Green Pastures
Emerging Talent Scholarship
This year the Green Pastures Emerging Talent scholarship will be awarded to a student who shows promise in the field of fashion design.
To apply, candidates must submit an application by February 15, detailing their interest in fashion, discussing their inspirations, and describing their approach to designing and constructing garments. The top applicants will be invited to show their work at a fashion show at Green Pastures Academy of Art and Applied Design on Saturday, May 4. Those selected to take part in the fashion show will also be invited to attend an introductory workshop on Saturday, March 2.
The contestants must document their design process by keeping a fashion diary (which the judges may ask to see), and they will be asked to submit drawings, photos, and other research materials, such as mood boards. We will be looking for students who demonstrate ingenuity, creativity, and an ability to be responsive to the needs of their chosen models.
The fashion show will be judged by an elite committee of fashion professionals and artists.
The winner of the fashion show will receive a one-year scholarship to Green Pastures Fashion Program. The competition is open to students entering grades 10 through 12. For full details and the application form, please see:
Deadline to apply:
February 15
Workshop for applicants accepted into competition:
March 2
Fashion Show:
May 4