- Abdul-Jabbar, Kareem, 143
- Accountability, 118
- Acting
- coaches, work ethic, 15–16
- “habit,” support, 181
- lines, memorization (contras), 21–22
- listening/reading, impact, 73
- origin, 6
- path, Sopranos (impact), 75
- roles, transformation
- completion, 111–112
- process, 107–108
- Acting career
- pursuit, 7
- sports stories, parallels, 72
- Actions
- actors, smallness, 107–109
- lessons, 48
- Actors, portrayal, 190
- Adaptation, ability, 38
- Affleck, Ben, 112
- Alex of Venice (Messina), 123
- “All Is Lost” moment, 93–97
- American Buffalo (Mamet), 109
- Aniston, Jennifer, 172, 173
- Anxiety, 25
- Apartment life, 182–184
- Apollo 13 (Howard), 67
- Art, creation, 81
- Associations, focus, 95
- As the World Turns, 73
- Athletic performers, artistic performers (similarities), 26–30
- Auditions, 162–164
- experience, 8–11
- fear, 19
- increase, 144
- nerves, control, 29
- results, absence, 98
- Bacon, Kevin, 195
- Bait-and-switch, 82
- Bale, Christian, 27, 43, 107
- Ballantyne, Craig, 41
- Bandler, Richard, 142
- Batiz, Suzy, 89, 93, 166
- BBQ, usage (decision making), 180–182
- Belief, 116, 147
- self-belief, path, 148–149
- Benz, Julie, 32
- Bernstein, Melissa, 189
- Beyoncé, 53
- Blank, Jessica, 1
- Blauer, Tony, 17, 37
- Bluefishing:The Art of Making Things Happen (Sims), 68
- Boyle, Mike, 95
- Brady, Tom, 134, 155
- Brand (building), money (stretching), 192–194
- Brando, Marlon, 38
- Breakdown, experience, 7–8
- Breakthroughs, 6–7
- Bronx Tale, A (De Niro), 23
- Bryant, Kobe, 142–143
- Budden, Amy, 134
- “Burning the boats” principle, 54–55
- Burns, Chris, 124–125
- Burns, Christopher J., 27, 62
- Butler, Gerard, 53
- Caddyshack, 134
- Callen, Bryan, 177
- Campbell, Jessi, 31
- Cancer, Whitaker observations, 154
- Canvas, content/imagery (reframing/importance), 78–82
- Capalbo, Jim, 69
- Career
- acting career, 7, 72
- change, 62
- chase, 178–180
- compilation/creation, 109–112
- perspective, 56
- pursuit, 7
- rise/fall, example, 59–63
- Caterpillar, transformation, 104–107
- Change
- fear, cessation, 104–105
- positive change, capability, 105
- Chase, Chevy, 133
- Chase, David, 186
- Chelsea Walls (Hawke), 162–165
- Chicago Fire, 110
- Childhood, pain/rejection/loss, 2–3
- Choices, making, 49–50
- City on a Hill, 84, 110, 195
- Collins, Patrick, 171
- Communication, 118
- absence, 126
- importance, 121–122
- Competitive spirt, presence, 43
- Confidence, gaining, 155
- Conquest (metaphor), 54–57
- Cordial, 53
- Cortés, Hernán, 54
- Course/path, control, 33–34
- Culp, Kimi, 174
- Cure, discovery, 99–101
- Curious George, 169–170
- Curry, Steph, 17, 134
- Darabont, Frank, 95–96
- Davis, Paige, 127
- Dead Poets Society, 162
- Death (metaphor), 54–57
- Defeat
- admission, 90–91
- surrender, association, 90
- Delegation, 125–129
- Denial, definition, 81
- De Niro, Robert, 23, 172, 173
- Destiny, determination, 80
- Discipline, 41
- loss, problem, 42
- power, 49
- regimen, 42
- requirement, 45–46, 51–52
- Discomfort, lessening, 99
- Discontent, cause, 195
- Don't Mess with Texas, 174
- Dreamwork, 160–161
- Duplass, Mark, 16
- Eastern philosophies, Western bias, 141
- Education, continuation, 191–192
- Ego, stardom (relationship), 129–131
- Elmaleh, Gad, 29, 46
- Empowerment, belief, 152–153
- Enter the Dragon, 90
- Entrepreneurship, success, 14–15
- Evans, Heath, 117, 151
- Evolution, continuation, 191–192
- Excellence, pursuit, 43
- Experiences
