Page numbers listed correspond to the print edition of this book. You can use your device’s search function to locate particular terms in the text.
adipocere, 3
Aelian, 79, 85
Albertus Magnus, 79, 102
albinism, 297
alchemists, 144–5, 291
alcohol, 55, 70
alcoholism, 143
alder, 121
Aldrovandi, Ulisse, 79, 85, 87, 100, 102, 257, 259, 261, 263
Alexander the Great, 171
Alfred the Great, King, 10
ambergris, 50
amethysts, 6
amulets, 151–2
animal trials, 199
antidepressants, 247
anti-miscegenation laws, 175
antimony, 152
aqua fortis, 156
aqua regia, 145
Arab scholarship, 173
‘archaeology’ (the word), 253
Aristotle, 5, 55, 79, 98, 100, 117, 168, 241, 258
his death, 101n
and deductive logic, 155n
Ars Moriendi, 75
artichokes, 121, 139
Ashmole, Elias, 260
asparagus, 113–14
asphodels, 121, 128
asteroid strikes, 287
astrology, 53–4, 130
atheism, 204–7, 212–13, 216–19, 224
atomic bombs, 165
Aubrey, John, 47n
aurochs, 107
autophagy, 110
Averroes, 117
Avicenna (Ibn Sīn), 117, 265
avocets, 83, 85
‘Baby P’, 194
Bacon, Francis, 35, 47n, 85, 118, 168, 210n, 259
and definitions, 11, 214
and experimental science, 156
and inductive method, 155n
New Atlantis and new worlds, 263
badgers, 102–3
Baldinge, Ann, 182
Balfour, John Hutton, 127
Ball, Philip, 138
barber-surgeons, 69–70
Barnes, Julian, 178
barometric pressure, 185
Barrow, Isaac, 259
Bartholin, Thomas, 260
basilisks, 98, 181n
battle formations, Roman, 178
Bayfield, Robert, 76
bear cubs, 263–4
beavers, 11
Beckett, Samuel, 120
bees, 141, 245
belladonna, 113
Belleval, Pierre Richer de, 61
Bergen, 37
Berger, John, 260
Berkeley, George, 18
Berlin Wall, fall of, 289
bezoars, 54
birds, 81–3, 259
migration of, 82
see also individual species
bitterns, 79, 89–90, 155, 257
Black Death, 287
bladder stones, 53, 272
Blaschka, Leopold and Rudolf, 272
Blount, Thomas, 9–10
Bocking, Jane, 182
Bonestell, Chesley, 268
Book of Genesis, 122, 208
Book of Kings, 208
Book of Leviticus, 131, 208
Borges, Jorge Luis, xix, 17–18, 20
Boston, Lincolnshire, 37
Bostridge, Ian, 189
Botton, Alain de, 211
‘Boulimia Centenaria’, 49–50
Boyle, Robert, 47n, 56, 156, 189, 259, 262
Brampton urns and potsherds, 233–5, 238–9, 252–3, 256, 273
Brassavolus, 146
British Chiropractic Association, 159, 167
Brockman, John, 264
Bronstein, Pablo, 272
Browne, Anne (mother), 29
Browne, Anne (daughter), 33
Browne, Dr, 188
Browne, Dorothy (née Mileham), 33–4, 93, 244, 257, 262
her portrait, 1–2
Browne, Edward, 33–4, 42, 53, 76, 78–9, 257
keeps ostrich, 78, 85–6
Browne, Elizabeth, 33, 104
Browne, Frances, 33
Browne, Mary, 33
Browne, Thomas (father), 29
Browne, Sir Thomas
belief in witches, 188, 190
birth, 26, 29, 47n
and Bury witch trial, ix–x, xv–xx, 21, 179–91
character, 29–30, 245
his children, 33–4, 244–5
and civil wars, 177–8
his coffin-plate, 147n
death, 26, 43, 47–8, 72
education, 28–9
his effects, 256–7
engagement with nature, 78–80, 106–7
