
Aborigines, Australian, 21, 37

Acosta, Joseph de, 9, 12, 14, 1718, 66, 77, 94

Adam, 1115

Africa, 10, 35

importance of American foods in, 185188

Aguilar, Francisco de, 48

Akee, 106

Alpaca, 74, 109

Alvarado, Pedro de, 58

Anacondas, 6


contrast between Old World and New World, 331

Old World, in the New World, 64113

See also under names of animals

Anteaters, 8, 16

Antelopes, 15

Aphids, 212

Arawak Indians, 4, 4445, 47, 67, 75, 77, 112

syphilis and, 138


horses in, 8485

pampas of, 82

sheep in, 95, 100

Aristotle, 17

on the equatorial zone, 9

Armadillo, 16

Asses, 76, 109

Astruc, Jean, 140, 151152

Australia, 15, 20

aborigines of, 21, 37

Avicenna, 9, 124

Avocado, 170

Aztecs, 49, 52, 54

Bahamas, 3, 44, 75

Balance of nature, 113

Balboa, Vasco Nuñez de, 50

Bananas, 68, 70, 107, 211

Barbados, 78

Barley, 107, 169, 175, 201, 211

Barlow, Roger, 173

Bats, 6, 8, 15

Beans, 107, 170, 172173, 175, 177178, 181, 186, 189, 193, 195


Colorado potato, 212

Japanese, 211

Bejel, 143

Bering, Vitus, 18

Bering Strait, 16, 20, 23, 30

Bermuda, 78

rats in, 97

Bible, 10

Bison, 67, 19

Black Death, 37, 42

Bligh, William, 195

Bluegrass, Kentucky, 73

Bolivia, 53

sheep in, 100

Borah, Woodrow, 53

Borgia, Cesare, 158

Bradford, William, 37

Brazil, 3910, 65

cattle in, 8990, 110

horses in, 83, 105

manioc in, 174

sheep in, 94

sugar in, 69

swine in, 79

Breadfruit, 106

Bubonic plague, 97

Buccaneers, origin of word, 76

Buenos Aires, Argentina, 8485

Buffalo, water, 210

Buffon, Comte de, 2021

Cacao, 186

Cacti, 4

Camels, 18, 74, 96

Canada, 4, 8, 20, 41, 82, 83

Canadian water weed, 212

Candles, 86, 98

Capac, Huayna, 5152, 55, 56

Cape Verde Islands, 40

Cardoon (Cynara cardunculus), 112

Carib Indians, 75

Carp, 211

Cassava, see Manioc

Catfish, 6

Catherine the Great, 184

Catholic Church, 1112

Catlin, George, 103

Cats, 76, 95, 98

Cattle, 9, 69, 75, 76, 77, 78, 82, 8592, 98102, 108113, 190, 211

Cellini, Benvenuto, 154155

Cenozoic Era, 1516

Central America, 5, 8, 39, 43

cattle in, 88, 91

isthmus of, 16

savannas of, 112

smallpox in, 50

wheat in, 71

Cervantes, 156

Champlain, Samuel de, 88

Charles V, 68

Charles VIII, King (France), 149150, 156

Chestnut trees, 146, 211

Chicken pox, 42, 43

Chickens, 74, 75, 76, 9596, 101

Chiggers, 209


cattle in, 91

horses in, 8384

olive trees in, 7273

sheep in, 94

wheat in, 71

wine in, 72

Chile pepper, 170, 177, 194

China, 190, 191, 198201, 212

Cholera, 208

Clowes, William, 154, 156

Cobo, Bernabe, 15, 22, 64, 69, 92, 97

Cocoa, 66, 170

Coffee, 68, 211

Colombia, Ilanos of, 82

Colorado potato beetle, 212

Columbus, Christopher, 3, 4, 10, 13, 16, 21, 31, 44, 67, 68, 75

connection between population growth and voyages of, 165166

horses brought to New World by, 80

sheep brought to New World by, 92

