaelite movement, 274, 283, 284
Prester John, 251
Procter, Adelaide A. (1825–64): The Lost Chord, 59n. 58
Prometheus, 71
Prophecy, 151
moral position of, 133
view of God in, 148–9
view of sacrifice in, 124
Prose fiction. See Fiction, prose
Protestantism, 141, 258–9, 260, 295, 297–8, 405, 434
in the nineteenth century, 276
and liberalism, 265–6
and nationalism, 166
Proudhon, Pierre Joseph (1809–65), 83
Proust, Marcel (1871–1922), 347, 348, 354, 366, 368, 372, 380, 398
Purcell, Henry (1659–95), 329, 385
Purgatorial progression, 134, 149–50, 152, 181
Puritanism, 402
Puritans, 385
Quevedo y Villegas, Francisco Gomez de (1580–1645), 391
Rabelais, François (1490–1553), 15, 100, 102, 223, 392, 394, 395, 405, 438
Racine, Jean (1639–99), 316
Rahab, 155
Rameau, Jean Philippe (1683–1764), 54
Les Barricades Mystérieuses (1717), 54
La Coucou (1728), 54
La Poule (1728), 54
Randall, John H. (b. 1899): The Making of the Modern Mind (1926), 255
Ravel, Maurice (1875–1937): Boléro (1928), 80
Reade, Charles (1814–84), 75
Recurrence, principle of, 117–18, 134, 148, 149, 176
in art, 328
dramatic presentation of, 329–34
in history, 193–4
Reformation, 13, 173, 389, 405
causes of, 257–63
culture of, 406
gains and losses of, 265–71
Reid, Joseph, 383
Reinach, Salomon (1858–1932), 167
Orpheus (1932), 154
Reincarnation, 204
Reitzenstein, Richard (1861–1931), 167
Religion: Arminian approach to, 325
as a binding together, 16–17
communal dimension of, 313
as communion between the human and the divine, 112
compared and contrasted with art, 308–9, 305–42
definition of, 141, 308, 313–14
function of, 148
meaning of the “good” in, 314
mystical direction of, 309–10
symbolic versus explicit expression of, 310
theological direction of, 310, 311
Renaissance, 13, 48–9, 211, 259–62, 341, 389, 405
secularization of the arts during, 267
typical revolutionary figures of, 405–6
Renan, Ernest (1823–92), 104
Revelation, Book of, 150
Rhapsodic Theogony, 182
Richards, LA. (1893–1979): Principles of Literary Criticism (1925), 136
Richardson, Samuel (1689–1761), 7, 23, 32, 74, 388
Pamela (1740–41), 393
Richard the Redeless (ca. 1400), 432
Rickword, Edgell (1898–1982), 357
Ritschl, Albrecht (1822–89), 291, 296
Ritual: dance as, 124
and fertility cults, 130, 171–3
as matrix of art, 137
and the unconscious, 173
Robespierre, Maximilien Marie Isidore de (1758–94), 315
Robinson, Edwin Arlington (1869–1935), 72, 420
Robinson, Theodore Henry (b. 1881): Hebrew Religion (1931), 154
Rococo aesthetic tradition, 22
Rohde, Erwin (1845–1898): Psyche (1925), 190
Rolland, Romain (1866–1924): Jean-Christophe (1904–12), 76, 400
Romains, Jules (1885–1972): Men of Good Will (1932–47), 397, 400
Roman empire, 215
attitudes toward obscenity in, 32
as a cultural term, 12–15
esoteric and exotic tendencies in, 26, 28, 48, 79
and liberalism, 80–1
male versus female characteristics of, 30–3
narcotic motif in, 26
and nationalism, 81–2
pictorialism of, 4
and politics, 80–3
rehabilitated, 76–80
sexual implications of, 30–1
temporal and spatial concepts of, 16–18
and youth, 29–30
Romantic literature: the lyric essay, 66–72
the novel, 72–6
Romantic music: the attack on strict forms, 60–2
the break-up of counterpoint, 56–60
the break-up of rhythm, 54–6
the exploitation of the minor scale, 62–3
the importance of the pianoforte, 64–5
Romantic pessimism, 19, 23, 43, 46
Romantic philosophy: of Bergson, 51
of Fichte, 38–9
of Kant, 35–7
of Rousseau, 33–5
of Schelling, 39–41
of Schleiermacher, 43–5
of Schopenhauer, 45–8
of Spengler, 52–3
Rome, 166
Augustine on, 200