and experimental science, 155–8
his garden, 112–14, 117
handwriting, 7–9
humanistic ethics, 210–11
knighthood, 28
his letters, 240, 255
his library, 257–60
marriage, 33
medical practice, 69–72
medical training, 30–2, 60–1, 65–9
and melancholia, 240, 243–5
his portrait, 1–2
and predictions, 176–7
and religious belief, 208–27
settles in Norwich, 22, 32, 41–2, 69
his skull, 2–4, 255, 272
his will, 257
writing style, 6–7, 9, 17, 19, 291
WORKS: see individual titles
Browne, Thomas (son), 34, 41, 240
Browne, Thomas (grandson), 34
Brutus, 50
buckminsterfullerene, xv, xix, 129
Bunn, Ivan, 182, 187
Burgess Shale, 97–8
burial urns, 19, 23, 34, 42, 229, 231–9, 252–4, 255–6
Burnham, 93
Burton, Robert, 47n, 55, 231, 243–4, 248–9
Bury witch trial, ix–x, xv–xx, 21, 179–91, 199, 218, 259
Butler, Samuel, 246
Butley Clumps, 134
cabinets of curiosities, 257, 260–3, 274
Caius, John, 66–7
Camping, Harold, 285–6
cannibalism, 110, 196
Capel St Andrew, 134
Carlile, Joan, 1
Casaubon, Méric, 188–90
catkins, xv, 121, 134, 137, 142
chameleons, 5
Chandler, Susan, 182
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, 27
Charles I, King, 41, 60, 160n
Charles II, King, 28, 34, 86, 93, 179
Chaucer, Geoffrey, 10
Chediston, 74
Chelsea Physic Garden, 113–14
Cheyne, George, 243
Childeric, king of the Franks, 232
chimpanzees, 199
Christian Morals, 23, 76, 210–11
Churchill, Winston, 288–9
Cicero, 266
civility, 162, 164–5
Clare, John, 102
Clark, Sally, 193–4
Clarke, Elizabeth, 193
Clarke, Malcolm, 95
Claudius, Emperor, 266
climacteric years, 123
climate change, 6, 24, 107, 222, 284, 286
Coates, Marcus, 103
cockatrice, 257–8
cockerels, 155
Coen, Enrico, 138–42
coins, Roman, 234, 238
Coke, Sir Edward, 85
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, xix, 14
College of Physicians, 34, 70
Cologne, 37
Colombo, Realdo, 258
colour, and pigments, 174
Commonwealth, 9, 34, 104, 162, 258
Cooper, David, 119
Cooper, Matt, 39
Copernicus, Nicolaus, 164
coral, 54
crabs, 92
Craig-Martin, Michael, 280
cranes, 105–6
Cromwell, Oliver, 104, 123, 178
crop marks, 238
Crostwick, 70
‘crowds, madness of’, 179
crystals, 129, 150n, 151, 163
Cullender, Rose, ix–xi, xviii, 180–2, 185–6, 199
Cunningham, Andrew, 54
Curiosity: Art and the Pleasures of Knowing, 272
Cyrano de Bergerac, 17
Cyrus the younger, prince of Persia, 121, 136
Dante, 73, 117
Darwin, Charles, 81, 100, 175, 205, 223–4
Dawkins, Richard, xix, 20, 24, 160, 166, 204–7, 210, 213–14, 219, 221, 224
death, 229–30, 244–6
and anniversaries, 26–8, 43–8
causes of, 72
‘a good death’, 75
Dee, Arthur, 41
Dee, John, 41, 47n
Defoe, Daniel, 38
Denmark, x, 184
Dennett, Daniel, 206
Denny, Amy, ix–xi, xviii, 180–2, 186, 199
depression, 240–1, 245, 247–51
Descartes, René, 47n, 127, 168, 259
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), 248–50
diamonds, 5, 53, 151
Dickinson, Emily, xix
dictionaries, 9–10
digital technology, 212
