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A-4 rocket (German V-2)

Acheson, Dean

Afghanistan: invaded by USSR; Soviet withdrawal from; Soviet helicopters in

air forces: NATO; command and control; Warsaw Pact; see also bomber aircraft; fighter and attack aircraft; Strategic Air Command

air reconnaissances

air warning and control system (AWACS)

air-defence missiles and guns

air-to-air refuelling

airborne troops: NATO; Soviet

airbursts (nuclear)

aircraft carriers; warfare against

Albacore (US submarine)

Albania: as Soviet satellite; Communist government; refuses to attend CSCE talks; and Warsaw Pact; breach with USSR; relations with China; Soviet naval base in; navy

Algeria: French generals mutiny in

Allied Control Council

Allied Tactical Air Forces (ATAFs; NATO)

ammunition: and logistics

amphibious warfare


Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty (1972)

Antonescu, General Ion

Antwerp: World War II missile attacks on

Arab–Israeli Wars: (1967); (1973); tanks in

Argentina: aircraft carrier; in Falklands War

armoured personnel carriers (APCs)

artillery: field; fire-direction; in air defence; targets and range; nuclear; NATO; Warsaw Pact

Assured Destruction concept

Atlantic: and NATO naval command; and naval power

Atlantic Alliance see North Atlantic Treaty Organization

Atlas missile

attack aircraft see fighter and attack aircraft

Attlee, Clement

Australia: aircraft carrier; armoured personnel carrier

Austria: peace treaty (1955)

AWACS see air warning and control system

ballistic missiles: development; warheads; accuracy; defences; stand-off; availability; reliability; see also intercontinental ballistic missiles; intermediate-range ballistic missiles

Baltic Sea: NATO defence of; Soviet fleet in; in Warsaw Pact attack plans

Baltic states: independence (1990–1)

Barents Sea

battleships and battlecruisers

Belarus: independence (1991)

Belgium: in Benelux; in Brussels Treaty; navy; army; airborne troops; mobilization; logistical problems; and refugee problem; deployment of forces; armoured infantry fighting vehicles; air force and aircraft

Benelux (Belgium–Netherlands–Luxembourg group): formed

Beneš, Edward

Berlin: occupied and divided; Soviet blockade and Allied airlift (1948); 1971 agreement (‘Berlin Accord’); demonstrations and opening of Wall (1989); French occupation zone; uprisings (Eastern); responsibilities for defence; status and administration; access; Air Safety Centre (BASC); military strengths and organization (Western); contingency plans; Wall built (1961); land reconnaissances (‘probes’); incidents and confrontations; reunification; life and conditions in (1945–89)


Bevin, Ernest

Bikini Atoll

Black Sea: naval forces in

blast (nuclear)

bomber aircraft: types and performance; defence and countermeasures against; deployment; targets; air tankers; strategic

Bornholm (Baltic island)

Brandt, Willy

Braun, Werner von

Brazil: aircraft carrier


Brezhnev, Leonid: visits Berlin and Washington; ‘Socialist Commonwealth’ doctrine; and Polish crisis; and submarine missile systems; and strategic bombers


Brussels: NATO HQ inn

Brussels Treaty see Western Union



Bulganin, Nikolai

Bulgaria: as Soviet satellite; Communist government; in Warsaw Pact; navy; airborne troops

Bush, George

Canada: and founding of NATO; navy; submarine programme; aircraft carrier; army; airborne troops; air force and aircraft; financial difficulties

Carter, Jimmy

casualties: from nuclear attacksn

Ceauçescu, Nikolae

Central Group of Forces (Soviet; CGF)

Challenger (UK ship)

Chernenko, Konstantin

Chevaline submarine missile system

China, People’s Republic of (PRC): Communist supremacy in; nuclear weapons; relations with Albania; nuclear testing; as nuclear-target reserve; bombers; land-based missiles; submarines; targeting strategy; supplies naval ships to Romania; in Korean War; in US nuclear strategy

Churchill, Sir Winston S.: on ‘iron curtain’; on post-war bewilderment; and naval command

civil defence: cost and effectiveness; in USA; in USSR; in UK

civilian population: reaction to attacks; casualtiesn; see also civil defence

Clay, General Lucius

Closely Based Spacing (or ‘Dense Pack’)