- adverse effects, 86–87
- framing process, importance, 77–78
- usage, 100
- Expert, listening, 44–45
- External experience, 94
- External validation, 144
- Facade, 5
- Failure
- game component, 75
- option, absence, 67
- risk, avoidance, 55
- self-berating, 72
- success, relationship, 59–60
- Faith, 147–148
- Fame, perspective, 56
- Fear
- impact, 144
- understanding, 17–18
- usage, 85–86
- West Wing experience, 18–22
- Ferrara, David, 152
- Ferruggia, Jay, 46–48, 50, 108
- Fighting, art, 90–93
- Finances, stress, 193
- Fishman, Roger, 61
- Focus, 177
- Forces, susceptibility, 145
- Fosse/Verdon, 108
- Fraturday, 130
- Freeman, Morgan, 95–96, 152
- Frogs into Princes (Bandler/Grinder), 142
- Frustration, 71–72
- Fryer, Zander, 159, 160, 167
- Fulfillment, gold, 2
- Game
- failure, component, 75
- returning, 71
- winning/losing, 41–43
- Gandolfini, James (acting approach), 130, 184–185
- Garofalo, Janeane, 21
- Gelfond Cathy Sandrich, 172–175
- Generosity, 130
- Giant Steps (Abdul-Jabbar), 143
- Gillingham, Kim, 111, 140, 160–161, 167
- Glamour, overestimation, 179
- Goal
- achievement/knowledge, 184–187
- grasping, problem, 79
- Golden Rule, usage, 170–171
- Goliath, 97, 110, 114, 121
- Goodman, Elissa, 127
- Goodness, 169
- benefits, 171–176
- power, 170–171
- Gordon, Jon, 147, 152
- Gratitude
- display, 150
- system, creation, 149–152
- Graves, Alex, 22
- Greco, Loretta, 2
- Grinder, John, 142
- Grounding, exercise, 137–139
- Grupe, Rob, 74–75
- Gut, trust, 36–39
- “Guy in the Glass, The” (Wimbrow), 16
- Hagen, Uta, 35
- Harbinger, Jordan, 127
- Harris, Ed, 67
- Hawke, Ethan, 162–166
- Headspace, 135
- Help/assistance, search, 125–129, 140–145
- Helplessness, 70
- Hendricks, Gay, 166
- Hill (metaphor), climbing, 20–23
- Hit shows, occurrence, 34–36
- Hodge, Aldis, 195
- Hollis, Sue, 145
- Hot Pursuit, 83, 130, 175, 192
- Howard, Ron, 67
- Huge in France (Netflix show), 45–46, 48, 84, 99, 108
- Hughes, John, 26
- Humility, 124–125
- Hurley, John, 20, 22, 66
- mantras, 69
- teachings, 68
- Imagery, reframing/importance, 78–82
- Imperfections, 51
- Informational, transformational (contrast), 44
- Inner self, correspondence, 160
- Instinct, 25
- learning, 38
- trust, 36–39
- Intelligence, 27–28
- Intentional blindness, 151
- Internal experience, 94
- Introversion, 27–28
- Jabaley, Charlie, 84, 103, 149–150
- Jackman, Hugh, 105
- Jam, Jimmy, 13
- Jay-Z, 53
- Jeter, Derek, 155
- Joel, Billy, 100
- Jordan, Michael, 43
- Jung, Carl, 159, 161
- Kaminski, Gus, 61–62, 150
- Kane, Steven, 125
- Kaufman, Boris, 115
- Kazan, Elia, 38
- Keep It Simple, Stupid (KISS), 2
- Keuilian, Bedros, 14, 123, 166
- Knickerbocker, Terry, 15, 108
- Kogan, Nataly, 149
- Lambert, Jack, 143
- Lazar, Sara, 141
- Leaders
- differences, 131
- problems, 128
- Leadership, 117, 127–128
- communication style, 121
- humility, 124–125
- potential, awareness, 125
- relationships, presence, 118
- self-leadership, 125
- Lee, Bruce, 90
- Levine, Alison, 43, 55–56
- Life
- aspect, dissection, 156–167
- change, 73–74
- events, framing/interpretation (impact), 80
- experiences, framing process (importance), 77–78
- faith, requirement, 150–151
- glamour, overestimation, 179
- impact, 70–72
- perspective, 56
- quality, performance (correlation), 26
- Lindley, Siri, 53, 69
- Listening, importance, 73
- Live by Night, 112
- Lively, Blake, 105, 106
- Live performance, spontaneity (addiction), 28–29
