The Health Benefits of Chia Seeds

Chia seeds for weight loss

One of the most important health benefits of chia seeds is in weight loss, as supported by multiple studies. Pound-for-pound, chia seeds contain substantial fiber enough to rival some of the most well-known dietary fiber sources available on supermarket shelves. Fiber in the digestive tract performs two essential functions that can help promote weight loss.

The first function is all about giving your “full and satisfied” feeling that helps you control your appetite. Instead of continuing to eat because you feel that you need to have more, the fiber in chia seeds actually helps you realize that you don’t need to eat as much.


The second purpose of fiber is counterintuitive but it is well validated in many medical circles. Fiber is known to sweep your digestive tract clean of toxins and other harmful by-products of a less-than-ideal diet. A cleaner digestive tract facilitates better absorption of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients from your diet. Studies have found that better nourished individuals – those who eat the right kinds of food – are less likely to crave for more food than those who are eating empty calories. In essence, that “sweeping action” by the dietary fiber allows your stomach and intestines to function more effectively so you don’t have to eat as much to get the same nutritional value from food. That is why dietary fiber – including the ones found in chia seeds – can help promote a leaner, thinner body.