Communist parties: in eastern Europe; in western Europe; in Asia

Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe (CSCE; Helsinki)

Conqueror (UK submarine)


Conventional Armed Forces in Europe talks (CFE; Vienna)

counter-military potential (CMP)

cruise missilesn & n

Cuba: Missile Crisis (1962); as Soviet ally

Cyprus: Turkey invades

Czechoslovakia: as Soviet satellite; Communist government in; ethnic Germans in; invaded by Warsaw Pact forces (1968); and East Germans’ escapes to West; in Warsaw Pact; armaments; Soviet troops withdraw from (1990); military forces; airborne troops; armoured personnel carriers; artillery; aircraft industryn; air force in; in Warsaw Pact attack plans

Denmark: and Nordic pact; membership of NATO; relations with Iceland; opposes missile deployment; sea supplies to; navy; army; in NATO defence strategy; air force and aircraft

deterrence strategy

DF weapons (China)

Dien Bien Phu

Dimitrov, Georgi

Doolittle, Lieutenant-Colonel Jamesn

Douglas, William Sholtost Baron

Dreadnought (UK submarine)

Dresden: bombed (1945)

Dubček, Alexander

Dulles, John Foster

Dunkirk Treaty (1947)

East Berlin see Berlin

East Germany (German Democratic Republic): admitted to UN; recognized by West; escapees to West; in Warsaw Pact; troops in 1968 Czechoslovak invasion; and 1980 Polish crisis; navy; amphibious capability; Soviet forces in; military forces; airborne troops; air force and aircraftn; set up; Soviet attitude to; unrest in; and status of West Berlin; US food aid to; 1989 demonstrations; responsibility for taking Berlin; in Warsaw Pact attack plans; see also Germany

Easton, Admiral Sir Ian

Eglin Air Force Base, Florida

Egypt: 1973 attack on Israel; as Soviet ally; see also Suez crisis

Eilat (Israeli destroyer)

Eisenhower, Dwight D.: and ‘tripwire’ strategyn; and US spy plane (1960); as Supreme Allied Commander; offers food aid to East Germany; accepts Berlin air-ceiling limit; and battlefield nuclear weapons

electromagnetic pulse (EMP)

electronic countermeasures (ECM)

electronics: effects of nuclear explosions on

Emergency Rocket Communications System (ERCS)

enhanced-radiation warhead

equivalent megatonnage (EMT; nuclear weapons)

Estonia: independence (1991)

Ethan Allen (US submarine)

Europe: post-war division and disorder; peace settlement (1946–7); NATO Central Region ground forces in; NATO defensive strategy and forces in; deployment of Warsaw Pact forces in; Warsaw Pact attack threat in

European Advisory Commission (EAC)

European Defence Community: formed

Falklands War (1982)

fallout see residual nuclear radiation

Federal Republic of Germany see West Germany

fighter and attack aircraft: NATO; international co-operation on; see also air forces

Finland: post-war settlement; under Soviet domination


flash (nuclear)

‘flexible response’ strategy

Follow-On Forces Attack

Fontainebleau (France)

Ford, Gerald

Forrestal (US carrier)

Fractional Orbital Bombardment System (FOBS)

France: Communist Party in; war in Indo-China; signs Dunkirk Treaty; in Brussels Treaty; membership of NATO; opposes European Defence Community; in Suez War (1956); withdraws from NATO integrated military command structure; Berlin occupation zone; nuclear programme and weapons; post-war weakness; air force and aircraft; NATO bases moved from; First French Army; and NATO telecommunications systemn; nuclear testing; wartime experience; as nuclear-target reserve; bomber aircraft; land-based missiles; submarines; targeting strategy; navy; aircraft carrier; surface warships; battleships; and central-European strategy; army in Europe; airborne troops; battle tanks; armoured personnel carriers; field artillery; air-defence missiles; battlefield nuclear weapons; and Warsaw Pact attack plans; equipment; contingency strike plan

Franco, General Franciscon

Franz Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria

Fylingdales, Yorkshire, England

Gaulle, Charles De: opposes Marshall Plan and NATO; post-war position; and NATO; return to power (1958); on nuclear deterrence; and French navy