syphilis allegedly brought to Europe by, 123, 127, 137, 138, 145, 147, 148

Columbus, Ferdinand, 137138

Condor, Andean, 6

Conquistadors, 11, 14, 3538

horses and, 7985

livestock and, 77, 78, 85, 9394

Cook, Sherburne F., 53

Cordoba, Hernández de, 48

Coronado, Francisco Vásquez de, 6

Cortés, Hernán, 36, 48, 4950, 54, 57, 77, 209

Cotton, 66, 68, 170

Cougar, 7

Cowpox, 144

Crawfurd, John, 195

Creation, 1315

Cuba, 75

livestock in, 76, 77

smallpox in, 57

Cucurbita, 186

Cuitláhuac, 54


extensive, 111

intensive, 111

Cuyoche, Ninan, 5556

Daisies, 73

Dampier, William, 195

Dandelions, 73

Dapper, Olfert, 186

Darwin, Charles, 14, 95, 112, 147

Davila, Pedrarias, 50

De Soto, Hernando, 78

Díaz de Isla, Ruy, 44, 123, 139141, 148, 158

Díaz del Castillo, Bernal, 49, 54, 81

Dinosaurs, 15


American Indians and, 21, 31, 3558

epidemic, 3558

See also names of diseases

Dixon, C. W., 47

Dogs, 30, 74, 75, 76, 77, 79, 95, 98, 103, 109, 113

Donkeys, 96, 101

Drake, Sir Francis, 17, 40

Ducks, Muscovy, 74, 95, 212

Durand de Villegagnon, Nicholas, 65

Dürer, Albrecht, depiction of syphilis by, 151

Dutch elm disease, 211

East Indies, American Indian food plants in the, 195196

Ecuador, smallpox in, 52

Eels, 6

Elephants, 5, 10

Elm tree, 30

Endothia parasitica, 146


potatoes in, 183

syphilis in, 210

Epidemics, 3558

Erasmus, Desiderius, 122, 157, 158, 159

Eriques, Martin, 113

Española, 6769, 75, 76, 87

cattle in, 76, 87

dogs in, 95

horses in, 76, 80

spread of syphilis from, 123, 138

Espinosa, Vazquez de, 71, 84

Eve, 11, 12, 14

Evolution, 7, 14, 15, 147, 219

“explosive,” 218

Extensive cultivation, 111

Extinction of species, 1920, 219

Falloppio, Gabriello, 160

Far East, 190202

Ferdinand, King (Spain), 11, 149

Figs, 68

Food plants, see> Plants, food

Fowl, see Chickens; Ducks; Turkeys

Fracastoro, Girolamo, 125, 154

Francis I, King, 158

Frederick the Great, 184

Fuchs, Leonard, 177

Fuggers family, 156

Gage, Thomas, 71

Galen, 9, 124

Gama, Vasco da, 10

Genesis, book of, 10, 12

Gerard, John, 178

Gilbert, Sir Humphrey, 17, 78

Goajiro, 100101

Goats, 75, 76, 77, 95, 98, 99, 101, 108, 111

Rocky Mountain, 8

Goethe, 179

Gold mining, 87

Gonorrhea, 152, 160

Googe, Barnaby, 177

Gourou, Pierre, 190

Grapes, 67, 7172

Grasses, 73, 111112

Greenland, 8, 17

Guaiacum, 66, 127, 153, 154155, 156


disease in, 49, 58

wheat in, 71

Guava, 112, 170, 192

Guinea hens, 96

Guinea pigs, 74, 212

Gulf of Mares, 80

Halpern, Joel, 181

Hariot, Thomas, 40

Henry V (Shakespeare), 159

Henry VIII, King (England), 159, 173

Herrera, Antonio de, 38, 50, 93, 98

Héry, Thierry de, 156

Hessian fly, 210

Hides, 86, 87, 88, 89, 9192, 100, 103, 109

Hippocrates, 9

Hogs, Russian, 211

Holcomb, R. C., 140

Honduras, smallpox in, 51, 77

Horse Latitudes, 80

Horses, 9, 16, 18, 35, 36, 75, 76, 77, 7985, 86, 89, 91, 98, 99, 100, 101106, 109, 111, 211