digitalis, 113
Dillon, Brian, 272
disability, 199
dodos, 100, 107, 287
dolphins, xiv, 93, 96, 110
Domitian, Emperor, 232
Donne, John, 28, 262
Dowland, John, 231
Duchamp, Marcel, 131
Durant, John, 166
Dürer, Albrecht, 241
Duretus, 146
Durrant, Dorothy, 180–1, 186
Durrant, Edmund, 182
Dutton, Sir Thomas, 29
Duyckinck, Evert, 14
Dwight, Illinois, 143
dysthymia, 241, 249–50
eagle stones, 257
eagles, 79
earwigs, 155
Ebrahimi, Bijan, 193
economic freedoms, 199
Edict of Nantes, 177
eggs, and embryology, 157–8, 257
electricity, 13
electuaries, 148
elephants, 98
Elizabeth I, Queen, 85
Elizabeth II, Queen, 269, 273
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, xix, 15
Empedocles, 117
English Civil War, xvi, 5, 34, 162, 177–8, 187, 218, 231, 234, 245
Epicureans, 232
Epicurus, 212
Erastus, 146–7
Euclid, 259
Eustachi, Bartolomeo, 66
evangelical Christianity, 196–7
Evelyn, John, 55, 112, 157, 256
evolution, 160, 167, 205, 223
Fabricius, Hieronymus (Girolamo Fabrizio), 66–7, 258
facial reconstructions, 253
Falloppio, Gabriele, 66, 258
Faraday, Michael, 150n
Faulkner, Kevin, 40–2, 147n, 190
Feynman, Richard, 166
Fibonacci sequences, 126–8
Ficino, Marsilio, 241, 245
fig trees, 121
First World War, 249
fishes, 92–3, 164, 259
Flaubert, Gustave, 128, 178
fleas, 272
flies, 155–6
folk music, 131
Forbes, Peter, 101
Forster, E. M., 25, 28
forts, 130
fractals, 138
French Wars of Religion, 177
Freud, Sigmund, 249
frogs, 177
Fuller, Thomas, 36
Galen, 6, 30, 51, 55, 67, 117, 258, 269, 283
Garden of Cyrus, The, 5–6, 14, 17, 115–17, 121–2, 126, 131, 222, 229
dedicatory epistle, 135
and experimental science, 156
and neologisms, 14, 138n
praised by D’Arcy Thompson, 21
and quincunxes, xiv–xv, 115, 134–6
and Roman battle formations, 178
and starfish, 92–3
writing of, 123
Garden of Eden, 109, 122, 134
gardens and gardening, 112–23, 128–9, 137–8, 243, 292
Geber (Jbir ibn Hayyn), 173
Geis, Gilbert, 182, 187
Gerard, John, 267
Gibbons, Grinling, 209
Gilbert, William, 150n, 259
Gillingham, Norfolk, 70
Glanvill, Joseph, 189
glaucous gulls, 88
Glisson, Francis, 259
God’s bottom, 205
godwits, 83
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 114, 130, 284
‘Goethe palm’, 114
gold, 5, 143–55, 158, 161
Goldacre, Ben, 158–9
Gosse, Edmund, 17
Gould, Stephen Jay, xix, 20, 97–8
Great Hospital of St Giles, 69
Great Plague of London, 287
Green, Bill, 268
Grell, Ole Peter, 54
Gressenhall, 238
grief, 249–50
Grillo, Elisabetta and Francesca, 192–3
Guild of St George, 140
Gunpowder Plot, 35, 177
Hadrian, Emperor, 20n
Hale, Sir Matthew, 182, 184–5, 190, 195n, 259
Hall, Joseph, 258
Handel George Frideric, 217
Hannibal, 265
Hanseatic League, 37–8
Happisburgh, 104
harpies, 98
Harris, Sam, 206
Harvey, William, 28, 35, 47n, 66, 70, 259, 290
hazel trees, 121
heliocentrism, 164
hen, golden, 148
Henderson, Mark, 160–1, 288
Henry VII, Holy Roman Emperor, 283
Heraclitus, 117