General Belgrano (Argentine cruiser)

Germany: 1945 defeat; reparations; refugees; reunification (1990); World War II missiles; recovery from wars; submarines (U-boats); and outbreak of 1914 war; bombed in World War II; see also East Germany; West Germany

Gero, Erno

Gheorghiu-Dej, Gheorghe

Gierek, Edward

Giuseppe Garibaldi (Italian cruiser)

Glasstone, S., and P. J. Dolan: The Effects of Nuclear Weapons

Gomułka, Władysław

Gorbachev, Mikhail: as Soviet leader; and collapse of Warsaw Pact; and East German freedom; and Warsaw Pact defence plans; announces destruction of nuclear weapons

Gorshkov, Admiral Sergei Georgiyevich & n

Gottwald, Klement

Great War (1914–18) see World War I

Greece: post-war government in; USA supports; membership of NATO; hostility to Turkey; 1967 coup; navy; submarines; airborne troops; aircraft; battlefield nuclear weapons in

Green, Hughie


Group of Soviet Forces Germany (GSFG; renamed Western Group of Forces)

Guernica, Spain & n

Gulf Warn

guns see artillery

Gunston, Bill

H-bombs: miniaturized

Hackett General Sir John (and others): The Third World Warn

Hamburg: firestorm

Harmel Report (1967)

Healey, Denisn

Hegel, G. W. F.n

Heidelberg, Germany

Heihachiro, Admiral Togon

Heinemann, Dr Gustav

Helsinki see Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe


Honecker, Erich

Hornet (US carrier)n

Hoxha, Enver

Hungary: as Soviet satellite; ethnic Germans in; Communist government in; in 1946–7 peace settlement; 1956 rising and Soviet invasion; in Warsaw Pact; Soviet troops withdraw from (1990); airborne troops; air force in; admits East German emigrants; in Warsaw Pact attack plans

Hydra, Project (USA)

Iceland: and Nordic pact; membership of NATO; and ‘Cod War’; and Soviet naval activities

Iceland–Faroes gap

India: nuclear testing; aircraft carrier

Indo-China: French war in; see also Vietnam

infantry: mobility; organization and weaponry

initial nuclear radiation (INR)

Inner German Border (1GB)

intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs): German World War II; carry H-bombs; basing and launch systems; US programme; Soviet development; countermeasures against; Chinese; and nuclear balance; in US nuclear strategy

intermediate-range ballistic missiles (IRBMs) & n

intermediate-range nuclear forces (INF): deployed in Europe; 1987 Treaty

International Military Staff (NATO)

International Relief Organization

ionization of atmosphere

Iran: buys British tanks

Iraq: in Gulf Warn

Ireland, Republic of: and formation of NATO

iron curtain; see also Inner German Border

Israel: Egypt attacks (1973); in Suez crisis (1956); in Six-Day War (1967); see also Palestine

Italy: Communist Party in; reparations; membership of NATO; joins Brussels Treaty; navy; submarines; aircraft carrier; surface ships allocated to France (1948); battleships; airborne troops; battle tanksnn; aircraft; battlefield nuclear weapons in; artillery

Japan: war with Russia (1904–5)n; carrier-borne air attacks on (1942)n; see also Hiroshima; Nagasaki; Tokyo

Jaruzelski, General Wojciech

Jaujard, Vice-Admiral Robert

JIGSAW studies on effects of nuclear warfare

Johnson Island (Pacific)n

Johnson, Lyndon B.: visits Berlin

jungle: effects of nuclear weapons inn

Jupiter missile

Kádár, János

Kahn, Herman

Kania, Stanisław


Katyn Forest massacre (1940)

Kennedy, John F.: assassination; in Berlin; proposes Multi-Lateral Force; cancels Skybolt; and Berlin crisis; and battlefield nuclear weapons

Khrushchev, Nikita: and US spy-plane incident; fall (1964); de-Stalinization; and Polish unrest; Hoxha resists; cuts surface fleet; proposes West Berlin as ‘Free City’

Konev, General Ivan S.

