
There are many people I would like to thank without whom this volume would never have been published. First, many thanks to director Harry Keyishian, and editor Zachary Nycum from FDU Press, as well as editor Brooke Bures from Rowman & Littlefield for helping to negotiate the translation rights to El fiscal , and to Ashleigh Cooke, for her meticulous work on the page proofs of the manuscript. I would also like to thank the Carmen Balcells Agency for granting permission to translate this work. Many thanks to the members of my translation board, who were available to help me with difficult spots in the translation: Dr. David William Foster, Dr. Tracy K. Lewis, Dr. Claudia Routon, and Dr. Alain Saint-Saëns. A special thank you goes to board member Lourdes Ríos González who helped to provide the Guaraní translations. I would also like to acknowledge Dr. Fernando Burgos Pérez, who was of invaluable help on this project, and my dear friend, Dr. María Eugenia Mudrovcic, who was always available to consult regarding idioms from the Southern Cone. In addition, I would like to thank my husband Marc Basson, who originally suggested to me the idea of translating El fiscal into English and who served as a “guinea pig” for testing the readability of various versions of the translation. Finally, I would like to dedicate this translation to two special people: my sister, Rita, who is also my best friend, and my best friend, María, who is also like a sister.