Hudson, E. H., 142

Hulse, Frederick S., 22

Humboldt, Alexander von, 184

Hummingbirds, 7, 8

Hutten, Ulrich von, 123, 125126, 151, 153, 154, 155, 156

Iceland, smallpox epidemic in, 44

Iguanas, 6

Incans, 5153, 5556, 5758

India, 191194

Indians, American

alleged inferiority of, 2021

bison and, 19

blood type distribution of, 2223

Buffon's impression of, 21

Catholic Church and, 1112

Columbus' description of, 4

conquest by Europeans, 3558

disease and, 21, 31, 3558

Europeans' impression of, 10

horses and, 8081, 101106

impression of Europeans, 4

Old World animals and, 98100

Old World crops and, 74

Old World livestock and, 74

physical uniformity of, 2123

sexual practices of, 10, 21

Spain and, 11

uniqueness of, 2122

Indigo, 68

Indonesia, 194196

Influenza, 42, 58

Insects, 97, 113

Intensive cultivation, 111

Ireland, potatoes and, 182183

Isabella, Queen (Spain), 11, 149

Jaguars, 5, 9, 15

Jamaica, 75

livestock in, 77

Japan, 4, 196198

Japanese beetles, 211

Jews, 13

Julius II, Pope, 158

Landa, Diego de, 47

Land bridges, 1518, 20, 23, 30, 31

La Peyrère, Isaac de, 1213

Las Casas, Bartolomé de, 37, 45, 47, 81, 111

on origin of syphilis, 138139

Lemons, 68

León, Cieza de, 53, 55, 70

Lery, Jean de, 5, 8

Livestock, Old World, in the New World, 74113

Llamas, 15, 18, 74, 79, 109

Locke, John, 178, 179

López de Velasco, Juan, 71

Luther, Martin, 158

Lyell, Sir Charles, 15

Madagascar, 20

Maize, 65, 66, 79, 98, 107, 108, 168172, 175181, 185193, 195, 197, 199200, 201, 202

Malaria, 37, 46, 208

Malthus, Thomas, 167, 191

Mamaliga, 180

Mangos, 106, 107

Manioc (cassava), 65, 66, 77, 107, 108, 169, 170, 173174, 175, 185, 186, 187, 188, 191, 193, 195, 196, 197