Korea: Communists in

Korean War (1950–3): outbreak; aircraft carriers in; minefields; amphibious landings; massed Chinese infantry inn; tank warfare in; aircraft in; missiles in

Krenz, Egon

Kroger spy ring

Kulikov, Marshal V. G.

Kuznetzov, Admiral N. M.

landing craft see amphibious warfare

Lange, Halvard

Lattre de Tassigny, General Jean de

Latvia: independence (1991)

Lebanon: US Marines in

Lemnitzer, Major-General Lyman L.

Lend-Lease agreement

Levi, Barbara G. (and others): ‘Civilian Casualties from “Limited” Nuclear Attacks on the USSR’n

Libya: US air strikes on

Linebacker II, Operation

Lithuania: independence (1990)

London: World War II missile attacks on

Long Island (US fleet escort)

Luxembourg: in Benelux; in Brussels Treaty; army; air force

Maclean, Donaldn

McNamara, Robert

Malaya: ‘emergency’ in

Maniu, Iuliu

Manoeuvrable Re-entry Vehicle (MaRV)

marines see amphibious warfare

Marras, General Efisio

Marshall, General George: and Nordic pact; and European defence system; retires

Marshall Plan: 1947 Conference (Paris); France opposes

Masaryk, Jan

Mediterranean: and NATO command structure; NATO navies in; Soviet fleet in; aircraft carriers in

Michael, King of Romania

Midway (US carrier)

Mikołajczyk, Stanislaw

Mikoyan, Anastas

Mildenhall, Suffolk, England

mine warfare and minesweepers: in NATO; World War II numbers and damage

Minuteman missile

Missile, Experimental (MX) programme (USA)

missiles see ballistic missiles; cruise missiles

Mitterrand, François: supports French nuclear weapons; and use of tactical nuclear weapons; and reduction of nuclear forces

Moldova: independence (1991)

Moltke, Helmuth von, the younger


Montgomery, Field Marshal Bernard Law

Moscow: as ‘withhold’n; as target

Mountbatten, Admiral Louisst Earl

Multi-Lateral Force (MLF)

Multi-Role Combat Aircraft (MRCA)

multiple independently-targeted re-entry vehicles (MIRVs)

Multiple Protective Structures (MPSs)

multiple re-entry vehicles (MRVs)

Multiple Rocket-Launcher System

Munich Agreement (1938)

Mutual and Balanced Force Reductions (MBFR)

Mutual Defense Assistance Program (MDAP)

Mutually Assured Destruction policy (MAD)


Nagy, Imre

Nautilus (US submarine)

Navaho cruise missile

navies: and command of sea; NATO; forces and commands; Warsaw Pact; surface ships; see also aircraft carriers; battleships; mine warfare and minesweepers; submarines

Netherlands: in Benelux; in Brussels Treaty; navy; aircraft carrier; commando group; army; mobilization; logistical problems; and refugee problem; deployment of forces; armoured infantry fighting vehicles; air force and aircraft; battlefield nuclear weapons in

neutron bomb see enhanced-radiation warhead

Nicholson, Major Arthur

Nixon, Richard

Nordic pact

Norstadt, General Lauris

North Atlantic Assembly

North Atlantic Council: early meetings; and NATO recommendations; France and; on Hungarian uprising; and Czech crisis (1968)

North Atlantic Treaty: agreed; signed (1949); text

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO): formation and membership; military strength; forward-defence policy; organization and structure; ‘Athens Guidelines’ (on use of nuclear weapons); France withdraws from command structure; moves HQs from France; strategic policy; publishes reports on balance of power; consultations and procedures; and end of Cold War; Defence College, Rome; and Hungarian rising; and Czech crisis (1968); and Soviet SS-20 missile deployment; long-range tactical nuclear force (LRTNF); aims; US influence in; commands; regional planning groups; telecommunications systems; and formation of Warsaw Pact; non-intervention in eastern Europe; control of MLF; civil defence; navies; mine warfare (1950s); European land forces (Central Region); European defence strategy and forces; and ‘flexible response’; airborne forces; mobilization; logistics and communications; Refugee Agency; deployment of forces; battle tanks; field artillery; air forces; Airborne Early Warning Force (NAEWF); equipment standardization; fighter and attack aircraft; as defensive alliance; warning and alert systems against surprise attacks; battlefield nuclear weapons (tactical); financing; appointments and office holders; mine countermeasures programme

