First Day at the Beach (Ocean City), 512

First Night: Haddonfield, 270

Montclair, 121

Morristown, 219

Mount Holly, 340

Ocean City, 514

Seaside Heights, 410

South Orange, 121

Summit, 121

FirstEnergy Park, 329

fish hatchery, 27, 195

Fisherman’s Cove Conservation Area, 384

Fisherman’s Wharf (Cape May), 530

fishing, 27–28

Central New Jersey, 328

Central Seacoast, 354, 382, 403, 418

Delaware River Valley, 230, 286

Northeastern Gateway, 75, 131

Northern New Jersey, 152, 174, 197

Southern Shore, 450–51, 491–92, 528

tournaments, 295, 431, 514

Five Mile Beach Electric Railway Company, 520

Five Mile Beach Island, 479–81

map, 477. See also Wildwood

500 Club, 437, 444

Flamingo Motel, 406

Flanders Hotel, 496

Flanders Valley Golf Course, 197

Flat Rock Brook Nature Center, 49, 50

Flatbrook Farm, 183

flea markets: Boonton, 165

Cream Ridge, 338

Dover, 216

East Rutherford, 64

Englishtown, 317

Jackson, 338

Lambertville, 242

Manahawkin, 430

Vincentown, 338

Woodstown, 295

Flemington, 187

eating, 208, 210, 212

emergencies, 189

entertainment, 213–14

information, 188

lodging, 205–306

map, 186

shopping, 215–16, 219

sights/activities, 191, 196, 197, 199

Florence and Robert Zuck Arboretum, 103

Florham Opera, 118

Florham Park: lodging, 107

flower shows, 141, 512–13

Flying Pig Gallery, 164

Flyway Gallery, 63

Food for Thought, 334

football, 49

Ford Mansion, 192–93

Forked River: eating, 408

sights/activities, 401, 403

Forked River Diner, 408

Forked River State Marina, 403

Forno’s of Spain, 81

Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge. See Edwin B. Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge

Fort Delaware, 274, 278, 279, 285

Fort Dix Military Museum, 324

Fort Dix Military Reservation, 322, 324

Fort DuPont, 274, 279, 285

Fort Hancock, 32, 344, 349, 354, 357

Day, 373

Fort Lee, 41, 49, 50

entertainment, 63

Fort Lee Historic Park, 50

Fort Lee-Rockefeller Lookout, 51

Fort Mercer, 251, 253, 261

Fort Monmouth, 351

Fort Mott State Park, 274, 279, 288

boat excursions, 285

fishing, 286

information center, 276

Fortescue, 276, 286

Fortescue State Marina, 286

Forum Theatre Company, 119

Foster-Armstrong House, 170

Fosterfields Living Historical Farm, 29, 191

Foster’s Farm Market, 430

Four Sisters Winery, 34, 172, 183

410 Bank Street, 541

Fourth of July celebrations. See Independence Day celebrations

Fox Nature Center, 328, 331

Fralinger’s Cider Mill (Hopewell), 294

Fralinger’s Original Salt Water Taffy (Atlantic City), 471

(Cape May), 544

Francis Byrne Golf Course, 101

Frank and Sheri’s, 212

Frank Sinatra Park, 62, 65

Frankie & Johnnie’s, 56

Franklin Inn, 127

Franklin Lakes: eating, 110

sights/activities, 100, 105

Franklin Mineral Museum, 24, 149

Franklinville Inn, 290

Freckle Contest, 513

Freda’s Café, 541–42

Frederick Galleries, 393

Freehold: campgrounds, 312

eating, 313–14, 315

emergencies, 301

events, 319

lodging, 310–12

shopping, 318

sights/activities, 302, 305, 307

Freehold Raceway, 26, 307

Freehold Raceway Mall, 318

Frelinghuysen Arboretum, 199, 201, 218

French Quarter Buffet, 460

Frenchtown, 224

eating, 235–38, 240

entertainment, 240

events, 244

information, 226

lodging, 234

shopping, 240–43

sights/activities, 229–31

Frenchtown Café, 238

Frenchtown Inn, 235

Frenchtown Visitors Bureau, 226

Frescos Ristorante, 541

Fries Mill, 288

Frog and the Peach, The, 135–36

Frogmore Country Store, 164

Frontier Campground, 503

Fudge Kitchen (Cape May), 544

Fusion, 208


Gabriele’s Art Gallery, 241

Gaetano’s, 366

Gallagher’s Burger Bar, 460

Galleria, The (Red Bank), 371

galleries. See art/craft galleries

Gallery 14, 317

Gallery 125, 268

Gallery at the Ocean City Arts Center, 510

Galloway: eating, 466

Galloway Limousine, 442

gaming, in Atlantic City, 23, 437–39, 451–55, 458–61. See also specific casinos

Garden Club of Montclair, 102

Garden Conservancy’s Open Days Program, 28

Garden Pier, 437, 443–44, 472

Garden State (movie), 27, 69

Garden State Discovery Museum, 23, 257

Garden State Exhibit Center, 139

Garden State Film Festival, 369, 372

Garden State Home Show, 141

Garden State Horse Show, 165

Garden State Marina, 382

Garden State Parkway, 29, 44, 70, 90, 93, 124, 301, 323, 348, 378, 399, 414, 482, 519

information centers, 30, 43, 92, 481, 519

west of, 90–121

Garden State Philharmonic, 31, 337, 409

Garden State Pops Youth Orchestra, 337

Garden State Wine Growers Association, 34

gardens: overview, 28. See also specific gardens

Gardner’s Basin, 439, 444–46, 450–51

Gardner’s Pond, 152, 157

Garretson Farm County Historic Site, 96–97

Gary’s Restaurant, 470

Gateway Marina, 354

Gateway National Recreation Area-Sandy Hook Unit, 32, 344, 356–57

beaches, 21, 355

biking, 352

birding, 352

events, 372, 373

Fort Hancock, 344, 349

hiking, 354

lighthouses, 353

George, Lake, 197, 198

George Street Playhouse, 140–41

George Washington Birthday Celebration, 244

George Washington Bridge, 44

George’s Boat Rentals, 420–21

Geraldine Dodge Poetry Festival, 165

German Festival, 142

Germania: winery, 326

Ghost Lake, 174, 178

ghost tours, 257, 325, 530

Giant Stairs, 51

Giants Stadium, 49

Gibbon House Museum, 279–80

Gibbstown: sights/activities, 277, 287

Gillian’s Island Water Theme Park, 488

Gillian’s Wonderland Pier, 24, 487–88

Ginger Tree, The, 242

Ginsberg, Allen, 69, 92

Girasole, 468

Giuseppe’s Ristorante and Pizza Bar, 239

Gladstone, 198

Glass Woods Tavern, 134

Glassboro: entertainment, 337

museum, 324

Glasstown Arts District, 293, 296

Glen Gardner: campground, 208

sights/activities, 199, 202

Glenmont, 130

Glenwood: farm, 164–65

lodging, 159

Glenwood Mill Bed & Breakfast, 159

Globetrotter, 393

Gloucester County Fair, 295

Gold Medal Impressions, 317

Golden Bean, 108

Golden Eagle, 354

Golden Inn Hotel and Resort, 495

Golden Nugget Antique Market, 242

Golden Pheasant Golf Course, 328

golf, 28

Central New Jersey, 307, 328

Central Seacoast, 354, 382, 403, 418–19

Delaware River Valley, 258, 287

Northeastern Gateway, 48, 100–101, 131

Northern New Jersey, 152, 174, 197

Southern Shore, 455, 492, 528–29

Golf Association Museum and Archives, U.S., 28, 194

Gourmet Pantry (Hackensack), 61

Grace Fine Art Gallery, 215

Grain House Restaurant, 108

Grand Banks Restaurant, 83

Grand Café (Morristown), 209

Grand Cascades Lodge, 158

Grand Cayman Ballroom and Shell Showroom, 470

Grand Harvest Wine Festival, 228, 244

Grand Lady by the Sea, 359–60

Grand Summit Hotel, 107–8

Grand Theater (Atlantic City), 471

Grand Victorian Hotel (Spring Lake), 385

Grandma’s Olde and New Shoppe, 141

Grant (Alexander) House, 277–78

Gravelly Run Antiquarians, 338

Great American Railway, 191

Great American Trolley Company, 441, 483, 529–30

Great Andover Antique Company, 163

Great Auditorium, 346, 350, 369

Great Bay Boulevard Wildlife Management Area, 414, 419–20

Great Bay Gallery, 474

Great Cape May Foot Race, 547

Great Egg Harbor River, 328

Great Fall Classic Surf Fishing Tournament, 514

Great Falls Festival, 121

Great Falls National Historic Landmark District, 96–97

Great Gorge Country Club, 152

Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge, 101–2, 104, 105

Greater Atlantic City Golf Association, 455, 492, 528

Greater Cape May Chamber of Commerce, 533

Greater Cape May Historical Society, 521

Greater Spring Lake Chamber of Commerce, 377

Greater Trenton Symphony Orchestra, 251, 253, 266, 268

Greater Wildwood Chamber of Commerce, 482, 483, 495

Greater Wildwood Hotel and Motel Association, 482, 495

Greater Wildwood Yacht Club Regattas, 513, 514

Greek Festival, 339

Green Cuisine, 508

Green Gables Inn and Restaurant, 423, 426

Green Knoll Golf Course, 101

Green Park, 74

Green Sergeants Covered Bridge, 227, 230

Green Valley Beach Campground, 160

Greenfield Hall, 257

Greenville Public Library, 73

Greenwich, 274, 279–80

Greenwich Lake Park, 287

Greenwood Gardens, 103–4

Greenwood Lake, 151, 154

Greenwood Observatory, 176

Grenville Hotel, 385, 391

Grenville Restaurant, 391

Griggstown Canoe and Kayak Rental, 131, 307

Grist Mill Antiques Center, 338

Groff’s Restaurant, 507

Grounds for Sculpture, 260

Grove at Shrewsbury, 372

Grove Taxi, 72

Grover Cleveland House, 95

Growing Stage, The, 214

Guaracini Performing Arts Center, 292

Guardian Park, 349

Guggenheim Memorial Library, 350

Gypsy Bar, 473


Haas Gallery, 242

Hackensack, 41–42, 47

eating, 57, 58, 60, 61

emergencies, 44

Hackensack University Medical Center, 44

Hackettstown: campground, 161, 208

emergencies, 189

entertainment, 214

farm, 218

lodging, 158

sights/activities, 197, 203

Hackettstown Community Hospital, 189

Hacklebarney State Park, 197, 198, 202–3

Haddon Fortnightly Antiques Show, 270

Haddon Fortnightly House and Garden Tour, 270

Haddonfield, 247–48

eating, 264, 265

entertainment, 268

events, 270

information, 248

lodging, 262

shopping, 268

sights/activities, 253, 257

Haddonfield Antique Center, 268

Haddonfield Crafts and Fine Art Festival, 270

Haddonfield Gallery, 268

Haddonfield Historical Society, 257

Haddonfield Information Center, 248

Haddonfield Inn, 262

Haddonfield Plays and Players Performing Arts Center, 268

Hadrosaurus foulkii, 247–48, 253, 254

Hadrosaurus Park, 253

Hageman Farm, 127

Haledon: museum, 97

Half Moon Lounge, 80