Rondel, Thomas (fl. 14th c.), xxiv–xxv, 235
Ropes, James Hardy (1866–1933), 158
Rossetti, Christina (1830–94), 300
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel (1828–82), 283
Sister Helen (1853), 283
Rousseau, Jean Jacques (1712–78), xix, 7, 23, 32, 48, 55, 349, 412
as a dissentient Romantic voice, 33–5
on education, 34
experiments in music, 67
on nature, 34
Confessions, 7
Rowley, Thomas (Thomas Chatterton) (1752–70), 6
Royce, Josiah (1855–1916), 420
Rubinstein, Artur (1888–1982), 65
Ruskin, John (1819–1900), 67, 78, 95, 283, 297
The Crown of the Wild Olive (1866), 282, 303
Sesame and Lilies (1865), 303
Russell, Bertrand (1872–1970), 51, 347, 397
Russian Revolution, 345
Sabazius, 171
Sacaea festival, 121, 133, 333
Sacrifice: of childen, 120, 132
communion and gift in, 112–13
of divine king, 114, 128–9, 172, 332
forms of among Hebrews, 115
of the god, 170
of Jephthah’s daughter, 120, 131, 170
as recurrent activity, 117–18
relation to art, 123
relation to sacrament, 125
and the Saturnalia, 121, 133, 134
in Troilus and Criseyde, 462–5
Sadducees, 142–3
Sainte-Beuve, Charles Augustin (1804–69), 104
Sallust (86–34 B.C.), 195
Samson, 143
as sacrificial victim, 136
and solar mythology, 131
Samuel, 144
Sandburg, Carl (1878–1967), 79n. 89, 420
Santayana, George (1863–1952), 420
Satan, 150
as a form of prose fiction, 389, 398–9
Saturnalia, 121, 133, 134, 333
Savonarola, Girolamo (1452–98), 105
Scarlatti, Domenico (1685–1737), 54, 97
Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von (1775–1854), 27, 38, 42, 47, 51
and romanticism, 39–41
Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich von (1759–1805), 8, 50, 79
Schlegel, Friedrich von (1772–1829), 50
Schleiermacher, Friedrich (1768–1834), xxiv, 27, 38, 52, 81, 281, 285, 291, 315, 325, 402
and romanticism, 43–5
Schoenberg, Arnold (1874–1951), 63, 342
Scholasticism, 210–11
Schopenhauer, Artur (1788–1860), 27, 29, 30, 31, 34, 41, 49, 52, 53, 73, 81, 86, 277, 280, 281, 337, 412
and romanticism, 45–8
Schubert, Franz (1787–1828), 57, 58, 60, 67, 96, 104
Am Meer (1828), 57
Der Erlkönig (1816), 57
Schumann, Robert (1810–56), 28, 31, 46, 55, 57, 60
Papillons (op. 2) (1829–31), 58
Schweitzer, Albert (1875–1965): The Mysticism of Paul the Apostle (1931), 190
Paul and His Interpreters (1912), 190
Science, function of, 403
Scott, Charles Archibald Anderson (1859–1941), 186
Christianity according to St. Paul (1927), 190
Scott, E.F. (1868–1954): The Gospel and Its Tributaries (1928), 190
Scott, Sir Walter (1771–1832), 6, 73–4, 87, 276, 388, 393
The Bride of Lammermoor (1819), 388
Redgauntlet (1824), 393
Scotto, Alberto (fl. 1300), 247
Scriabin, Alexander (1872–1915), 59, 78, 336, 342
Scudder, Vida D. (1861–1954): The Franciscan Adventure (1931), 255
Scudéry, Madeleine de (1608–1701), 74, 389
Sculpture, 20, 21, 123, 274, 327
Sebonde, Raymond (d. 1436), 230
Secunda Pastorum (mid-15th c.), 434
Seeley, Sir John Robert (1834–95), 294
Semele, 171
Seneca, Lucius Annaeus (ca. 4 B.C.–ca. A.D. 65), 24, 196, 202, 215
Sermons. See Preaching
Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, 3rd Earl of (1671–1713), 44, 81
Shakespeare, William (1564–1616), 4, 5, 15, 58, 68, 93, 94, 97, 102, 103, 107, 259, 318, 336–7, 361, 367, 385, 466
Newman on, 298
Wyndham Lewis on, 368–70
All’s Well that Ends Well (ca. 1603–4), 337
Antony and Cleopatra (ca. 1607), 385
Cymbeline (ca. 1610), 337
Hamlet (1604–5), 96, 103, 107, 322, 337, 450
King Lear (1604–5), xv, 92, 97, 337
Macbeth (1606), 96
A Midsummer Night’s Dream (1595), 440
