Chapter 1
1. The three studies noted here are: “State of the American Workplace: Employee Engagement Thoughts for U.S. Business Leaders,” by Gallup, 2013; “2012 Global Workforce Study—Driving Strong Performance in a Volatile Global Environment,” by Towers Watson, 2012; “Engaging Employees: What Drives Employee Engagement and Why It Matters,” by Dale Carnegie Training, 2012.
2. Letter “From the CEO,” Jim Clifton, Gallup Chairman and CEO. “State of the American Workplace: Employee Engagement Thoughts for U.S. Business Leaders,” by Gallup, 2013.
Chapter 2
1. Type A Behavior and Your Heart, by Meyer Friedman, MD, and Ray Rosenman, MD, Fawcett Publications, 1974.
Chapter 10
1. The One Minute Manager, Kenneth Blanchard and Spencer Johnson, William Morrow and Company, 1982.
Chapter 11
1. “Ad Age Advertising Century: The Top 100 Campaigns,” Ad Age, March 29, 1999.
Chapter 13
1. “Why Top Young Managers Are in a Nonstop Job Hunt,” by Monika Hamori, Jie Cao, and Burak Koyuncu, Harvard Business Review, July 2012.
Chapter 14
1. “Study on Employee Engagement Finds 70% of Workers Don’t Need Monetary Rewards to Feel Motivated,” by Make Their Day and Badgeville, June 2013.
Chapter 15
1. To learn more about ADD/ADHD, you can visit the websites of the American Deficit Disorder Association ( and Dr. Russell Barkley (, an ADD/ADHD specialist who assisted me for my original article on the topic—and there are numerous other excellent resources as well.
Chapter 17
1. Study details: “One Out of Every Two Managers Is Terrible at Accountability,” by Darren Overfield and Rob Kaiser, Harvard Business Review, November 8, 2012; “2013–2014 Talent Management and Rewards Study—North America,” Towers Watson, December 2013.
Chapter 19
1. Tap Dancing to Work: Warren Buffett on Practically Everything, 1966–2012, A Fortune magazine book, by Carol J. Loomis, Portfolio/Penguin, 2012.
2. “7 Vital Trends Disrupting Today’s Workplace,” research by TINYpulse, December 2013.
Chapter 22
1. Leading with Intention: Every Moment Is a Choice, by Mindy Hall, Copper Bay Press, October 2014.
2. “When It Comes to Business Leadership, Nice Guys Finish First,” study conducted by Green Peak Partners and Cornell School of Industrial and Labor Relations, June 2010.
Chapter 28
1. “Self-Presentation Style in Job Interviews: The Role of Personality and Culture,” by Delroy Paulhus, Bryce Westlake, Stryker Calvez, and P. D. Harms, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, October 2013.