
by Jay Conrad Levinson

It’s almost 30 years ago that I created one of the most important marketing movements in the world, ‘Guerrilla Marketing,’ which has sold over 20 million copies in 60 languages worldwide. Little has really changed in the world of business.

I’ve helped tens of millions of entrepreneurs, small and medium businesses level the playing field to compete effectively with the ‘big guys,’ and promote their businesses successfully.

However, in today’s global economy more people are looking to leverage what they have or what they can, to create a successful business without having to commit their life savings or take on massive debt.

Guerrilla Marketing has always been about low cost, high impact results and out of the 200 guerrilla marketing weapons mentioned in my book the best advice I can give to small business owners is to create fusion marketing, also known as joint ventures.

In Guerrilla Marketing and Joint Ventures, author, speaker, consultant and entrepreneur Sohail Khan has taken this strategy further to illustrate the huge opportunities that exist in the world today to create massive business leverage for low or zero cost.

Sohail’s unique skills in this area come from years of being mentored by the best (including me) and applying the strategies you are about to read in this book. In speaking about making millions, losing millions and then making a sensational comeback in just 30 days, Sohail proves that where there is a will there is always a way—backed by taking a strategic action-orientated approach that each of us can achieve.

Many people, and you might be one of them, are looking for ways to grow their business exponentially without being drawn into the traditional ‘shot-gun approach’ to marketing where all they know is that they must spend money to make money. In writing Guerrilla Marketing and Joint Ventures, Sohail reveals Million Dollar Partnering strategies that can work for ANY business in ANY economy and combined with Guerrilla Marketing will provide your business with the most amazing marketing machine in the world.

Overall, this book isn’t just about more business and marketing strategies; it’s about learning and applying one of the most unique and secret business strategies that exist in the world today. Guerrilla Marketing and Joint Ventures also shows that when you contribute to the success of others through partnering, you win hands down. And it’s not just your victory; it impacts everyone around you. You can actually create millions in your business, and when you do, everyone benefits.