GOD: Over the years a huge number of theological man hours have been spent debating the question: How Many Angels Can Dance on the Head of a Pin?
GOD: To answer it, we need information. Firstly, angels don’t dance. It’s one of the distinguishing characteristics that marks an angel. So, none.
At least, nearly none.
GOD: Aziraphale had learned to gavotte in a discreet gentlemen’s club in Portland Place, in the late 1880s. After a while he had become fairly good at it, and was quite put out when, some decades later, the gavotte went out of style for good. So providing the dance was a gavotte, the answer is a straightforward: one.
GOD: Then again, you might just as well ask how many demons can dance on the head of a pin. They’re of the same original stock, after all. And at least demons dance. Not what you’d call good dancing, though.
Ilze Kitshoff © BBC
Ilze Kitshoff © BBC
Ilze Kitshoff © BBC
GOD: But angels and demons aren’t bound by physics. If you look from really close up, the only problem about dancing on the head of a pin is all those big gaps between electrons.
Ilze Kitshoff © BBC