If you can be interested in other people, you can rule the world
Most people know me as the ‘joint venture expert’ and ‘master connector’ due to the ability I have to connect with almost anybody including millionaires and billionaires. One thing I have learnt from making millions, losing millions and making my way back to the top very quickly is that it is ALL about the people you surround yourself with and that has been the secret of my success.
There is a famous quote by someone I have personally had the pleasure of meeting and spending time with and that is Robert Kiyosaki. Robert mentions that ‘The close people in your network determine your net worth’. Your network is simply a community that you are in, this community has rules, values and beliefs of its own that eventually become your values and beliefs. Remember this: Millionaires network with other millionaires.
Here’s a test for you to identify if you are in the right network. Identify the topics of your conversations when you are in your community; do you talk about creating wealth, becoming more successful or simply the weather?
Most times these millionaires are the core influencers in any given industry because of their wealth and financial business success. If you want to become the best in your business field, you must take the initiative of learning how to connect with the core influencers and cultivate their endorsements. Encourage them to respond to your offering in a positive way by connecting using some of my own techniques mentioned in this book. (I normally charge between $5,000 and $15,000 to teach this on my high-level programs). By doing so, you too can become a success in a small fraction of the time it might otherwise take.
Research has shown that millionaires turn networks into cheque books—they leverage who and what they already know to get information, introductions, advice and financial, emotional and practical support. This is something I do all the time within my own high-level network.
The secret is to actively listen to the needs of the other person which is easier said than done. For example, don’t be afraid to offer help by asking questions such as ‘How can I be helpful?’ or ‘Would it be helpful if I…’ Maybe they need an introduction to a firm or a person—I call this ‘connecting the dots’—and, if you do that, you become more relevant to that person and they’ll be there for you too. So, don’t focus on what you can get, focus on what you can give.
In the past, it was much harder to connect with millionaires and billionaires. However, today there is no reason why you can’t reach people you don’t know, thanks to the online Social Media tools like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Social Media is now used by everyone and it has therefore become easier to reach out and communicate with people you would have never been able to connect with before.
Those people who really know me will tell you that I’m a ‘Social Media Ninja’ and use it to find and connect with core influencers. I use a different tactic and regularly commend them on something that they have done recently or I mention a paragraph from their book that I may be reading. What eventually happens is that they usually get back to me with a thank you and this is when the dialogue begins as I slowly bring them on to having a short phone call with me so I can ask about the projects that they are currently working on and how I can support them. My whole ethos is centered around ‘Give first, ask later’ and guess what?—it works!
High level connectors like me gain endorsements for reasons that go beyond the basic products or services we offer. We do extraordinary things, that’s the difference. For example, I always aim to enhance the profit/sales of whoever I’m connecting with first. In other words, I always open with the question, “How can I help you sell more of your product or service?” I always give this help before asking for anything and, in return, the millionaire will then go out of his way to endorse me to his network.
Most millionaires and billionaires that I know are members of one or more affinity groups. These groups include professional societies, philanthropic associations, political groups, alumni associations and even masterminds (as mentioned continuously in Napoleon Hill’s classic, Think and Grow Rich).
Recently I was at a billionaire’s 40,000 square foot mansion in Tampa attending one of the $25k Mastermind Groups that I belong to which is run by a close friend of Tony Robbins, the motivational guru. Let me tell you something; when I first joined this group I felt like I had been catapulted to an entirely new level of thinking and business! Why? Because I was surrounded by incredibly bright, talented, successful and generous millionaires and billionaires who were just as interested in my success as I was in theirs.
To connect with millionaires and billionaires you must provide something of value to them. Don’t forget these are extremely busy people and do not have time for idle chat. Personally, I believe that everybody has something to offer and the important need here is a solution to remove their pain or problem. If you dedicate yourself to serve others, then you will make that connection happen.
A recent example of this was when I offered my joint venture networking skills for free to a millionaire event promoter in the US where I would spend 15 minutes warming up the audience with a really cool joint venture exercise. The last time I did this in Atlanta, I made $120,000 without pitching any of my programs—not bad for 15 minutes’ work. One of the reasons I did this was to meet with some of the speakers and also be on the same stage as them so I could build my connections.
The result was even more incredible than I could have imagined as I not only made some high-level connections but also got to speak on stage for a full hour, met my current publisher at the event who offered me a book deal after watching me speak and was also invited by another promoter to speak at an event alongside one of my peers, now good friend, super motivational speaker AND twice #1 New York Times bestselling author Brendon Burchard.
The good thing about doing joint ventures is that it is a great win for everybody involved and that is what really adds value. At the time of writing this book, I have secured access to the billionaire’s 40,000 square foot mansion in the US for my own ‘Joint Venture Intensives’ and ‘Joint Venture Mastermind’ without paying to use the facility. Instead, a percentage of the profit will be split between the owner and myself. This is a strategy I have used again and again. Another millionaire client of mine owns a few luxury villas in Spain and one of them, which can accommodate up to 10 people, with a private pool, stays empty for most of the year. If you have an asset like this that can be leveraged in any way, please contact me. For more details on my ‘Joint Venture Intensives’ and ‘Joint Venture Mastermind’ go to www.MillionDollarPartnering.com.
The lesson learnt is to always be interesting and have a really cool story (like I do) that you can share and encourage them to connect with you. Give as much value as you can, putting yourself in that person’s shoes when asking how you can help them. I have personally made so many high-level connections because of this strategy and also offer this as a service to others who need to make connections (for a fee of course).
One of my good friends and fellow connector to millionaires and billionaires, Larry Benet, says that ‘You will always attract the people you think about’. The Law of Attraction really does work if you think about attracting prosperity and millionaires into your life AND take action towards those things, thereby increasing the chance of it happening.
I invite you to think about the people you are networking with and are surrounded by. Are they in the same place you want to go? Or, are they where you currently are? Do they support you dreams and ambitions? Or, are they secretly threatened by your success? You will be surprised by the answers, which will help you gain more focus and clarity towards success. Keep me updated on your progress.