- Live theater, disaster (potential), 31
- Living space, inspiration, 182–184
- Long Day's Journey into Night (O'Neill), 115
- Long, Matt, 71, 91–93
- Long Run, The (Long), 71, 92
- Losing/winning, 153–154
- scorecard, usage (avoidance), 155–157
- Luck, 178, 194
- Lumet, Sidney, 114–115, 121
- Maguire, Jerry, 126–127
- Making Movies (Lumet), 114, 121
- Mamet, David, 29, 109
- Medicine, usage, 99–101
- Meditation, 133
- acceptance, 141
- grounding exercise, 137–139
- integration, 143
- practices, beauty/curse, 145
- resistance, 135
- surrender, contrast, 89–90
- Mental game, usage, 41–43
- Mentors, study, 43–44
- Messina, Chris, 42, 109, 112, 123, 126, 155–156
- Milano, Alyssa, 82, 149
- Mindset, impact, 16
- Misiano, Christopher, 186
- Mistresses, 82–83
- Momentum, building, 155
- “More than Half of Actors Are Under Poverty Line” (Vincent), 66
- Morski, Lynn Marie, 90–91
- Moving, self-questioning, 2–8
- Mystery of Edwin Drood, 180
- audition experience, 8–11
- Nature, nurture (contrast), 14–17
- Navarro, José, 115
- North End, The, 155
- O'Brien, Mark, 179
- Oldman, Gary, 107, 155
- Olsen, Eric Christian, 25
- O'Neill, Eugene, 115
- On the Edge (Levine), 43, 55
- On the Waterfront, 38
- Oppenheim, Geri, 114
- Opportunity, pursuit (continuation), 175
- Pain, impact, 91
- Panic attacks, 5, 94
- Parents, impact, 189–190
- Participation, requirement, 4
- Paskowtiz, Nina, 114
- Passion
- display, 187
- importance, 86
- Peacekeeping, price, 3
- Performance, 25
- audience intimacy, intimidation, 30
- commonality, 28
- life, quality (correlation), 26
- live performance, spontaneity (addiction), 28–29
- magic, 27
- problems, 33–36, 140
- Performers
- exposure, desire, 10–11
- similarities, 26–30
- Permanent defeat, admission, 90–91
- Perry, Jeff, 172
- Perry, Matthew, 19
- Perseverance, 65, 71
- Podcast, initiation, 84–87
- Polk, Andrew, 31, 35
- Polo, Teri, 21
- Ponzio, Melissa, 23, 169
- PooPourri (Batiz), 93
- Positive change, capability, 105
- Power structure, 181–182
- Preparation, importance, 21, 47
- Pressfield, Stephen, 2
- Professionalism, 57–59
- Professionals, study, 43–44
- Publicity, understanding, 192–193
- Purpose, importance, 86
- Rarefied air, 112–116
- Reading
- lines, importance, 73
- opportunity, 172
- Reality, facade (contrast), 189
- Red carpet
- attention-seeking stereotype, respect (absence), 27
- facade, 192–194
- Redman, Jason, 6, 92, 93
- Reframing, 77
- Regret, feeling, 96
- Rehabilitation, meaning, 96
- Rehearsal, discipline, 42
- Rejections, change, 85–86
- Relationships
- Relaxation, 133
- integration, 143
- surrender, contrast, 89–90
- Rewards, motivation, 179
- Reynolds, Ryan, 105
- Rhimes, Shonda, 85, 129
- Risk, 53
- Robbins, Blake, 156
- Robbins, Tony, 32, 53
- Rockwell, Sam, 108–109
- Role models, study, 43–44
- Roles, transformation
- completion, 111–112
- process, 107–111
- Roles, variety, 110
- Sadness, 71–72
- Saint, Eva Marie, 38
- Saladino, Don, 105–107, 155
- Scandal, 84–85, 113–114, 129, 191
- Schiff, Richard, 7–8
- Schreiber, Liev, 105
- Schreiber, Terry, 31, 136–137, 140
- Scorecard
- Scorecard, keeping, 154–155
- Secrets, carrying, 3
- Self-belief, 156–157
- Self-criticism, 144–145
- Self-development, 127
- Self-forgiveness, 110–111
- Self-judgment, impact, 11
- Self-knowledge, 142–143
- Self-leadership, 125
- Self-motivation, 4
- Self-sabotage, Hollywood nightmare, 161–167
- Self-scorecard, keeping, 154–155
- Service
- importance, 86