Half Pint Harbor, 24, 150

Hall of Fame All Sports Museum, Bridgeton, 282

Hallock’s U-Pick Farm and Greenhouses, 339

Halloween Parades, 409, 514

Hambletonian Festival of Racing, 26, 50, 65

Hamburg: eating, 162

golf, 152

Hamilton: eating, 262–63

events, 270

shopping, 269

sights/activities, 251, 260

Hamilton, Alexander, 43, 72, 96–97

Schuyler-Hamilton House, 189

Hamilton Farm (Gladstone), 198

Hamilton House Museum (Clifton), 46

Hamilton Park Hotel & Conference Center, 107

Hamilton’s Grill Room, 236

Hammonton: emergencies, 323

information, 322

sights/activities, 326, 328, 331

Hammonton Lake, 328

Hampton Inn, 205

Hana Sushi and Steak, 407

Hancock House, 278

handicapped access, 6, 29

Harbor Bar and Brasserie (Weehawken), 54

Harbor Bike and Beach Shop (Stone Harbor), 489

Harbor Pines Golf Club, 328

Harbor Safari (Cape May), 527

Hard Rock Café, 464

Harding Historical Society, 99

Harmony: fair, 168, 184

harness racing. See horse racing

Harold N. Peek Preserve, 285

Harrah’s Atlantic City Casino Hotel, 23, 452, 459

Harrison: eating, 83–84, 85

Harrison House Diner and Restaurant, 290–91

Harsimus Cove Bar and Grill, 80

Hartshorne Woods Park, 352

Harvest Bistro, 57–58

Harvest Festival (Chester), 219

(Hoboken), 65

(Mountainside), 121

Harvest Moon Brewery and Café, 139

Harvest Moon Inn, 313

Harvest Square Farmer’s Market, 89

Harvey Cedars, 411–12

activities, 418

beaches, 421

eating, 426

events, 431

Hasenclever Iron Trail, 148

Haskell Invitational Thoroughbred Race, 26, 355, 373

Haunted Cape May Tours, 530

Haunted Haddonfield, 257

Hauptmann, Bruno, 187, 213, 254

Have Balloon Will Travel, 172

Hawk Island Marina, 258

Hawk Migration Association of North America (HMANA), 48, 173

Hazzard’s Launching Ramp, 49

Headley Overlook, 154

Hedden County Park, 199, 200

Heinz Pier, 436, 444

Heislerville: lighthouse, 280, 282

Heldrich Hotel & Spa, 134

Hemlock Falls, 101

Hendricks Field Golf Course, 49

Henry Hudson Drive, 47–48

Hepburn House, 311–12

Hereford Inlet Lighthouse, 31, 482, 486

Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony, 514

Heritage Glass Museum (Glassboro), 324

Heritage Station, 294

Heritage Surf and Sport, 493

Heritage Village and Museum (Barnegat), 415

Heritage Vineyards of Richwood, 284

Hermitage, The, 95

Heron Glen Golf Course, 307

Herrontown Woods, 306

Hewitt: campground, 161

sights/activities, 151, 152, 154, 156

Hewitt State Forest, 156

Hewitt Wellington Hotel, 385, 390

Hidden Acres Campground, 503

Hidden Gardens of Lambertville Tour, 244

Hidden Valley, 33, 155

Higbee Beach Wildlife Management Area, 21, 525–26

High Bridge Hills Golf Club, 197

High Mountain Golf Club, 100

High Point Cross Country Ski Center, 33, 155–56

High Point Monument, 175

High Point State Park, 26, 174–75, 177, 179

High Point Wheat Beer Company, 149–50

High Street Grill, 336

Highland Park: eating, 137–38

Highlands, 344

beaches, 355

eating, 362, 363, 365–66

events, 373

ferries, 27, 348

lodging, 359

sights/activities, 353, 354

Highlands Conservation Act, 146

Highlands Trail, 29, 153, 154

Highlawn Pavilion, 106, 111

hiking (walking trails), 29

Central New Jersey, 307, 308, 328–32

Central Seacoast, 354, 357, 384, 403, 421

Delaware River Valley, 230, 259, 287–88

Northeastern Gateway, 49, 50–52, 101–2, 132

Northern New Jersey, 152–54, 174–75, 198

Southern Shore, 492, 529. See also Appalachian Trail; Batona Trail; Highlands Trail

Hills of Istanbul, 137–38

Hills, the, 185–219

campgrounds, 207–8

eating, 208–13

emergencies, 189

entertainment, 213–14

events, 218–19

information, 188

lodging, 204–7

map, 186

shopping, 214–18

sights/activities, 189–203

transportation, 188–89

Hillsborough: sights/activities, 196, 197, 203

Hillsborough Country Club, 197

Hillsdale: shopping, 64

Hilton at Short Hills, 107

Hilton East Brunswick, 134–35

Hilton Newark Penn Station, 79

Hilton Woodcliff Lake, 52

Hiram Blauvelt Art Museum, 20, 44–45

Hispanic State Parade of New Jersey, 65

Historic Cold Spring Village, 518, 522, 546, 548

Historic Gardner’s Basin, 439, 444–46, 450–51

Historic New Bridge Landing Park, 41, 45–46

historic sites: overview, 29. See also specific historic sites

Historic Smithville Inn, 466, 474

Historic Speedwell, 190

Historic Towne of Smithville. See Smithville

Historical Society of Princeton, 300, 302

Hobby’s Delicatessen and Restaurant, 84

HoBiken, 48

Hoboken, 39–65

eating, 54–56, 58–62

emergencies, 44

entertainment, 62–63

events, 64–65

information, 43

lodging, 54

map, 38

shopping, 63–64

sights/activities, 44–52

transportation, 43–44

Hoboken Arts Music Festival, 64

Hoboken Chamber of Commerce, 43

Hoboken Gourmet Company, 61

Hoboken Historical Museum and Cultural Center, 47

Hoboken House Tour, 65

Hoboken Italian Festival, 65

Hoboken Taxi, 44

Hoboken Yellow Taxi, 44

hockey, 75, 200, 258

Hoffman’s Marina, 382

Ho-Ho-Kus, 90, 95

Holcombe-Jimison Farmstead Museum, 227, 244

Holgate, 417

map, 412. See also Edwin B. Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge

Holiday Inn Select (Clinton), 205

Holiday Light Spectacular (Holmdel), 142

Holland American Bakery, 163

Holland Tunnel, 44, 70

Holly Acres RV Park, 334

Holly Hills Golf Club, 287

Holly Thorn House Bed and Breakfast, 206

Holly Walk, 219

Hollydell Ice Arena, 200

Hollywood Bicycle Center, 489

Holmdel, 122

emergencies, 124

entertainment, 140

events, 142

sights/activities, 126, 127, 129, 132

Holmdel Arboretum, 132

Holmes (Sherlock) Weekend, 547

Holmes-Hendrickson House, 126

Holsten’s Brookdale Confectionery, 117

Homestead Farm Market (Lambertville), 243

Homestead Restaurant (Sparta), 162

Hominy Hill Golf Course, 307

Hooked on the Hudson, 64

Hooks Creek Lake, 131, 132, 135

Hooters, 464

Hopatcong Boathouse, 151

Hopatcong Lake, 157

boat show, 165

boating, 151

fishing, 152

swimming, 155

Hopatcong State Park, 149, 155, 157

Hope, 168–69

campground, 179–80

eating, 181

events, 184

lodging, 178

shopping, 181, 183

sights/activities, 172, 174–78

Hope and Dreams Film Festival, 184

Hopewell, 299

eating, 313–16

shopping, 317

Hopewell Museum, 306

Hopewell Valley Vineyard, 228

Hopkins House Gallery, 269

Horizon Cruises, 48

Horse Park of New Jersey, 26

horse (harness) racing, 26

East Rutherford, 49–50, 65

Freehold, 307

Ocean-port, 354–55, 373

horse shows, 165, 319

horseback riding, 132, 154, 175

hospitals, 25. See also specific hospitals and destinations

hot-air ballooning, 20, 172, 195–96, 218–19

Hotel Alcott, 533

Hotel Indigo Basking Ridge, 108

Hotel Macomber, 535, 540

Hotel Westminster, 106–7

Hotoke Restaurant, 136

Houdini, Harry, 436, 443

House of Blues, 460

How You Brewin?, 428

Howard Mann Art Center, 242

Howell Living History Farm, 23, 228

Howell Park Golf Course, 307

Huber Woods Environmental Center, 357

Hudson County Chamber of Commerce, 70

Hudson, Henry, 343, 480, 516–17

Hudson River: boat excursions, 48

ferries, 44, 70–71

Hudson River Performing Arts Center, 62

Hummingbird Extravaganza, 548

Humphrey Hughes House, 537–38

Hunt Club, 108

Hunterdon Ballooning Inc., 196

Hunterdon County Agricultural Fair, 319

Hunterdon County Arboretum, 199

Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce, 226

Hunterdon Hills Playhouse, 214

Hunterdon Historical Museum, 191

Hunterdon Medical Center, 189

Hunterdon Museum of Art, 20, 192

hunting, 30, 295

Huntley Taverne, 115

Huntzinger’s American Food and Drink, 336

Hutcheson Memorial Forest, 133

Hyatt Morristown at Headquarters Plaza, 204

Hyatt Regency Jersey City, 79

Hyatt Regency New Brunswick, 134

Hyatt Regency Princeton, 310


Iberia Peninsula, 82

ice fishing, 152

ice hockey, 75, 200, 258

ice-skating, 200, 355

Ike’s Famous Crab Cakes, 291

Il Capriccio (Whippany), 110

Il Mondo Vecchio, 113

Il Mulino New York, 461

Import and Low Rider Summer Slam, 132

In Flight Balloon Adventures, 195

Independence Day celebrations: Beach Haven, 431

Cape May, 548

East Brunswick, 142

Freehold, 319

Lavallette, 409

Long Branch, 372

Maplewood, 121

Morristown, 219

North Plainfield, 121

Piscataway, 142

Red Bank, 372

Seaside Heights, 409

Wildwood, 513

Indian Head Canoes, 174

Indian King Tavern Museum, 257

Indian Rock Resort, 333

Indian Spring Country Club, 258

Indian Summer Weekend, 514

Indians. See Lenni-Lenape Indians; Powhatan Indians

Indigo Smoke, 115

information sources, 30. See also specific destinations

Inlet Beach, 376, 383

Inlet Café (Highlands), 365–66

Inlet-Outlet Surf Shop, 383

Inn at 22 Jackson, 535–36

Inn at Lambertville Station, 233, 238

Inn at Millrace Pond, 178, 181

Inn at Panther Valley, 158

Inn at Sugar Hill, 333, 335

Inn at the Shore (Belmar), 361

Inn of Cape May, 536

Inn on Main (Manasquan), 387

Institute Woods, 308

Iris Inn at Medford, 333

Irish Fall Festival, 514

Irish Pub (Atlantic City), 469

Ironbound District, 66, 81–82

Iselin: eating, 84, 85

Island Beach State Park, 21, 397, 404, 405

biking, 400

fishing, 403

hiking, 403

Island Dragway, 198

Island Heights, 398

lodging, 405

Island Palm Grill (Spring Lake), 389

Island Surf and Sail (Brant Beach), 420

Island Taste (Mount Holly), 336

Israel Crane House Museum, 98

Italian Street Festivals, 65, 89, 409–10

It’s Nutts, 237

IZOD Center, 50

Izzie’s Eatery, 335


J. D. Thompson Inn, 423

J. Thompson Baker House, 484

Jack Cooper’s Celebrity Deli, 138

Jackson, 322

campgrounds, 333–34

eating, 336

information, 322

shopping, 338–39

sights/activities, 323, 327, 328, 331

Jackson Chamber of Commerce, 322

Jackson Mountain Café, 543

Jackson Museum, 323

Jackson Outlet Village, 338

Jacques Cousteau National Estuarine Research Reserve, 419

James A. McFaul Environmental Center, 104

James and Ann Whitall House, 251

James’ Candy Company, 471, 508–9

James Rose Center, 102

Jane Voorhees Zimmerli Art Museum, 20, 128

Java Moon Café, 336, 338

Jay and Silent Bob’s Secret Stash, 371–72

Jay’s Cycles, 306

jazz festivals, 87, 89, 121, 319, 372, 472, 475, 545, 547, 549

Jefferson Beach, 530

Jenkinson’s Aquarium, 20, 24, 379

Jenkinson’s Boardwalk, 384

Jenkinson’s Pavilion and Amusement Park, 24, 381

Jenk’s Nightclub, 381

Jennie’s Ice Cream Parlor, 544

Jenny Jump Mountain, 177–78

Jenny Jump State Forest, 177–78

campground, 179

cross-country skiing, 176

fishing, 174

stargazing, 176

Jerry’s Hot Dogs, 87

Jersey Arts, 20

Jersey City, 66–89

campground, 80

eating, 82–83, 85–87

emergencies, 72

entertainment, 87

events, 89

information, 70

lodging, 79–80

map, 67

shopping, 88–89

sights/activities, 72–79

transportation, 70–72

Jersey City Artists Studio Tour, 88, 89

Jersey City Jazz for Lunch, 87

Jersey City Medical Center, 72

Jersey City Museum, 73

Jersey Fresh Food and Wine Festival, 319

Jersey Gardens, 88

Jersey Genesis Triathlon and Bambino Biathlon For Kids 5–12, 475

Jersey Shore: Central Seacoast, 343–431

Southern Shore, 434–549. See also specific destinations

Jersey Shore Arts Center, 369

Jersey Shore University Medical Center, 349

Jersey Voices, 119

Jimmy Buff’s, 117

Jim’s of Lambertville, 241

Jitterbugs Nightclub, 205

Jockey Hollow, 193, 198

Joe Pop’s Shore Bar and Restaurant, 429

Joe’s Mill Hill Saloon, 264

John F. Kennedy International Airport. See Kennedy International Airport

John Henry’s Seafood Restaurant, 264

Johnny & Hanges, 117

Johnson Brothers Boat Works, 382

Johnson Ferry House, 231

Johnson Gallery, 215

Johnson’s Ferry, 231

Johnson’s Popcorn, 508

Jolly Roger Marina, 455

Jonathan’s on West End, 465

Jose Tejas Restaurant, 85

Journal Square Farmer’s Market, 88

Julia’s of Savannah, 422–23


Kafe Kabul, 262–63

Kammerman’s Atlantic City Marina, 450

kayaking. See canoeing/kayaking

Kaya’s Kitchen, 367

K.C.’s Coffee Place, 213

Kearney House (Alpine), 45, 51

Kearny Cottage (Perth Amboy), 125

Keeper Back Bay Fishing, 451

Kelsey Theatre, 317

Kenilworth Inn, 108

Kennedy International Airport, 18, 43, 93, 124, 146, 170, 188, 348, 378, 398, 414

