The first time Levi heard his name, he was certain he was imagining things again. That wasn’t Gamp’s voice, though. It was a girl’s voice. He didn’t recognize it.
But then it came again. He tried to cry out in response, but “I’m here” sounded more like a grunt than actual words.
He stretched up to try to look out the window, and though he couldn’t see anything but treetops, he was almost certain those treetops were lit up by something. He called out again. “Here! Help!” This time, his cry more resembled actual words.
Suddenly everything got quieter. There had been an engine running. He hadn’t noticed that noise with all the rain, but he noticed the absence of it. Thank you, God. There was a vehicle here. There was a girl’s voice. Thank you, God. And they’d turned off the engine, so they didn’t plan on driving away. At least, not yet. He couldn’t let them leave. He screamed, “Help!” as loud as he could. His head swam with pain, which was followed by nausea. He slid back down to the floor, trying not to retch. He knew he didn’t have anything in his stomach to throw up, but dry heaving hurt worse than just about anything.
“I hear you, Levi!” the girl said.
He tried to respond, but he couldn’t.
He couldn’t do anything. Please, he silently cried to God. Please.