herb women, 56–7, 69
Herbert, George, 258
Herodotus, 104, 155, 282
herons, 79, 106
Higgs boson, 214
Hilton, Denny, 13
Hippocrates, 53–5, 67, 258
Hitchens, Christopher, 38, 206
Hobbes, Thomas, 47n, 190, 210n
Hollington, Geoff, 130–1
Homer, 258
Homeric ‘battle of the frogs and mice’, 270
homoeopathy, 158–61, 163, 167, 288
Hooke, Robert, 28, 259, 262, 290
hoopoes, 87–8
Hopkins, Matthew, 187–9, 193, 195–6
horoscopes, 160, 163
house-leeks, 222
humours, theory of, 51–2, 164, 240, 247
Hunstanton, 93–4, 96, 107
Huxley, Thomas, 205
incisors, 11
Index of Prohibited Books, 209–10n
Ingram, Sir Arthur, 53
intestines, 148
Ireland, 30, 209
Islam, 172–4
James I, King, 99, 187, 256
jellyfish, 265
Jews, 170–2, 177
Johnson, Samuel, xix, 9–10, 14
Jonah and the whale, 15
Jones, Inigo, 128
Jones, Steve, 208
Jonson, Ben, 258
Josselin, Rev. Ralph, 245
Julian of Norwich, 16
Jung, Carl, 41
Kafka, Franz, 120
Kalman, Tibor, 269
Katchadourian, Nina, 272
Keeley, Leslie, 143
Keeley Institutes, 143–4
Keeling, John, 184
Kempe, Margery, 16
Kercher, Meredith, 192
Kett, Robert, 35
Kew Gardens, 113
King’s Lynn, 37, 55
kingfishers, xvii, 6, 155, 257
Kircher, Athanasius, 41, 259, 261
knapweed, 121
knots, 83
Knox, Amanda, 192
Knyvett, Thomas, 70
Kupfer, David, 250
Kushner, Tony, 19–20
La Fontaine, Jean, 196
labour pains, 5
Landguard Fort, 130
Landy, Michael, 276–7, 280
lapis judaicus, 54
lapis lazuli, 54
Lawson, Nigella, 192–3
Le Vell, Michael, 194
Leeuwenhoek, Anton van, 62, 157
Leiden, 30, 60, 67–9, 172, 177
Leitao, Mary, 62, 64–5
Leonardo da Vinci, 273
l’Estrange, Hamon, 71, 107
Letter to a Friend, 26, 74–6
Lichtenfeld, Stephanie, 119
life expectancy, 49, 56
lightning, 121
Linnaeus, Carl, 80
lions, 155, 218n
liquorice, 113
little egrets, 107
Little Ice Age, 241
Livy, 265
lobsters, 92, 261
locusts, 177
lodestone, 150–1
Lodwick, Francis, 9
logos, corporate, 270
Lomberg, Jon, 268
Louis XIII, King, 61
Loveday, Robert, 72–7
Lowestoft, ix, 182
Lubbock, Edward, 3
Lushington, Thomas, 29, 32
Mabey, Richard, 106
Macaulay, Rose, 209
Mackay, Charles, 21, 179, 196
madder, 37
Maddox, John, 264
Madonna, 167
magnetism, 150–1, 160n
malaria, 64
mandrakes, 113
Marías, Javier, xix, 18–19
marine plants, 266–7
Marius, 265
marriage, 33, 211
marsh harriers, 81
Marshall, Mrs, 41
Martial, 269
Marvell, Andrew, 120
Mather, Cotton, 187, 199
Meadow, Sir Roy, 193
medical practice, 51–60
melancholia, 230–1, 240–6, 248, 250–2
Melville, Herman, xix, 14–15
Mencken, H. L., 267n
Mercator, 259
Merret, Christopher, 79, 87, 93, 105
Methone, siege of, 253
Michell, Elizabeth, 49–50, 53
microscopes, 11, 61, 65
Midas, King, 148
Mildenhall hoard, 228
Miller, Jonathan, 139
Mills, Brett, 109
Milton, John, 10, 12, 28, 258
mink, 82
miracles, 221
mistletoe, 54
moles, 12, 100–1, 164
Monbiot, George, 110
monkeys, 164, 261
Montaigne, Michel de, 16, 30, 223, 258
Montpellier, 30, 60–1, 112, 177
‘morgellons’, 61–5, 249