Northern Group of Forces (Soviet; NFG)

Norway: and Nordic pact; Soviet threat to; membership of NATO; civil defence; sea supplies to; navy; and Soviet fleet activities; submarines; US Marine Corps reinforces; aircraft

Novorossiysk (Soviet battleship)

nuclear war: pre-emptive attacks; effects; fear of; speculations on outbreak of

nuclear weapons: NATO use of; Catholic Church on & n; tactical battlefield (guns and missiles); and Warsaw Pact; effects of explosions; testing and first uses; deterrent effect; strategy and planning; types of attack and targets; in UK; in France; in China; balance and measurement of; availability; reliability; aircraft-carrier-borne; safety measures; use and effect of; in Warsaw Pact attack plans; voluntary destruction of

Oahu, Hawaiin

Ostpolitik (policy)

Palestine: under British mandate; see also Israel

Papadopoulos, Colonel Georgios

paratroop units see airborne troops

Partial Test Ban Treaty (1963)

Pavlovsky, General I. G.

Peacekeeper (MX) missile

Pershing missile

Pétain, Marshal Henri Philippe

Petkov, Nikola

Poland: ethnic Germans in; Communist government in; 1970 German Treaty; Solidarity trade-union movement; in Warsaw Pact; naval shipbuilding; riots (1956); crisis of 1980–1; navy; amphibious capability; Warsaw Pact forces in; military forces; airborne troops; armoured personnel carriers; air force and aircraft; and Warsaw Pact attack plan

Polaris submarine missile system

Portugal: and membership of NATO; 1974 coup; navy; submarines; amphibious forces; airborne troops

Poseidon submarine missile system

Potsdam Conference (1945)

Poznán, Poland

‘Prague Spring’ (1968)

pre-emptive attacks (nuclear)

Project E

Queuille, Henri

Quick Reaction Alert (QRA; bomber aircraft)

Raborn, Rear-Admiral William

radiation see residual nuclear radiation; thermal radiation

Rákosi, Mátyás

Ramadier, Paul

Ramstein, Germany

ranks (military)

re-entry vehicles (RVs)

Reagan, Ronald: presidency (1981); and deterrence; and B-1B bomber; and battleships; strengthens Marine Corps; and resort to war

refugees (‘displaced persons’)

Regulus cruise-missile

residual nuclear radiation (fallout)

Resolution (UK submarine)

Reykjavik: Reagan–Gorbachev meeting (1986)

Rheindahlen, Germany

Rickover, Admiral Hyman & n

Rigel missile

Robb, Air Chief Marshal Sir James

Rokossovsky, Marshal Konstantin

Roman Catholic Church: supports nuclear deterrence; anti-Communism in eastern Europe

Romania: as Soviet satellite; Communist government in; 1946–7 peace settlement; troop levels; in Warsaw Pact; breach with USSR; in World War II; military resources; 1989 collapse; navy; airborne troops

Rome: NATO Defence College

Royal Air Force (Germany) (UK)

Royal Observer Corps (UK) & n

Rozhdestvensky, Admiral Zinovy P.

Rügen island (Baltic)n

Rusk, Dean

Russo-Japanese War (1904–5)n

San Juan (US submarine)

Sarajevo: 1914 assassination

satellites: and NATO communications; and navigation systems; monitoring of enemy movements

Sazan naval base, Albania

Scandinavia: and potential Soviet threat

Schlieffen Plan

Schmidt, Helmut

Scorpion (US submarine)

Seawolf (US submarine)

self-propelled guns


Single Integrated Operation Plan (SIOP)

single-shot kill probability (SSKP)

Sirte, Gulf of (Libya)

Six-Day War (1967)

Snark pilotless bomber

Sokolovskiy, Marshal V. D.