Othello (1604), 386, 389, 435, 450
Romeo and Juliet (1595), 96, 461
The Tempest (1611), 103, 181, 337
Timon of Athens (1607), 369
Troilus and Cressida (1602), 369, 387, 435
The Winter’s Tale (ca. 1610), 337
Shaw, George Bernard (1856–1950), xviii, 8, 31, 50, 51, 77, 79, 80, 95, 97, 104, 106, 318, 361, 363, 365, 366, 368, 397, 415
Androcles and the Lion (1912), 290
Back to Methusaleh (1921), 295
The Quintessence of Ibsenism (1891), 283
Shelley, Percy Bysshe (1792–1822), 7, 27, 31, 70, 71, 80, 87, 91, 104, 276, 434
Cenci (1819), 79
Lines: “When the Lamp Is Shattered,” (1824), 69
The Triumph of Life (1824), 292
Shepherd of Hermas, 158
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley (1751–1816), 6n. 7
Shirley, James (1596–1666), 396
Short story, the, 77
Sidney, Sir Philip (1554–86), xv
Skelton, John (ca. 1460–1529), 405
Skepsis, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 33, 34, 44, 47, 51, 307
Smith, W. Robertson (1846–94): on Israelite totemism, 114
on sacrifice, 113
Religion of the Semites (1894), 154
Smollet, Tobias (1721–71), 74, 393
Socrates (469–399 B.C.), 49, 91, 184
Solomon, 144
Sorel, Georges (1847–1922), 83, 349, 366
Spencer, Herbert (1820–1903), 288, 294, 363, 412
A System of Synthetic Philosophy (1870), 279, 303
Spender, Stephen (1909–95), 358
The Destructive Element (1938), 358n. 32, 371
Spengler, Oswald (1880–1936), xvii–xviii, xx 28, 201, 347, 348, 349, 359, 380, 400
on civilization, 214–15
inclusion in courses at Victoria College, xxi
his influence on Frye, xvii–xviii
and romanticism, 52–3
The Decline of the West (1928), xvii, xix, xxiii, 53, 212, 214, 216, 358, 368
Hour of Decision (Eng. trans. 1934), 212, 367
Spenser, Edmund (ca. 1552–1599), 5, 72, 223, 310
Spinoza, Benedictus de (1632–77), 140, 229
his conception of God, 413
“Squirearchy,” 10
Stein, Gertrude (1874–1946), 347, 348, 366
Wyndham Lewis on, 349, 351, 355, 375–6
Sterne, Laurence (1713–68), 392
Tristram Shandy (1759–67), 394, 398, 399
Stevenson, Robert Louis (1850–94), 9
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1886), 388
Still, Colin: Shakespeare’s Mystery Play (1921), 337n. 39
Stonier, G.W. (b. 1903): Gog, Magog (1933), 361
Strauss, Richard (1864–1949), 60
Stravinsky, Igor (1882–1971), 65, 429
Strindberg, August (1849–1912), 8, 28, 31, 73, 278
Stubbes, John (ca. 1541–91): Anatomy of Abuses in England in Shakespeare’s Youth (1583), 391
Style, prose, 78
Suetonius (A.D. 75–160), 195
Suffering, 149
Suffering Servant, 135
Susanna, 145
Swift, Jonathan (1667–1745), xviii, 93, 361, 363, 385, 395–6, 398
The Battle of the Books (1704), 395
Gulliver’s Travels (1726), 389, 395, 396, 399
A Tale of a Tub (1704), 389, 395, 396
Swinburne, Algernon Charles (1837–1909), 7, 69, 72, 99, 100, 104, 316
Dolores, 278
Hertha (1871), 292–3
Nephelidia (1880), 69
Sybaris, 180
Symbolism, 325–7
of medieval art and poetry, 438
in modern thought, 398
fertility, 337
Syncretism, in Paul, 167–8
Synge, John Millington (1871–1909), 77
Tacitus (ca. A.D. 55–120), 195
Tale, definition of, 387–8
Tamar, 145
weeping of the women for, 119–20, 129, 133, 171, 330
Tantalus, 181
Tasso, Torquato (1544–95), 223, 310
Tawney, R.H. (1880–1962), 268
Taylor, Henry Osborne (1856–1941): The Mediaeval Mind (1914), 255
Tennyson, Alfred Lord (1809–92), 8, 58, 59, 72, 93, 95, 107, 276
The Higher Pantheism (1869), 279
The Lotos-Eaters (1832), 68
Teresa, of Ávila, St. (1515–82), 231
Tetzel, Johann (ca. 1465–1519), 267
Thackeray, William Makepeace (1811–63), 75, 88, 95, 387, 398
Thales (ca. 624–ca. 545 B.C.), 182
Theology: as an anachronism, 311
its distrust of art, 310
as knowledge of God, 404
prejudices against, 401–2
relation to philosophy, 402
Thomism, 209, 227, 228, 276, 301
Thompson, Francis (1859–1907), 300
The Hound of Heaven (1893), 300–1
Ode to the Setting Sun (1889), 301
Thomson, James (1834–82), 9, 31, 279
City of Dreadful Night (1874), 278
Thompson, James W. (1869–1941): History of the Middle Ages, 300–1500 (1931), 255
Thucydides (ca. 469–ca. 400 B.C.), 153, 194, 195
Titus (A.D. 39–81), 156
Tobit, 145
Tolstoy, Leo (1828–1910), 428
Toscanini, Arturo (1867–1957), 65
in Chaucer, 461–2
Christian, 335
as element of the tale, 387–8
Greek, 388
relation to sacrifice, 136, 333
as ritual, 124
Tragos (goat-song), 172, 331, 333
Traherne, Thomas (ca. 1636–74), xv
Trinity, doctrine of, 135, 415
Tristram and Isolt, 72
Truth, as part of the triad of the “good,” 19, 123, 299, 307, 314–15
Tschaikowsky, Piotr Ilyich (1840–93), 31, 65
Twain, Mark (1835–1910), 10, 95
Tyconius (A.D. 4th c.), 196
Tylor, E.B. (1832–1972), on sacrifice, 113, 331
Primitive Culture (1913), 138, 154
Tyrwhitt, Thomas (1730–86), 431
Ueberweg, Friedrich (1826–71): A History of Philosophy from Thales to the Present (1875), 256
Ulysses, 174
Universals, 20, 249, 407–8, 437–8
Upward, Allen (1863–1926): The Divine Mystery (1913), 327
Uranus, 182
Utopia, as a form of prose fiction, 391, 397
Valéry, Paul (1871–1945), 395
Van Gogh, Vincent (1853–90), 28, 278, 428
Varro (116–27 B.C.), 196, 200, 202, 215
Vashti, 121
Vaughan, Henry (1622–95), xv, 428
Venus, 119
Vico, Giambattista (1668–1744), xxii, xxiv, 209, 211
Victorian culture, 86
Villani, Giovanni (1275–1348), 245, 246
Virgil (70–19 B.C.), 145, 187, 439
Aeneid (ca. 29–19 B.C.), 181, 333, 384
Virgin, cult of, 407
Visconti, Matteo (1255–1322), 247
Voltaire, François Marie Arouet de (1694–1778), 90, 257, 299, 363
Wallace, Edward Wilson, 217
Walpole, Horace (1717–97), 276
Walton, Izaak (1593–1683): The Compleat Angler (1653), 390, 393, 399
Wagner, Richard (1813–83), 28, 49, 61, 63, 97, 104
Ward, Wilfrid Philip (1856–1915): William George Ward and the Oxford Movement (1889), 304
Warton, Joseph (1722–1800), 5
Weber, Carl Maria von (1786–1826), 60
Invitation to the Dance (1819), 55
Weininger, Otto (1880–1903), 31, 73
Wells, H.G. (1866–1946), 397
Westermarck, Edvard (1862–1939), 132
Weston, Jessie L. (1850–1928): From Ritual to Romance (1920), 138.
Whitehead, Alfred North (1861–1947), xxvi, xxviii, 347
Science and the Modern World (1925), xxviii
Whitman, Walt (1819–91), 8, 9, 78, 91, 99, 107, 420
Wilberforce, Samuel (1805–73), 299
Wilde, Oscar (1854–1900), 7, 70, 76, 79, 95, 98, 101, 278, 284–5
Windelband, Wilhelm (1848–1915): A History of Philosophy (1921), 256
Wingfield-Stratford, Esme Cecil (b. 1882): Those Earnest Victorians (1930), 304
The Victorian Tragedy (1930), 304
The Victorian Sunset (1932), 304
Wisdom of Solomon, Book of the, 157
Witch of Endor, 181
Wolf, Hugo (1860–1903), 28
Wolfe, Humbert (1885–1940), 361, 363
Wolfe, Thomas (1900–38), 358
Wordsworth, William (1770–1850), 4, 6, 8, 9, 86, 106–7
World-as-will, 26, 27–8, 34, 46–7, 77, 277
World War I, 345
Wyatt, Thomas (1503–42), xv
Wycliffe, John (ca. 1329–84), 408, 432, 433, 435, 439, 467
“Wyndham Lewis, Anti-Spenglerian” (Frye), 345
Yahweh: conflict with Baal, 127
human weaknesses of, 116–17
nationalism under, 146
as protector of Canaanite festivals, 118–19
Yeats, William Butler (1865–1939), 77
Zagreus, 176, 177, 182, 183, 186–7
Zealots, 143
Zechariah, 144
Zola, Émile (1840–1902), 16, 75, 278, 355
Zoroaster (ca. 630–ca. 553 B.C.), 198