Benefit #4: Pomegranates can calm stomach disorders and cure digestive problems

Pomegranate has been used hundreds of years ago as herbal treatment for cholera and dysentery. The peel of organic pomegranates can be boiled to make a tea which can calm disorders of the stomach like diarrhea.

As good as your trusted loperamide is the pomegranate fruit. Many clinical investigations have studied the antidiarrheal activity of water and alcohol extracts of pomegranate fruit rind. If your stomach is upset, eat pomegranates and see how it can easily decrease the number of times you have to go to the toilet.

Pomegranates are also good for your gut flora. This tannin-rich fruit can promote the formation of good bacteria.

We also know how a fiber-rich diet can improve your digestive system and pomegranates are rich in fiber. A single pomegranate fruit has about 20-35g of fibers which means you only need one pomegranate to fulfill 45% of your daily recommended fiber intake.