Soviet Military Power: first issued (1981)

Soviet Naval Infantry

Soviet navy: submarine missile systems and strategy; submarine types and classes; development and strength; activities and exercises; battleships; nuclear submarines; diesel-electric submarines; aircraft carriers; anticarrier warfare; surface warships; amphibious landings; manning

Soviet Union: bomber-aircraft threat; post-war disagreements with Allies; post-war power and position; territorial defence and satellites; ethnic transportations; and administration of Berlin; Berlin blockade; controls eastern Europe; and Brussels Treaty; expansionist policy; forms and dominates Warsaw Pact; invades Hungary (1956); shoots down US spy plane; 1970 German Treaty; claims right of intervention in eastern Europe; invades Afghanistan; attack strategy; troop reductions (1989); withdraws from Afghanistan; forces deployed in Czechoslovakia (1968); deploys SS-20 missiles; as nuclear power; troops in Warsaw Pact countries; withholds nuclear weapons from Warsaw Pact allies; and Polish unrest (1980–1); troops withdraw from Czechoslovakia and Hungary (1990); western republics declare independence from (1990–1); nuclear testing; nuclear strategy; World War II casualties; nuclear targets in; ICBM development; strategic missiles; strategic bombers; targeted by China; civil defence; deployment of forces in Europe; airborne troops; battle tanks; infantry carriers; field artillery; air-defence missiles and guns; aircraft development; air force; mobilization plans; battlefield nuclear weapons; in US nuclear strategy; effects of nuclear attacks on; procurement and financing; land-based missiles; sea-launched ballistic missiles; nuclear submarine accidents; see also Warsaw Pact

Spain: membership of NATO; and NATO command structure; navyn; submarines; marines; airborne troops; tanksn

Spanish Civil War (1936–9)n

Spínola, General António

SS missiles (USSR)

SS-N missiles (USSR)n

SSBNs see submarines: ballistic, nuclear

Stalin, Josef V.: 1946 Five-Year Plan; defence obsession; and Yugoslavia; and Finnish treaty; and US threat; split with Tito; builds up fleet

stand-off missiles

Strategic Air Command (USA)

Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT): Round I; Round II; and Soviet missiles; and strategic bombers

Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI; ‘Star Wars’)

submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs): launching; German; US; Soviet; British; French; Chinese; reliability; and nuclear balance; in anti-carrier warfare

submarines: ballistic, nuclear (SSBNs); in nuclear strikes; German (U-boats); US types and classes; diesel-electric; Soviet types and classes; miniature (X-craft)n; British; availability; Soviet strength; countermeasures against; nuclear-powered; Romanian; accidents (nuclear); see also submarine-launched ballistic missiles


Suez crisis (1956)

Sun Tzu

Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE)

surface-to-air missiles (SAMs)

Suslov, Mikhail

Sweden: and Nordic pact; declines NATO membership; civil defence; battle tank

Switzerland: civil defence

tanker aircraft

tanks (battle): British; characteristics and performance; Soviet; defence against; US; fire-control systems; armour and defence; propulsion and engines; French; NATO; West German; Swedish; costs

Thatcher, Margaret

thermal radiation (nuclear)

Thor missile

Thorez, Maurice

Thresher (US submarine)

throw weight (missile payload)

Titan missile

Tito, Josip Broz: takes power; independence of Soviet Union

Togliatti, Palmiro

Tokyo: bombed (1945)

Tomahawk cruise missile

Tongking, Gulf of

transient radiation effects on electronics (TREE)

triad (strategic concept)

Trident submarine missile system


‘tripwire’ strategy & n; replaced by ‘flexible response’

Triton submarine-launched-cruise-missile programme

Truman, Harry S.: supports Brussels Treaty; 1948 election victory; and North Atlantic Treaty

Tsu-shima, battle of (1905)n

Turkey: membership of NATO; hostility to Greece; occupies northern Cyprus; sea supplies to; navy; submarines; marines; airborne troops; aircraft; battlefield nuclear weapons in

‘twin-track’ (diplomatic/military) approach

U-2 spy plane

U-boats see submarines

Ukraine: independence (1991)

