
I’m writing this in December. My first book, Seek and Hide, has been out in the world for ninety days, and I have so many people to thank, not only in the writing of this book but in the reception of that one.

To the first readers of Found and Lost: Andrea Taft, Emily Stevens, Heather MacLeod, Melodie Lange. For catching typos, critiquing characterization, solving plot, and everything else.

To Seek and Hide’s advance reviewers, for your time and enthusiasm: Andrea, Chris, Emily, Hannah, Jessie, Jocelyn, Julie, Melodie, Stephanie C, and Stephanie R. To each blogger who hosted me, for your hospitality. And extra thanks to those of you (you know who you are) who have spread the word about my series to essentially everyone you know. You are an author’s best blessings!

To my sweet coworkers for the release-day party (I still have the banner and the framed picture; the chocolate and popcorn is long gone): Angela, Cindy, Dawn, Debbie, Diane, Janis, Mary, and Sally. And to everyone else at work who bought a book.

To Cornerstone Baptist Church for hosting my first book signing and to Ruthanne O’Brien for coordinating it.

To Emilie Hendryx for answering my “what would a photographer do?” questions.

To Jocelyn Floyd, for the prologue’s legal language (which I forgot to mention last time), fake penal codes, and the continued suggestion of meteors.

To Jess Keller, for We MUST Write reminders and general cheerleading and traveling companionship on the writing road.

To Melodie Lange, for romance-flavored story encouragement and soul-baring Panera nights.

To Andrea Taft, for the fan club and Treasure Island and not laughing when I cry over a song that reminds me of Marcus.

To Charity Tinnin, the greatest of critique partners, for challenging Marcus’s (and my) ethics, loving Violet as much as I do and talking me off my Clay ledge, line edits including my overuse of just, character therapy, and everything else.

To my marvelous agent Jessica Kirkland, for continuing to challenge me and believe in me and for liking this book so much.

To Nick Lee, for now two ominously beautiful cover designs. I still stare at them both.

To the David C Cook team and editor Jon Woodhams, for your continuing dedication to excellence.

To my siblings Joshua, Emily, Andrew, and Emma, for memories and laughter and love.

To my parents Bill and Patti, for everything I said last time, plus your excitement to tell everyone about this book your daughter wrote. Thank you for wanting a Haven Seekers billboard on I-94. For wanting me to succeed and believing that I can, and for raising me in “the nurture and admonition of the Lord.”

To the only wise God and King, Father Son and Holy Spirit. May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart and the stories of my pen be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.