
Chapter 23



Fiona Patterson watched the two young people in the pastor’s driveway. She’d guessed correctly. The DeGrave boy was indeed handsome.

Emma wasn’t coming back.

How foolish she had been to think otherwise. She was furious with herself. She knew better, had known better for years. For more than a decade, she had taken care of herself, kept herself safe—so why had she recklessly flung open her door to that child?

Because she was a child. And because she’d been in need. Be gentle with yourself, Fiona told herself. You’re not a monster. You still have a heart. That’s why you opened your door. And now she was paying the price.

The DeGrave boy started his car and drove away. Emma looked in her direction, and Fiona jumped back, letting the curtain fall shut. Tears burned her eyes. It had been fun having a friend for a few hours.