Maps, ancient and medieval, 9

Margarita (island), 77

Marie Antoinette, 184

Marsupials, 8, 16

Mary, Queen of Scots, 158

Mather, Cotton, 41

Maupassant, Guy de, 210

Maximilian, Emperor, 150

Mayas, 48, 58

Measles, 37, 42, 43, 44, 47, 51, 52, 208

Melons, 67, 68

Mendoza, Antonio de, 93, 99

Mendoza, Pedro, 84

Mercury, as remedy for syphilis, 152, 153154, 155, 157

Mercury poisoning, 152, 153154

Mexico, 5, 7, 8, 36, 38, 39, 4849, 57

horses in, 81, 8283

livestock in, 82, 85, 8788, 93, 99, 112, 113

maize in, 171

olive trees in, 72

pigs in, 79

smallpox in, 4850, 5253, 54, 5657, 77

Spanish conquest of, 48

sugar in, 69

wheat in, 70

wine in, 71

Middle East, importance of American foods and plants in the, 188190

Migration of people, 212218

Millet, 186, 192, 199, 201

Mining, 68

Moles, 8

Monkeys, 6, 8

Monogeneticism, 11

Montaigne, 10

Montejo y Robledo, 140

Montezuma, 54

Moose, 30

Morbo Gallico, De (Falloppio), 160

Morfi, Fray, 83

Mosquitos, 208, 209

Motolinía, Toribio, 5253, 57

Mules, 96, 101

Murúa, Martín de, 53

Muskrats, 212

Mutton, 92

Narváez, 48

Nature, balance of, 113

New Granada, 94

New Zealand, 20

sweet potatoes in, 169

Nietzsche, Friedrich, 210

Niguas, 209

Oats, 175

Olive oil, 70, 7273

Olive trees, 67, 7273

On the Origin of Species (Darwin), 14

Oranges, 6667, 68

Oroya fever, 209

Overgrazing, 112

Oviedo y Valdés, Gonzalo Fernández de, 45, 50, 68, 87, 138, 139, 209

on origin of syphilis, 138, 139

Oxen, 108, 110

Palm trees, 9


disease in, 5051

sheep in, 93

Pandemic, 39, 43, 52, 54

Papaya, 170

paprika, 66, 177

Paracelsus, Philippus, 12, 140, 155


cattle in, 91

horses in, 84, 105

sheep in, 100

Passenger pigeons, 219

Patagonia, 91, 95

Peanuts, 170, 185, 186, 193, 195, 199, 200

Peccary, 77

Penicillin, 210

Peoples, migration of, 212218

Pereyra, Carlos, 77

Peru, 11, 18, 38, 39, 66, 98

camels in, 96

cattle in, 91

dogs in, 95

horses in, 83, 84

olive trees in, 7273

pigs in, 79

sheep in, 92, 9394

smallpox in, 50, 53, 5456, 77

sugar in, 69

wheat in, 7071

wine in, 72

Pestilence, 3558

Pigeons, passenger, 219

Pigs, 7576, 7779, 98, 101

Pineapples, 170, 192

Ping-ti Ho, 198, 201

Pinta, 143, 145, 209

Pinzón, Martin Alonso, 140141

Pinzón family, 139

Pizarro, Francisco, 36, 50, 55, 79, 83

Pizarro, Gonzalo, 78

Pizarro, Hernando, 81

Pizarro, Pedro, 55, 56


contrast between Old World and New World, 331

food, 5, 7074, 106108

population growth and, 165202

Old World, in the New World, 64113

Plato, 17

Pleistocene epoch, 18, 19, 20

Pleurisy, 40, 43

Pliny, 9, 17

Pneumonia, 42, 43, 49, 51

Polygeneticism, 1314

Pomegranates, 68

Ponce, Father Alonso, 112

Population growth, 165168, 215

food plants and, 165202

in China, 198199

in India, 191192

in Indonesia, 194

Pork, 79

Potato beetle, Colorado, 212

Potatoes, 65, 66, 107, 169, 170, 171, 175, 177, 180, 181185, 193, 195198, 200, 201, 202, 212