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics see Soviet Union

United Kingdom: post-war status; and Malaya ‘emergency’; signs Dunkirk Treaty; in Brussels Treaty; borrows from USA; relations with USA; opposition to missile deployment; command links with USA; controls own land and air defences; and naval command; as NATO base; nuclear testing; wartime experience; as nuclear-target reserve; miniature submarines (‘X’ craft)n; strategic bombers; Strategic Air Command bases in; as nuclear power; land-based missiles; submarine programme; civil defence; naval strength; aircraft carriers; surface warships; in Falklands War; and mine warfare; and amphibious warfare; marines; and central-European strategy; regular army; army in Europe; airborne troops; mobilization; logistical problems; deployment of forces; battle tanks; armoured personnel carriers; field artillery; air-defence missiles; air-defence control; air force (RAF) in Germany; fighter and attack aircraft; and outbreak of 1914 war; and military organization in Berlin; battlefield nuclear weapons; JIGSAW studies on effects of nuclear warfare; procurement and financial problems

United Kingdom Warning and Monitoring Organization (UKWMO)

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

United States of America: post-war power; observes Brussels Treaty; and Nordic pact; European garrisons and involvement; relations with UK; and formation of NATO; forces relocated after French withdrawal from NATO; in Vietnam War; and missile deployment; command links with UK; in NATO command structure; and naval command; nuclear testing; deterrence strategy; nuclear planning; nuclear targets in; ICBM programme; submarine-based-missile threat to; and UK nuclear weapons; targeted by China; civil defence; adopts European aircraft and equipment; and central-European strategy; abolishes conscription; army in Europe; airborne troops; mobilization and transport problems; battle tanks; and infantry mobility; field guns; air-defence missiles and guns; and Berlin incidents; battlefield nuclear weapons; presidential control of use of nuclear weapons; nuclear strategy; effects of Soviet nuclear attacks on; procurement and financing; land-based missiles; sea-launched ballistic missiles; strategic missiles

United States Air Force (USAF): ICBMs; strategic bombers; in NATO; fighter and attack aircraft; see also Strategic Air Command

United States Marine Corps (USMC)

United States Navy: submarines; aircraft carriers; strength and role; surface warships; battleships; and mine warfare; and amphibious warfare; attack aircraft; and Berlin contingency plans; carrier air wing

United States Sixth Fleet: in Mediterranean

United States (US carrier)

V-1 cruise missile (German)n

V-2 rocket (German) see A-4 rocket

V-force bombers (UK)

Vandenberg, Arthur

Vandenberg Air Force Base, California

Vienna see Conventional Armed Forces in Europe talks

Viet Minh

Vietnam: US involvement in; US bombing in; US navy and; as Soviet ally; see also Indo-China

Vincennes (US cruiser)

Wałesa, Lech

Walker spy ring

Walter, Dr Helmuth

warheads (nuclear); enhanced-radiation

Warsaw Pact: formed (1955); forces invade Czechoslovakia (1968); troop reductions (1989); command structure; Soviet troop deployment; collapse; civil-defence measures; navies; submarines; European attack strategy and plans; deployment of forces in Europe; airborne forces; battle tanks; air forces; and NATO alert systems and plans; preparations for war; battlefield nuclear weapons (tactical); financing; text of Treaty; appointments and commanders

warships (surface)

Weinberger, Caspar

West Germany (Federal Republic of Germany): rearmament; joins Brussels Treaty; membership of NATO; 1970 Soviet Treaty; Polish Treaty (1970); admitted to UN; and NATO command structure; civil defence; naval role; submarines (U-boats); armed forces; and NATO defence strategy; airborne troops; mobilization; and refugee problem; deployment of forces; battle tanks; infantry carriers; artillery; air-defence missiles; air force and aircraft; set up; contributes to costs of Berlin occupation; battlefield nuclear weapons in; and Warsaw Pact attack threat; effects of nuclear warfare in; see also Germany

Western Group of Forces see Group of Soviet Forces Germany

Western European Union see Western Union

Western Union (Brussels Treaty): formed; renamed; West Germany admitted to

Western Union Defence Organization

Whence the Threat to Peace? (Soviet publication)

Wilson, Harold

‘withholds’ (exempted targets)n

World War I (1914–18): outbreak and mobilization

World War II: mine warfare; and amphibious warfare

Yakubovsky, Marshal I. I.

Yamato (Japanese battleship)

Yom Kippur War (1973)

Yugoslavia: relations with USSR; turns to West; independence of USSR

Zossen-Wünstorf, East Germany

Zuckerman, Sir Solly