Morley, Thomas, 258
mortality statistics, 56
Mousehold Heath, 35, 170
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 217
Mpemba, Erasto, 169
Muhammad, Prophet, 173–4
‘mummia’, 55
Musaeum Clausum, 263–72
museums and galleries, 275–6
Nabokov, Vladimir, 18
narwhal tusks, 260, 272
narwhals, 80, 97
necrophilia, 282
Needham, Joseph, 21, 80, 157
Nelson, Admiral Horatio, 134
neologisms and definitions, xix, 10–14, 80, 89–90
‘anomalous’, 27–8n
‘asceticism’, 33n
‘botanologer’, 138n
‘deductive’, 154–5n
‘electricity’, 150n
‘fallaciously’, 160n
‘ferocious’, 218n
‘hallucinations’, 181n
‘incontrovertible’, 101n
‘medical’, 49–50n
‘prairie’, 267n
Nero, Emperor, 232
Newton, Isaac, 291
Noah’s flood, xviii, 287
Norfolk and Norwich Hospital, 3, 22
Norfolk Museums and Archaeology Service, 252, 255–6, 271
Norfolk Record Office, 7
Norwich, 35–43, 200–4
and blood libel, 170–1
Browne settles in, 22, 32, 41–2, 69
Browne’s statue, 21, 39, 42, 214
cathedral, xviii, 9, 23, 32, 112, 117, 200–1, 217
cathedral tombs, 9
clean air of, 55
the ‘Great Blow’, 178
mayoral ceremonies, 140
parish churches, 38
and religious belief, 204, 218
street names, 35
Norwich Castle Museum, 256, 275
Norwich Chronicle, 2
Norwich City FC, 243
Nostradamus, 176
Notes and Letters on the Natural History of Norfolk, xiv, 79–80, 82–4, 94, 98
Novgorod, 37
nuclear test ban treaty, 289
Nuland, Sherwin, 72
octopuses, 110, 126
olinguito, 108
opium poppies, 113
Orbach, Susie, 251
orchards, xiv, 115, 135–7
orchids, 121
Osler, Sir William, 21
ostrich eggs, 270
ostriches, 78, 85–6, 257
Oughton, John, 143
Ovid, 258
owls, 91
Oxford evolution debate, 205
Oxnead, 70
Oxnead Hall, 233, 235–6, 260
Pacy, Samuel, 181–3
Padua, 30, 60, 65–8, 172, 177, 258–9
botanical garden, 112, 114
paedophiles, 191, 193–4, 196, 198
palm-reading, 164
Paltrow, Gwyneth, 167
Paracelsus, 41, 52, 145, 147, 259
Pascal, Blaise, 258
Paston, Mary, 261
Paston, Robert, 71, 261
Paston, Sir William, 260–1
Paston Treasure, The, 260–1
peacocks, 79
Pegasus, 98
pellitory-of-the-wall, 113
Pembroke College, Oxford, 28–9
Pendle witches, 187
penguins, 109
Penrose, Roger, 129
Pentagon, 130
pentatonic scale, 131
Perugia, 192
Pestell, Tim, 256, 275
Pettus, Sir John, 74, 76–7
Pevsner, Nikolaus, 200
Philip of Macedon, 253
Philippi, Battle of, 50
Phillips, David, 44
Phillips, Robert, 260
phyllotaxis, 127, 134, 137–8
pine cones, xv, 127, 134, 137
Pinker, Steven, 227
plague, 36, 49, 53, 61, 64, 76
plague of Athens, 269
plague of Milan, 270
Plato, 117, 129, 146, 232, 258
Pliny, 5, 55, 79, 85, 92, 98, 100, 258
Plutarch, 50
Poe, Edgar Allan, xix
Poirier, Anne and Patrick, 39
poison, 282–3
Polanyi, Michael, 206
polar bear, stuffed, 260
polecats, 78
Polkinghorne, John, 206
Poll Tax Riots, 178
porpoises, xiv, 93, 96
prophecies, 176–7
Pseudodoxia Epidemica, xiv, xvii, 5–6, 14–16, 24, 84, 263
appeals to authority, 146, 154
and belief in witches, 188
