
Part II

hi hi hi
its me again (Medea, just in case im not
already in your phone yet)
how was the dress???

oh do you know
I actually haven’t had the chance to try it on yet
I’ve been so busy

okay that’s not a problem
I sent you guys something else

I don’t think we have anything

look outside

it’s another box

(are you surprised)

a little bit
how did you know where we live

i mean
how does anyone know anything right
you should open the box right now

it’s a cake

for your wedding!
so just
go ahead and eat some right now
to make sure that it’s normal and good
for the wedding
and tell me if you like it!!!


are you eating it
how does it taste

Medea I’m not eating this cake

oh sorry can you not eat processed flour
i should have asked
do you have allergies

I’m not going to try on the dress or eat this cake

why not???

you know why
they’re both full of poison


the cake is black and the icing ate right through the box

how would poison even get in there

the dress caught on fire
that’s how much poison was on it

well i’m going to
i’m going to have a very stern talk with that seamstress
ill get you another present to make up for it

please don’t