“Do not let circumstances control you.
You change your circumstances


Every story in this book proves Jackie Chan’s quote. You can control your circumstances in great ways and gain control of your life and your future. My own journey with investing has been amazing, and I’m glad every day that I stepped into a world that was entirely foreign to me.

I was a theater major in college and was a successful private fitness trainer for many years with no background in the stock market at all. One day, a client asked me about a supposedly hot new nutritional beverage. The client was also excited about the company as a possible stock investment. Not knowing anything about stocks or the market, I bought Investor’s Business Daily (IBD) to do a little research on the company.

When I was checking out this “hot stock tip,” I noticed an ad in the paper for a free workshop with IBD Chairman and Founder William J. O’Neil, so I decided to attend. Bill spoke about stocks and the market in a way that made sense to me. He talked about innovative companies that were producing new products or services that were in great demand and, as a result, had soaring earnings and sales. The information seemed logical and didn’t sound like a bunch of hype, so I began subscribing to the paper. I quickly realized how well the CAN SLIM Investing System worked (which you will learn about in the book) and what an incredible newspaper IBD was for finding winning stocks!

At that time, the newspaper was delivered in the evening to my home. I would look out the window every five minutes until I saw the delivery guy drop it on my driveway. I’d run out as soon as it was delivered and sit in bed circling stock candidates the way Bill taught us to in the free workshop that I had attended. It was almost unbelievable to me how good the newspaper was for finding winner after winner.

Investing can be a somewhat isolating endeavor however, so wanting to connect with other people that shared the same investing passion that I did, I joined Santa Monica IBD Meetup. I enjoyed the group so much that I wish I had joined years earlier. I met fellow investors who will be lifelong friends. We trade e-mails all the time regarding the market or leading stocks. Eventually, I began volunteering and helping at the meetings and became co-organizer of the group.

One night, to my great surprise, Bill O’Neil showed up. It was very exciting for me to meet one of my heroes in person. I got to know other people at IBD, and eventually Bill offered me a job. It has been a pleasure and a privilege working with Bill and my other terrific colleagues at IBD, all of whom do an outstanding job of bringing the top investing insights and stories to subscribers.

Part of my work at IBD includes heading up the Meetup Development Department. Along with another Meetup director, Tim Reazor, we have expanded the program across the United States as investors flock to the meetings. It has been extremely rewarding to see investors learn and profit as a result of the IBD Meetup program.

In coming across so many successful investors, it became clear that their stories needed to be shared. No matter what your background, education, job experience, or age, you can learn to invest successfully. I hope these stories will encourage, inspire, and motivate you.

Both of my children are black belts in Taekwondo, and I have taken many self-defense classes myself. Needless to say, I’ve spent countless hours in the dojo (martial arts training facility).

The tenets of martial arts training bear remarkable similarities to those of becoming a successful investor, so I have chosen to use analogies from the martial arts world to discuss investing.

I would like to thank everyone who contributed to this book for their time and willingness to share their stories about investing. Listening to their success stories was energizing and motivating. It is my hope that by reading this book, you will become excited about investing.

Whether you are just starting out or are a more seasoned investor, I believe these success stories will help you become a better investor.

My best wishes for stock market success,

Amy Smith

Email questions or comments to Amy at: Stocksuccessbook@investors.com

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further details about Amy’s book:
