A Final Caution on Spirulina Nutrition

Spirulina isn’t cheap! This is due to two reasons: one, it needs to be cultivated and that takes time. Two, the commercial marketing of spirulina has inflated its price to near unfair levels. When taken together, spirulina can be very taxing on the wallet particularly if you don’t source out your purchases properly.

This is important because we all weigh nutrition and money together in order to get the right value of a food source. In some cases, spirulina can be so much more expensive than fruits and vegetables and using it defeats the purposes of economical nutrition. When this is the case, you are certainly better off buying fresh produce from the market and relying on those instead for your daily nutritional needs. Only when you find affordable spirulina can you consider using it as a supplement to your diet.

All things considered, there is tremendous nutritional value in spirulina if you know what you’re looking for. If you have the money, you should most definitely try it! If not, it pays to assess your situation so you can weight how you can optimize your budget towards a healthier diet without burning a massive hole in your wallet.