and death, 230
and deductive logic, 154–5
and the devil, 210
and experimental science, 155–6
and Islam, 173–4
and Jews, 171–2
and marriage, 33
and medical practice, 49–50n, 53–5, 71
and neologisms, 11, 13, 49–50n, 154n
and ostriches, 85
praised by Stephen Jay Gould, 21
and rainbows, 168
rhetorical style, 6–7, 146
and Ross’s response, 35, 160n
and search for truth, 282
and skin colour, 174–5
and the state, 178–9
and storks, 104
and unicorns, 80
and whales, 94
Pygmalion, 282
Pythagoras, 123
Pytheas, 265
Queen’s House, Greenwich, 128
quincunxes, xiv–xv, 23, 39, 115, 121, 128, 134–7, 222, 292
Qur’an, 172–3
Rabelais, François, 61, 210n, 263
radiolaria, 129
Raedwald, King, 228
rainbows, 168
Ramsay, William, 21
Ranchin, François, 61
rape, 194–5n
Rapture, the, 285–6
Radden, Jennifer, 242
ravens, 88, 91
Ray, John, 259
Ray, Man, 131
Raynham, 70
red chilli, 114
red kites, 88, 106
red-backed shrikes, 81
Redonda, 18
Religio Medici, xviii, xx, 5, 14, 16, 23–4, 191, 211
and belief in witches, 188
and Browne’s character, 29–30
and Browne’s religious faith, 208–9, 214
and death, 229–30
dedication, 34–5
and gardens, 123
and human equality, 177
and Islam, 172–3
literary style, 5, 209
manuscript copy, 7–8, 272
and melancholia, 243–4, 246
and neologisms, 14, 138n
placed on papal index, 5, 209
quoted by William Ramsay, 21
Spanish translation, 19
and superstitions, 163
unauthorized editions, 35
writing of, 32
religion, and science, 205–7, 214, 217, 221–2, 225
Rendlesham Forest, 134
Rennard, Lord, 191
Repertorium, 9
Restoration, xix, 34, 104, 162, 179, 187, 189–90
resurrection, 29, 123, 212, 225, 232
Richard III, King, 253
ricin, 114
rickets, 70, 83, 259
Rivière, Lazare, 61
Rochdale, 196
rollers, 87, 257
Roman Britain, 235
Rondelet, Guillaume, xiv, 61, 146, 259
rooks, 83
Rosamund, queen of Lombardy, 282
Ross, Alexander, 35, 160n
Royal College of Physicians, 167
Royal College of Surgeons of England, 4
Royal Society, xix, 42, 49, 79, 139, 157, 179, 189, 261–2
Royal Society of Chemistry, 169
Ruskin, John, 110
Rutherford, Adam, 160
Saatchi, Charles, 192–3
Saenredam, Jan, 94, 96
Sagan, Carl, 20, 166, 181n, 205, 268, 289
St Augustine of Hippo, 258
St Edmund’s Abbey, xi
St Jerome, 258
St John’s wort, 248
St Michael’s, Cheapside, 29
St Paul, 173
St Peter Mancroft, 1–3, 37, 178, 200
St Stephen’s church, 201
St Thomas Aquinas, 258
Salem witch trials, 187, 191
Salisbury cathedral, 200
salsify, 121, 128
saltpetre, 52
sargassum algae, 269
‘satanic abuse’ claims, 195–6
satyrs, 98
Savile, Jimmy, 194–5
scabious, 121
school shootings, 284
and evidence-based policy, 287–9
and mockery, 262–3
and religion, 205–7, 214, 217, 221–2, 225
and society, 164–9
and speculation, 264
‘scientist’ (the word), 32n
Scotland, 209
Scribonius Largus, 266
scurvy, 269
sea urchins, 129
seals, 93
Sebald, W. G., xix, 16, 18–19, 38, 41
Second World War, 165
Sempervivum, 121, 127
Sendivogius, Michael, 259
