Ellipses: Demonstration

A circle drawn in perspective becomes an ellipse because it follows the same principles as other shapes drawn in linear perspective. An ellipse can be made by first sketching a square in perspective. The lines of the square will be used as the boundaries for the ellipse, because both a circle and a square are equally as wide as they are tall.

STEP 1 Sketch a Square in Perspective
Sketch the horizon line, then place the vanishing points on the horizon. Now sketch a square in perspective by using those vanishing points.

STEP 2 Connect the Opposite Corners
Sketch lines connecting the opposite ends of the square. Each line will define the widest and narrowest parts of the ellipse. The intersection of these two lines is the center point of the ellipse.

STEP 3 Sketch In the Ellipse
Sketch in the shape of the ellipse. Notice that the ellipse is longest in relation to the longest center line.