Kennedy Memorial Hospital, 249

Ken’s Landing Marina, 382

Kerouac, Jack, 92

Kessler Memorial Hospital, 323

Key West Café, 507

Keyport, 123

eating, 138

events, 142

shopping, 141

Keyport Antique Emporium, 141

Keyport Antique Market, 141

Keyport Fall Festival, 142

Keyport Harbor, 123, 142

Kilmer, Joyce, 126

Kimball Medical Center, 323

Kimbles Beach, 519, 526

King Edward Bar, 535

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 456

King’s Cab, 249

King’s Row Antique Center, 292

Kingsland Overlook Trail, 49

Kingston: eating, 316

sights/activities, 304

Kingston Bakery and Coffeehouse, 316

Kinnelon: activities, 156, 196

Kirby Shakespeare Theatre, 120

kites (kiting), 512

Kittatinny Beach, 173

Kittatinny Canoes and Rafts, 174

Kittatinny Point Visitor Center, 176

Kittatinny Valley State Park, 157

biking, 154

birding, 151

canoeing/kayaking, 152

fishing, 152

hiking, 153–54

Klein’s Fish Market & Waterside Café, 367–68

Knife and Fork Inn, 464

Knowlton Riverfest, 31, 184

Knowlton Welcome Center, 30, 170

Kohr Brothers Frozen Custard, 509

Krogh’s Restaurant and Brew Pub, 162

Krueger Collection of Agricultural, Household, and Scientific Artifacts, 129

Kubel’s Bar, 427

Kuishimbo, 505

Kuser Farm Mansion, 251

Kymer’s Camping Resort, 179


La Campagne, 263

La Casa Bianca, 210

La Festa Italiana, 89

La Mer Beachfront Motor Inn, 539

La Riviera Trattoria, 60

La Sierra Coffee Roasters, 213

La Verandah Restaurant, 533

Labrador Lounge, 407

Labyrinth Books, 317

Lackland Performing Arts Center, 214

Lafayette: birding, 151

eating, 163

farms, 164

shopping, 163–65

Lafayette Clayworks, 183

Lafayette Mill Antiques Center, 163

Lafayette Yard Marriott Conference Hotel, 261

LaGuardia International Airport, 18, 43, 93, 124, 146, 170, 188, 348, 378, 398, 414

Lahiere’s, 312–13

Lake Hopatcong Historical Museum, 149

Lake Hopatcong Yacht Club Antique and Classic Boat Show, 165

Lake Kandle Campground, 289

Lake Mohawk Gallery, 164

Lakehurst Naval Air Station, 322, 399

Lake’s End Marina, 151

Lakewood, 322

emergencies, 323

entertainment, 337

events, 339

sights/activities, 328, 329

Lakewood BlueClaws, 23, 329

Lakota Wolf Preserve, 171–72

Lambert Castle Museum, 98

Lambertville, 224–25

eating, 236, 238–40

entertainment, 240

events, 244

information, 226

lodging, 232–34

shopping, 241, 242, 243

sights/activities, 227–30

transportation, 226

Lambertville Area Chamber of Commerce, 226

Lambertville Historical Society, 226, 228, 244

Lambertville House, 232

Lambertville Trading Company, 240

Lambertville-New Hope

Winter Festival, 244

Land of Make Believe, 19, 24, 172

Landis Cab Co., 276

Lanoka Harbor Marina, 403

L’Appetito, 213

Lark Motel, 502

Larsen’s Marina, 490

Laura Marie III, 491

Lavallette, 395

beach, 404

eating, 407, 408

events, 409

lodging, 405

shopping, 409

sights/activities, 401, 404

Lawrenceville: eating, 265

Layton: crafts, 25, 182, 184

Lazy River Outpost, 173

LBI Surf Fishing Tournament, 431

Le Petit Château, 208–9

Leaming’s Run Botanical Gardens, 28, 531, 548

Lebanon: campground, 207

sights/activities, 196–99, 202

Lebanon Creek Farm, 294

Lee Turkey Farm, 318

Leeds Eco-Trail, 457

Lee’s County Park Marina, 151

Left Bank Libations, 232

Leith Hall Historic Seashore Inn, 536

Lemon Tree, 544

Lenape Lake, 328

Lenni-Lenape Indians, 13, 66, 90, 129, 144–45, 148, 167–68, 225, 257, 282, 344, 375, 411, 434, 480, 516