- value, 118–123
- Shahi, Sarah, 77, 163
- Shawshank Redemption, The (Darabont), 95–96, 152
- Sheen, Martin, 186
- Sheridan, Taylor, 113
- Show business
- “feast or famine,” 162
- “hurry up and wait,” 162
- importance/enjoyment, 82–84
- Shows, hits (presence), 34–36
- Simon, Carly (stage fright), 32
- Sims, Steve, 68
- Singularity, 177
- Skydiving (free-falling), experience, 60–63
- Smits, Jimmy, 18, 20, 21, 129–130
- Solutions, discovery, 140–145
- Sopranos, The, 110, 162, 191
- acting run, 18
- attention, 59
- audition, 56, 58, 152
- career, changes, 62, 75
- cultural importance, 56
- experience, 22
- Gandolfini, acting approach, 130, 184–185
- role, callbacks, 75
- success, change, 143
- work, 58–59
- Sorkin, Aaron, 19, 20
- Speed, purchase, 43–45
- Speed-the-Plow (Mamet), 29–30, 34–36
- performance, problems (example), 35–36
- preparation, fundamentals, 30–31
- Spencer, John, 186–187
- Sports stories, acting career (parallels), 72
- Springsteen, Bruce (concert lengths), 32
- Srivatsaa, Sharran, 44, 120
- Stage directions, importance, 173
- Stardom, ego (relationship), 129–131
- Stars, generosity, 130
- Straight-A student, rating excess, 136–140
- Streep, Meryl, 27, 43
- Street, Amanda Lovejoy, 160, 161, 167
- Subconscious, 159, 166
- Success
- external validation, 144
- facade, 192–194
- failure, relationship, 59–60
- hype, disbelief, 190–192
- imminence, 72–76
- reasons, differentiation, 80
- simplicity, 140–145
- Surrender, 89, 98
- acknowledgment, 92
- relaxation/meditation, contrast, 89–90
- weakness/defeat, association, 90
- System, creation/usage, 49–52
- Talent
- impact, 22
- payoff, 194–196
- payscale, correlation, 194–195
- presence, 112–116
- work ethic/values, connection, 23
- Talk the talk, 45–49
- Tarantino, Quentin, 183
- Taylor, Chip, 37
- TB12 method, 134
- Teles Properties, 44, 120
- Thornton, Billy Bob, 97
- Three Billboards in Ebbing, Missouri, 108
- Thurman, Uma, 164–165
- Tier One Operators, training, 17–18
- Time, energy (balance), 178
- Todd, Jennifer, 123
- Torres, Toni, 80
- Training, 41
- continuation, 106
- power, 49
- Transformation, 103. See Roles
- example, 113–114
- impact, 104–107
- initiation, 116
- Trilling, Lawrence, 121–122
- Truth, moment, 10
- Unemployment
- impact, 97
- opportunities, 84–87
- Unleash the Power Within (Robbins), 32, 53
- Values, talent (connection), 23
- Vergara, Sofia, 174–175, 192–194
- Vice, 108
- Vincent, Alice, 66
- Vincent, Frank, 57
- Walken, Georgianne, 58–59
- Walker, Acacia, 119
- Walk the walk, 45–49
- Walls, punching (avoidance), 97–99
- War of Art, The (Pressfield), 2
- Washington, Kerry, 85, 129
- Weakness, surrender (association), 90
- Wells, John, 20
- West Wing, The (experience/fear), 18–22, 186
- Whitaker, Rob, 127–128, 141, 153–154
- Whitford, Bradley, 21
- Who's the Boss?, 149
- Wilkerson, Carrie, 196
- Willful, definition, 81
- Willful denial, 80–83, 151
- Wimbrow, Dale, 16
- Wind River, 110, 113
- Winfrey, Oprah, 14, 149
- Winkler, Henry, 133
- Wins. See Losing/winning
- scorecard, usage (avoidance), 155–157
- usage, 154–155
- Witherspoon, Reese, 130, 174–175, 192–194
- Wooden, John, 156
- Work
- power structure, 181–182
- recurrence, 171
- Work ethic, 13–14, 27
- detail/consistency, 17
- increase, 16
- learning/training, 15
- talent, connection, 23
- usage, 21
- Workplace, leaders (problems), 128
- World, belief, 148–149
- Writing, origin, 6
- Yalof, Schwartz, Suze, 142