I told you what I was gonna name my bakery
if we ever get out of here
Peeta I’m actually really tired
I’m gonna name it The Hunger Grains
I’m going to go to sleep now, Peeta
It’s a play on “The Hunger Games”
because it’s something everyone already knows
but with a little twist
you should go to sleep too.
Only no one will be hungry at The Hunger Grains
maybe at first
when they get there
but not once they’ve had my Ruebarb pie
oh my God
hey Katniss
Peeta I cannot talk right now
im sorry
remember how we talked about this?
i dunno
remember how we talked about how I can’t talk when I’m hunting?
because of what else I need my hands for?
because you need your hands for holding arrows
Because I need my hands for holding arrows.
yeah i remember
so that’s why I said
don’t try to get in touch with me
unless you’re having an emergency
are you having an emergency?
is it a real emergency?
or is it a f…
it’s a frosting emergency
a frosting emergency isn’t the same thing as a real emergency
it is to me
it is to this cake and also it is to me
I’m turning my phone off
frosting emergencies are just as real as other kinds of