Leonard J. Buck Garden, 200

Leonardo State Marina, 354

Leo’s Grandevous Restaurant, 58

Les Saisons, 109

Lester G. MacNamara Wildlife Management Area, 21, 326, 330

Let’s Go Sailing, 354

Lewes-Cape Ferry, 27, 441, 482, 519–20, 526–27

Lewis Island, 244

Lewis Morris County Park, 202

biking, 196

cross-country skiing, 199

ice-skating, 200

Lewis W. Barton Arboretum, 330

L’Hommedieu House, 190

Libby’s Lunch, 116

Liberté Cruise & Dine, 382

Liberty Boat Show, 89

Liberty Hall Museum, 99

Liberty Harbor Marina & RV Park, 80

Liberty House Restaurant, 83

Liberty Landing Marina, 75, 89

Liberty Park Water Taxi, 27, 70–71

Liberty Rhythm & Blues and Jazz Festival, 89

Liberty Science Center, 23–24, 31, 73

Liberty State Park, 68, 73, 78–79

biking, 73

birding, 74–75

boat excursion, 75, 76

boating, 75

events, 89

fishing, 75

welcome center, 30, 70

Liberty Village Premium Outlets, 30, 215–16

Liberty Walk, 74, 75, 78

Lighthouse Point Marina and Yacht Club, 401, 403

lighthouses: overview, 30–31. See also specific lighthouses

Lima Bean Festival, 548

Lincoln Park Music Festival, 89

Lincoln Tunnel, 44

Linda’s Pizza, 407

Lindbergh, Charles, 69, 187, 213, 254

Ling, USS, 42, 47

Lippincott-Falkenburgh House, 415

Lisa’s Deli & Restaurant, 212

Little Egg Harbor, 411

golf, 418–19

Little Falls: sights/activities, 98, 102

Little Food Café, 85

Little Tuna, The, 264

Livingston: eating, 114–15

lodging, 106–7

Lloyd’s, 141

Lloyd’s French Shop, 141

Loantaka Brook Reservation, 106

Lobster House (Cape May), 542

Lobster Shanty (Point Pleasant Beach), 392

Lodi: eating, 61–62

Loew’s Jersey Theatre, 87

Long Beach Island, 411–31

beach, 421

campgrounds, 425

eating, 425–28

emergencies, 415

entertainment, 428–29

events, 430–31

information, 414

lodging, 422–25

map, 412

shopping, 430

sights/activities, 382, 415–21

transportation, 414

Long Beach Island Art Studios and Gallery, 430

Long Beach Island Foundation of the Arts and Sciences, 428

Long Beach Island Historical Museum, 415

Long Beach RV Resort, 425

Long Branch, 345

beaches, 355

eating, 364, 366, 368

emergencies, 349

entertainment, 368–69, 370

events, 372

lodging, 357, 360–62

sights/activities, 350, 355, 356

transportation, 349

Long Path, 51

Long Pond Ironworks Historic District, 148

Long Pond Ironworks State Park, 148, 151, 152

Long Valley, 188

eating, 211

entertainment, 213

lodging, 206–7

shopping, 215–17

sights/activities, 197, 198

Long Valley Antiques, 215

Long Valley Pub and Brewery, 211

Longport, 439

beach, 456

fishing, 451

Longstreet Farm, 127

Looking Glass Coffeehouse and Café, 291

Lookout Point, 101

Looney Tunes Seaport, 24, 327

Lopatcong: golf, 174

Lorena’s Restaurant, 113

Lorenzo’s Restaurant, 262

Lorrimer Sanctuary, 105

Lost Brook Preserve, 50

Lotus Inn, 502

Lou Boothe Amphitheater, 510

Louisa’s Café, 543

Lourdes Medical Center of Burlington County, 249

Loveladies, 411–12

entertainment, 428

events, 431

Loveland House, 380

Low (Cornelius) House, 125

Lua Restaurant, 56

Lucey’s Berry Farm, 165

Lucky Bones Backwater Grille, 543–44

Lucy the Elephant, 24, 439, 445

Lumberton: sights/activities, 324, 328

Luna Stage Company, 117–18

Lyndhurst: events, 63, 89

sights/activities, 48–51


M Café, 264

McAfee: golf, 152

McCarter Theatre Center for the Performing Arts, 316

Macculloch, George P., 186, 194

Macculloch Hall Historical Museum, 194–95

McCullough’s Emerald Golf Links, 328

McFaul Environmental Center, 104

McGlade’s Restaurant, 543

Mack and Manco Pizza, 508

Mackey’s Orchard, 183–84

MacNamara Wildlife Management Area, 21, 326, 330

Mad Batter Restaurant, 541

Mad Horse Creek, 286

Madeleine’s Petite Paris, 57

Madison: eating, 113

entertainment, 118–20

events, 121

shopping, 119–20, 120

sights/activities, 99, 103

Madison Hotel, 204

Madison Jazzfest, 121

Madison Livery, 93

Magnolia Room, 540

Mahlon Dickerson Reservation, 154, 156, 161

Mahogany Grille, 390

Mahwah: shopping, 119

sights/activities, 94, 100, 101, 155

Main Ballroom (Atlantic City), 471

Main One Marina (Avon-By-The-Sea), 354

Main Street Bistro (Free-hold), 313–14

Main Street Bistro and Bar (Princeton), 313

Main Street Gallery (Manasquan), 393

Main Street Manor Bed & Breakfast (Flemington), 205–6

Mainstage Center for the Arts, 337

Mainstay Inn, 538

Maize Restaurant, 81

Mall at Short Hills, 120

malls: Atlantic City, 474;