Seneca, 30
Sense about Science, 160
serfdom, abolition of, 198
Shadwell, Thomas, 262
Shakespeare, William, 10–12, 43, 215
‘dark lady’ sonnets, 175
Hamlet, 231
The Taming of the Shrew, 65
The Tempest, 27
Sheldrake, Rupert, 167
Shibden Hall, 31–2
Shiel, M. P., 18
Shoesmith, Sharon, 194
shrews, 263
Singh, Simon, 159, 167, 210
skin colour, 174–5
slavery and slave trade, 175, 198
sloth, 211, 240
smallpox, 261, 271
snails, 177
snapdragons, 140–1
Snow, C. P., 166
social workers, 191, 194, 196
Socrates, 117
Sollecito, Raffaele, 192
South Ronaldsay, 196
Southwell, Thomas, 83
Spanish inquisition, 231
extinctions of, 107–8
naming of, 80
Spenser, Edmund, 10, 258
spermatozoa, 157
spiders, 30, 126
Spiegelhalter, David, 45–6
Spinoza, Baruch, 210n
starfish (‘sea stars’), 92, 129
stargazers, 164
Stockholm City Hall, 200
Stockholm witches, 188
Stoics, 212
stone curlews, 83
‘stone, the’, 53
storage space, rentable, 274
storks, 104, 178, 257, 292
Strabo, 265
Strachey, Lytton, 17
Strangers’ Hall Museum, 256, 271
Stuart, Rory, 120
suicides, 283–4
Sunday Assembly, 213
sunflowers, 128
superstitions, 163
Sutton Hoo ship burial, 228
swallows, 81–2, 107
‘swan song’, 230
sycamore trees, 121
symmetry, five-fold, 129–31, 134
Tacitus, 266
Takemitsu, Tru, 131
Tatler magazine, 262
teasels, 121
telescopes, 11
Tertullian, 220
Theophrastus, 171
Thirty Years War, 60
Thompson, D’Arcy, 21
Thorpe Woods, 170
Thucydides, 269
toads, 179–80, 190
‘tolerance paradox’, 198
Torricelli, Evangelista, 185
Townsend, Sue, 20n
Townshend, Horatio Lord, 26, 71
Townshend, Thomas, 26
Tradescant, John, 260
Trafalgar, Battle of, 134
tuberculosis, 28, 72–3
Turner, Bryan, 231
turtle doves, 107–8
‘two cultures’ divide, 139, 166
unicorn horn, 52
unicorns, 80, 97–9, 181n
Urne-Buriall, 5–7, 14, 16, 18, 43, 229–31, 256
and atheism, 212
closing words, 20n
dedicatory letter, 3, 229
and facial reconstructions, 253
and melancholia, 244, 246
prose style, 6, 231, 240
Spanish translation, 19
Valentine, Basil, 259
vegetarianism, 55
Vesalius, Andreas, 66–7
Virgil, 258
viruses, 129
Vitruvius, 258
Voltaire, 120
Walcott, Charles, 97
Waldstein, Anna, 59–60
walnut trees, 121
Walsingham urns, 229, 231–3, 235, 239, 255–6
water, freezing of, 168–9
water divining, 163
water rails, 81
Weaver, Warren, 221–2
Webster, John, 188
Wellcome Trust, 160
Wells, 15, 94
whales, 15, 80, 94–6
Wheen, Francis, 159
White, Gilbert, 81
whooper swans, 81
Wilberforce, Bishop Samuel, 205
William of Norwich, 170–1
Willis, Thomas, 259
Winchester College, 28–9
Wise, Steven, 199
witchcraft, 130, 186–8, 196–7
see also Bury witch trial
Wolpert, Lewis, 241
wolves, 107
death statistics, 44–5, 48
gain franchise, 199
as weaker sex, 33
wool trade, 37
Woolf, Virginia, xix, 15–16, 20
Worm, Ole, 260–1
Wortham, Dolphin Inn, xiv
X-Files, The, 166, 168
Xenophon, 136
Xerxes, 155
Yarmouth, 28, 37, 49, 92, 240
Louis Tussaud’s House of Wax, 268