Arch. The arch is one of the three main types of fingerprint patterns.
Destiny Line. A line that runs from the base of the palm toward the fingers. It provides a sense of direction to a person’s life.
Girdle of Venus. The girdle of Venus is a line, or series of lines, that runs parallel to the heart line, between the heart line and the fingers. People with this line are extremely sensitive.
Head Line. A line that runs across the palm, starting close to or joined to the life line. The quality of this line reveals the person’s intellect and manner of thinking.
Heart Line. The heart line is the major line that runs across the palm, close to the fingers. It reveals the person’s emotional life.
Knotty Fingers. This is the term used to describe fingers with prominent knuckles.
Life Line. The life line encircles the thumb, and reveals the person’s energy and vitality.
Loop. A loop is a skin ridge pattern, oval or round in shape, that is found on the palm of the hand.
Mounts. There are nine mounts found on the hand, named after the planets. They are usually raised areas on the surface of the palm. The quality and quantity of these reveal the person’s interests.
Percussion. The percussion is the term used to describe the edge of the palm running from the little finger to the wrist.
Phalange. A phalange is one section of a finger or thumb.
Rascettes. The rascettes are the lines that cross the wrist at the base of the hand. There are usually three of them. In the past, Gypsies said that each one represented twenty-five years of life.
Simian Crease. The simian crease (sometimes known as the simian line) occurs when the head and heart line become a single line that runs across the palm.
Smooth Fingers. Smooth fingers do not have prominent joints, and appear smooth throughout their length.
Tri-Radius. A tri-radius is a small triangular shape that is formed by the skin ridge patterns. It frequently looks like a three-pointed star.
Whorl. The whorl is a skin ridge pattern that looks like a series of concentric circles. It is one of the three main types of fingerprint patterns, and is also found in loops on the surface of the palm.