Cape May, 546–47

Cherry Hill, 269

Jersey City, 88

Princeton, 317–18

Short Hills, 120

Toms River, 409

Manahawkin: eating, 425–26

emergencies, 415

golf, 418

shopping, 430

Manahawkin Mart, 430

Manalapan, 301–2, 307

events, 319

sights/activities, 301, 304, 307, 309

Manamuskin River, 328

Manasquan, 375–76

beaches, 383

eating, 390, 391

entertainment, 392

events, 394

lodging, 387–89

shopping, 393

sights/activities, 379, 382–84

Manasquan Inlet, 381, 384

Manasquan Inlet Beach, 376, 383

Manasquan Lake, 378

Manasquan River, 375, 383

canoeing/kayaking, 307, 318–19

water taxi, 379, 381

Manasquan River Canoe and Kayak Race, 318–19

Manasquan Water Taxi, 379, 381

Mangel’s Homemade Chocolates, 216

Manna, 467

Mannington Meadows Wildlife Refuge, 284

Manor Restaurant, 112

Manumuskin River, 285

Manumuskin River Preserve, 288

Manville: events, 141

Maple Falls Cascade, 101

Maple Ridge Golf Club, 287

Maple Sugaring Festival, 121

Maplewood: eating, 113

events, 121

lodging, 109

sights/activities, 95–96, 106

Maplewood Garden Club, 96

marathons, 372, 431, 475, 512

Marbles Hall of Fame, 487

Marcia, Lake, 176, 177

Marco & Pepe, 82

Margate City, 439

beach, 456

eating, 466–67, 470

shopping, 474

sights/activities, 445, 451

Margate Fish Pier, 451

Marie Nicole’s, 506

marinas. See specific marinas

Marine Mammal Stranding Center, 448, 451

Mario & Franks, 264

Mark G. Etess Arena, 471

Market Street Bar and Grill, 79

Market Street Day, 295

MarketFair, 317–18

markets. See farmer’s markets; flea markets

Marlboro Farm Market and Garden Center, 294

Marlton: eating, 334, 335

emergencies, 323

golf, 258

Marlton Tavern, 335

Marmora: campground, 503

lodging, 504

Marshall House Museum, 227–28

Marshall’s Farm Market, 183

Martin Coryell House Bed & Breakfast, 234

Masala Grill, 314

Mason Cottage, 538

Mason Gross Performing Arts Center, 139–40

Mastori’s Diner, 264

Matarazzo Farms, 172, 183

Matawan: campground, 135

sights/activities, 129, 131–32

Mathis House, 405

Matisse, 365

Matt’s Red Rooster Grill, 208

Maui’s Dog House, 509

Mauricetown, 275

events, 295–96

Mauricetown Historical Society, 280, 282, 295, 296

Max’s Bistro, 210

Max’s Famous Hot Dogs, 368

Max’s Steak House, 461

Maxwell’s, 59

Mayflower, 517, 521

Mayo Center for the Performing Arts, 214

Mays Landing: campgrounds, 334

eating, 335, 336

lodging, 333

sights/activities, 326, 328, 331

Mays Landing Golf Club, 328

Meadowlands Environment Center, 48, 49, 50–51

Meadowlands Exposition Center, 62

Meadowlands Flea Market, 64

Meadowlands Hospital Medical Center, 44

Meadowlands Liberty Convention and Visitors Bureau, 43

Meadowlands Museum, 46–47

Meadowlands Plaza Hotel, 53–54

Meadowlands Racetrack, 26, 49–50

Meadowlands Sports Complex, 42, 49–50

Meadowlands State Fair, 18, 64

Meadows Foundation, 127

Meadows Golf Club, 101

Mead-Van Duyne House, 94

Medford: eating, 334, 335–36

lodging, 333

Medford Apple Festival, 340

medical emergencies, 25. See also specific hospitals and destinations

Mediterra, 312

Mehndi, 209

Meil’s Restaurant, 238

Melange at Haddonfield, 265

Melange Café (Cherry Hill), 263

Melick’s Town Farm, 217–18

Melissa’s Bistro, 466–67

Melrose, The, 360

Memorial Hospital of Salem County, 277

Menantico Sand Ponds Wildlife Management Area, 286

Mendham: eating, 211–12

Mendham Gallery, 241

Menlo Park Museum, 130

Mercer County Community College, 317

Mercer County Fair, 270

Mercer Oaks Golf Course, 307

Mesob Restaurant, 111

Metropolitan, The, 467

Mettler’s Woods, 133

Metuchen: entertainment, 119

Metz Bicycle Museum, 305

Mickleton: antiques, 293

Mick’s Canoe Rental Inc., 328

Mid-Atlantic Center for the Arts (MAC), 520, 529, 545

Middle Township Performing Arts Center, 545

Middlesex County Cultural and Heritage Commission, 124

Middlesex County Museum, 125

Middletown, 352, 357

eating, 362

Midsummer Antiques and Collectibles Show, 295

Mie Thai, 85–86

Mignon Steak House, 57

Mike’s Seafood Restaurant and Takeout, 506–7

Milford, 223–24

eating, 235, 237, 239

events, 244

lodging, 233

map, 222

shopping, 240, 242

sights/activities, 228, 231

Milford Oyster House, 235

Military Timeline Weekend, 548

Militia Museum of New Jersey, 380

Mill at Spring Lake Heights, 389

Mill Hill Playhouse, 266

Millback Studio, 338

Millburn, 92

activities, 101, 106

eating, 111–12, 114, 116

entertainment, 119

Millburn Deli, 116

Million Dollar Pier, 436–37, 443, 474

Millside Café, 163

Millstone, 128, 131

Millstone River, 307

Millville, 275

eating, 290, 291

entertainment, 292

events, 295–96

lodging, 289

shopping, 293–94

sights/activities, 281, 282, 285–88

transportation, 276

Millville Airport, 282, 284

Millville Army Airfield

Museum, 282, 284

Milton: golf, 152

Mine Brook Golf Club, 197

Minerals Resort & Spa, 158

Minerals Sports Club, 158

Mining Museum, Sterling Hill, 24, 150

minor-league baseball. See baseball

Mirenda’s Bakery, 291

Miss Avalon II, 492

Miss Barnegat Light, 418

Miss Belmar Princess, 354

Miss Chris Marina, 527–28

Miss Crustacean Hermit Crab Beauty Pageant, 513

Miss LBI, 418

Miss New Jersey Pageant, 512

Mister C’s Beach Bistro, 368

Mitsuwa Marketplace, 64

Mix Gallery (Lambertville), 241

Mixx (Atlantic City), 472–73

Moby’s Deck, 362

Mohawk House Restaurant, 162

Mojo, 467

Molly Pitcher Inn, 309, 358, 363–64

Molly Pitcher Marina, 358

Molly Pitcher State Welcome Center, 30, 300

Monksville Reservoir, 151, 152

Monmouth Battlefield State Park, 299–300, 304, 309, 319

Monmouth Beach, 345

Monmouth County Department of Economic Development and Tourism, 300

Monmouth County Fair, 319

Monmouth County Horse Show, 319

Monmouth Cove Marina, 354

Monmouth Executive Airport, 308

Monmouth Festival of the Arts, 372

Monmouth Medical Center, 349

Monmouth Park Racetrack, 26, 354–55

Monmouth University, 350, 371

Monmouth University Performing Arts Series, 368–69

Monroe Center for the Arts, 62

Monroeville: campground, 289

Montague: farms, 183

sights/activities, 170–71, 183

Montague Historical Society, 170–71

Montclair, 92

eating, 110–11, 114–17

emergencies, 93

entertainment, 117–18

events, 121

shopping, 119–20

sights/activities, 94, 98, 102–3

transportation, 92–93

Montclair Antique Center, 120

Montclair Art Museum, 20, 94

Montclair Book Center, 120

Montclair State University, 94, 98, 102, 119

Montrose in May, 121

Montville, 158

eating, 161

Montville Inn, 161

Moonlight Lounge, 139

Moonstone Mystery Bookstore, 215

Moonstruck, 364–65

Moorestown: entertainment, 267

golf, 258

lodging, 261

Moorestown DeCafe Coffee-house, 267

Morey’s Amusement Piers and Raging Waters, 24, 488

Morning Dove Inn, 361

Morris Canal, 145, 186–87, 203

Morris County Fair, 219

Morris County Historical Society, 189

Morris County Parks Commission, 196

Morris County Visitors Center, 188

Morris Museum, 31, 194

Morrison’s Beach Haven Marina, 417

Morristown, 185, 187

eating, 209, 212, 213

emergencies, 189

entertainment, 214

events, 218–19

information, 188

lodging, 204–5

map, 186

shopping, 215–18

sights/activities, 189–203

transportation, 188–89

Morristown Antiques Show, 218

Morristown Community Theatre, 214

Morristown Fine Arts and Crafts Festival, 218

Morristown Holiday Crafts, 219

Morristown Memorial Hospital, 189

Morristown National Historical Park, 32, 185–86, 192–93

biking, 196

events, 219

Morse, Samuel F. B., 190

Morven Museum and Garden, 301–2

Mother Grimm’s Bears, 547

Mother’s Day Celebration, 270

Mount Holly, 322

eating, 336

emergencies, 323

events, 339–40

museum, 324–25

Mount Kemble, 193, 198

Mount Laurel: activities, 258, 259

lodging, 261

shopping, 269

Mount Mitchell Scenic Overlook, 351–52

Mount Tammany, 175

mountain biking. See biking

Mountain Creek Ski Resort, 33, 155, 158

Mountain Creek Waterpark, 19, 24, 150

Mountain Lake, 174

Mountain Lakes: eating, 161–62

Mountain Lakes Nature Preserve, 310

