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First ebook edition: November 2016
Illustration credits: (page xxix) Birgir Breiðfjörð; (page 7) Birgir Breiðfjörð; (page 21) Paul Baran and Birgir Breiðfjörð; (page 50, top) Birgir Breiðfjörð; (page 50, bottom) Barrett Lyon/The Opte Project and Birgir Breiðfjörð; (page 67) Flemming Funch and Birgir Breiðfjörð; (page 88) Birgir Breiðfjörð; (page 103) Jonah Berger, Katherine L. Milkman, and Birgir Breiðfjörð; (page 106) World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, Wikipedia (Chris55), and Birgir Breiðfjörð; (page 107) Birgir Breiðfjörð; (page 108) Birgir Breiðfjörð; (page 110) Deen Freelon, Soroush Vosoughi, Deb Roy (MIT’s Laboratory for Social Machines), Twitter, and Birgir Breiðfjörð; (page 165) Birgir Breiðfjörð; (page 169) U.S. Department of Justice Statistics, Forbes, and Birgir Breiðfjörð; (page 170) and Birgir Breiðfjörð; (page 243) Birgir Breiðfjörð; (page 244, top) Birgir Breiðfjörð; (page 244, bottom) Birgir Breiðfjörð.
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ISBN 978-0-316-35954-2