sweet, see Sweet potatoes

Pox, see Syphilis

Prado, Caio, 65, 110

Pre-Adamites, 13

Promyshleniki, 42

Prong-bucks, 8

Puerto Rico, 75

dogs in, 95

livestock in, 77

smallpox in, 47

Rabbits, 16

Rabelais, 157

Ranches, see Cattle; Sheep

Rats, 97

Rattlesnakes, 6, 7

Rauwolf, Leonhard, 189

Religion, 11

Requirement of 1512, 11, 14

Rhinoceroses, woolly, 19

Rice, 68, 70, 107, 108, 169, 175, 176, 191, 194199, 201

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 65

Rivera, Antonio de, 72

Roanoke Island, 40

Rocky Mountain spotted fever, 209

Roldán, 76

Rubber, 170

Rumania, maize in, 180181

Russia, potatoes in, 184

Rye, 211

Sable Island, 78

Salamanca, Captain, 93

Sandfleas, 209

Santo Domingo, smallpox in, 4548

Sassafras, 66

Scabies, 153

Scarlet fever, 42

Sclater, Philip L., 7, 8, 1314

Shakespeare, William, 157, 158, 159, 182

Sheep, 16, 75, 9295, 98, 99, 100, 101, 108, 111, 112

Barbary, 211

bighorn, 211

Sheepskins, 92

Siberia, 20, 23, 30, 31

Slavery, 103, 106, 213

Sloths, 8, 11, 15, 16, 18

Smallpox, 38, 40, 4258, 144

Smith, Elliott, 126

Soybeans, 172

Sorghums, 186

Sousa, Martim Alfonso de, 90

South America, 5, 7, 8, 16, 64

horses in, 83

See also names of countries

Spain, 11

Sparrows, English, 210

Species, extinction of, 1920, 219

Squashes, 170, 172, 180, 181, 185, 193

Squirrels, 212

Staden, Hans, 3940

Starlings, 210

Stewart, T. D., 23

Strabo, 17

Sugar, 67, 6870, 87, 90, 211

Swans, trumpeter, 219

Sweden, vital statistics in, 168

Sweet potatoes, 169172, 175, 181, 185, 186, 193, 195200, 201, 213

Swift, Jonathan, 182

Swine, see Hogs; Pigs

Sydenham, Thomas, 143

Syphilis, 9, 42, 46, 122160, 165, 210

early names for, 124125

epidemiology of, 148, 150

nonvenereal, 142143, 146

origin of, 123147

Columbian theory, 123, 127141, 145, 148, 156

Unitarian theory, 141145

remedies for, 152155, 210

spread of, 148151, 156

Tallow, 86, 110

Tapioca, 170, 173

Tapirs, 5, 7

Tenochtitlán, 48, 49, 54, 56, 57

Tetanus, 209

Textile mills, 92

Thompson, Warren S., 191

Tierra del Fuego, 16, 208

Tigers, saber-toothed, 19

Tobacco, 66, 68, 170

Tomatoes, 170, 177, 181, 186

Toucans, 6

Treponema carateum, 144

Treponema pallidum, 126, 141, 144, 156, 158, 210

Treponema pertenue, 144

Treponematosis, 123, 142148, 209

Triana, Rodrigo de, 3

Tsetse fly, 209

Tudor, House of, 158

Tuberculosis, 37

Turkeys, 74, 212

Typhoid fever, 46

Typhus, 40, 42, 43, 46, 51, 97, 150

Ugentum Saracenium, 153

Uruguay, 112

horses in, 84

pampas of, 82

Ussher, James, 15

Vaca, Cabeza de, 78

Valois, House of, 158

Vavilov, Nikolai Ivanovich, 170, 185

Vega, Garcilaso de la, 52

Vegetables, 65, 67, 68, 73, 108, 170, 181, 190, 193, 195

Velasco, López de, 112

Velásquez de Cuéllar, Diego, 76

Vellard, Jehan, 53

Vendôme, Duc de, 210


cattle in, 89

horses in, 105

Ilanos of, 82

Verruga Peruana, 209

Vespucci, Amerigo, 6, 21

Viruelas, 43

Voltaire, on syphilis, 150

Wallace, Alfred Russel, 7, 8, 14, 18

Wan Ki, 124

Wassermann test, 144

Watt, George, 192, 194

Wells, H. G., 36

West Indies, 8, 9, 65, 68

Whales, 15, 19

Wheat, 65, 67, 7071, 74, 98, 107, 168, 169, 175, 176, 180, 199, 201, 210, 211

Wine, 5, 51, 70, 7172, 212

Wool, 92, 109

Woolsey, Cardinal, 159

Yams, 107, 175, 185

Yaws, 142, 143, 146, 148

Yellow fever, 37

Young, Arthur, 176, 179

Yucatan, 36

smallpox in, 4748

Zuazo, Alonzo de, 76