Mountain View Golf Course, 258

Mountainside: eating, 115

events, 121

sights/activities, 101, 104–5, 121

Movies and Music Under the Stars (Fort Lee), 63

movies, set in New Jersey, 27. See also specific movies

Movies Under the Stars (Hoboken), 63

Mrs. Hanna Krause Candy, 64, 408

Mud City Crab House, 425–26

Muddy Run, 286

Mulberry Tea House, 335

Mulhockaway Creek, 197

Mullica Hill, 274

eating, 290–91

events, 295–96

information, 276

lodging, 289, 291

shopping, 292–93

Mullica River, 328

Mummer’s Brigade Weekend, 513

Murphy’s Loft, 293

Musconectcong River, 148, 157, 197, 203

museums: overview, 31. See also specific museums

Museum of American Glass, 281, 282

Museum of Early Trades and Crafts, 25, 99

Museum of the American Hungarian Foundation, 128

music: overview, 31–32. See also specific destinations

music festivals: overview, 31–32. See also specific festivals

Music Man, The, 408

Music-in-the-Park (West Windsor), 319

My Ben, 231

Myhelan Cultural Arts Center, 213


Nail House Museum, 282

Nancy, 485

Naples Pizzeria, 291

Nassau Bagels and Sushi, 314

Nassau Hall, 301

Nassau Inn, 311

Nassau Taxi, 301

Nast, Thomas, 186, 194–95

Nathaniel Morris Inn, 388–89

National Marbles Hall of Fame, 487

National Marbles Tournament, 487, 513

national park areas: overview, 32. See also specific national park areas

Native American Festival (Mount Holly), 270, 339, 340

Native Americans. See Lenni-Lenape Indians; Powhatan Indians

Natural Foods General Store and Vegetarian Café (Toms River), 408

Nature Center of Cape May, 532

Nature Conservancy, 32, 275

nature preserves: overview, 32. See also specific nature preserves

nature trails. See hiking

Naval Air Station Wildwood Aviation Museum, 523–24, 548

Naval Museum, 47

Navesink Lighthouse, 30, 353

Needmore Farm, 164

Neighbour House Bed & Breakfast, 206–7

Neldon-Roberts Stonehouse, 171, 183

Neptune: activities, 354

eating, 367

emergencies, 349

Nest, The (Hope), 183

Netcong: entertainment, 214

theme park, 151

New Belmar Marina Coffee Shoppe, 368

New Bridge Landing Park, 41, 45–46

New Brunswick, 122

eating, 135–37, 139

emergencies, 125

entertainment, 139–41

events, 141, 142

information, 124

lodging, 134–35

sights/activities, 125–34

transportation, 124

New Brunswick Cultural Center, 140

New Egypt: lodging, 332

shopping, 338–39

sights/activities, 324, 329

New Egypt Flea Market Village and Auction, 338

New Egypt Historical Society Museum, 324

New Egypt Speedway, 329

New Gretna: campground, 334

sights/activities, 328, 329, 331

New Jersey Astronomical Association, 199

New Jersey Audubon Autumn Weekend and Bird Show, 548–49

New Jersey Audubon Society, 22, 105, 156, 173, 201, 284, 352, 525, 532, 547

New Jersey Boat Show, 141

New Jersey Campground Owners Association, 22

New Jersey Children’s Museum, 23, 46

New Jersey Coastal Heritage Trail, 279

New Jersey Colonials, 200

New Jersey Commission on Higher Education, 25

New Jersey Convention and Exposition Center, 139

New Jersey Daffodil Show, 201, 218

New Jersey Department of Transportation, 21

New Jersey Devil (creature), 321–22

New Jersey Devils (hockey), 75, 258

New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife, 27

New Jersey Division of Parks and Forestry, 23, 33

New Jersey Division of Travel and Tourism, 29

New Jersey Festival of Ballooning, 20, 218–19

New Jersey Film Festival, 125, 141, 142

New Jersey Flower & Garden Show, 141

New Jersey Folk Festival, 141

New Jersey Historical Society, 29

New Jersey Historical Society Museum, 72–73

New Jersey International Film Festival, 27

New Jersey Jackals, 23, 102

New Jersey Kayak, 419

New Jersey Lighthouse Society, 30, 353

New Jersey Marathon Weekend at the Jersey Shore, 372

New Jersey Meadowlands Commission, 42, 51

New Jersey Memorial and Museum, 31, 256–57

New Jersey Museum of Agriculture, 128–29

New Jersey National Golf Club, 101

New Jersey Naval Museum, 47

New Jersey Nets, 50

New Jersey Office of Travel and Tourism, 26

New Jersey Offshore Power-boat Race, 394

New Jersey Peach Festival, 295

New Jersey Performing Arts Center, 86, 87

New Jersey Pinelands Commission, 322

New Jersey Quilt Convention, 141

New Jersey Renaissance Festival and Kingdom, 121

New Jersey Repertory Company, 370

New Jersey Sandcastle Contest, 372

New Jersey School of Dramatic Arts, 118–19

New Jersey Seafood Festival, 372

New Jersey Shuffleboard Championships, 513

New Jersey Spring Home Show, 64

New Jersey State Botanical Garden, 28, 156, 157

New Jersey State Chili and Salsa Championship, 409

New Jersey State Fair, 18, 165

New Jersey State Golf Association, 28

New Jersey State House, 255

New Jersey State Ice Cream Festival, 409

New Jersey State Museum, 31, 254, 270

New Jersey State Police Museum and Learning Center, 254

New Jersey state symbols, 170

New Jersey Symphony Orchestra, 31, 86, 87, 266

New Jersey Theatre Alliance, 33

New Jersey Trailer and Camping Show, 141

New Jersey Transit, 22, 34. See also specific destinations

New Jersey Transportation Heritage Center, 171

New Jersey Turnpike, 29, 44, 70, 71, 93, 124, 249, 276, 301, 323

New Jersey Vietnam Veterans’ Memorial, 129

New Lisbon, 330, 331

New Sweden Farmstead Museum, 282

New York City, 39, 66

ferries, 44, 70–71

New York Giants, 49

New York Jets, 49

New York Water Taxi, 27, 70–71

New York Waterway, 27, 44, 71

New York-New Jersey Trail Conference (NYNJTC), 29, 153

Newark, 66–89

eating, 81–82, 84, 86

emergencies, 72

entertainment, 86, 87

events, 89

information, 70

lodging, 79

map, 67

shopping, 88

sights/activities, 72–79

transportation, 70–72

Newark Bears, 75

Newark Black Film Festival, 89

Newark Fire Museum, 76

Newark Food and Brew Festival, 89

Newark Jazz in the Garden Summer Concert Series, 87

Newark Liberty International Airport, 18, 43, 70, 72, 92–93, 124, 146, 170, 188, 248, 276, 322, 348, 378, 414

Newark Liberty Marriott, 79

Newark Museum, 20, 74

Newark Open Doors, 89

Newark Symphony Hall, 87

Newport Centre Mall, 88

Newport Pavonia Farmer’s Market, 89

Newton, 145

activities, 152, 154, 156

campground, 160

eating, 161–63

emergencies, 147, 170

farms, 165

lodging, 160

Newton Memorial Hospital, 147, 170

Nicholas Restaurant, 362

Night in Venice, 476, 513

9/11 Monument, 68

NJ Forest Resource Education Center at Jackson, 331

No Joe’s Café, 366

Norma K, 382

Normandy Beach, 395, 404

eating, 407

Normandy Inn, 387

North American Wetlands Aviary, 47

North Brunswick: eating, 139

North Jersey Rose Society, 103

North Plainfield: events, 121

North River Antiques, 141

North Shore Inn, 424

North Wildwood, 480–81

beaches, 494

eating, 505, 507, 509

entertainment, 510

events, 512–13, 514

information, 482

lodging, 500–501

sights/activities, 484, 486, 489, 491, 493, 509

Northeastern Gateway, 39–142. See also specific destinations

Northern Highlands, 144–65

campgrounds, 160–61

eating, 161–63

entertainment, 163

events, 165

information, 146

lodging, 158–60

map, 145

shopping, 163–65

sights/activities, 147–58

transportation, 146–47

Northern New Jersey, 144–219. See also specific destinations

Northfield: campground, 463

park, 451

Northlandz, 23, 191

Northvale: eating, 57

Northwood Center, 525

Northwood Inn Bed & Breakfast, 500

Norvin Green State Forest, 156

Nothnagle Log House, 277

Novins Planetarium, 400

Noyes Museum of Art, 20, 447–48


Oak Ridge Golf Course, 101

Oakland: sights/activities, 151, 152, 153, 157

Ocean Acres Country Club, 418

Ocean Beach Marina, 401

Ocean City, 476–78

beaches, 493–94

eating, 504, 506, 508–9

emergencies, 483

entertainment, 509–10

events, 512–14

information, 481

lodging, 496–97, 499–500

map, 477

shopping, 510–11

sights/activities, 483–95

transportation, 482–83

Ocean City Airport Festival & Boardwalk Aerobatic Airshow, 514

Ocean City Arts Center, 509

Ocean City Boardwalk, 22, 476, 489, 512

eating, 508–9