Suggested Reading

Altman, Nathaniel. The Palmistry Workbook. Northamptonshire, UK: Aquarian Press, 1984.

Altman, Nathaniel and Andrew Fitzherbert. Career, Success, and Self-Fulfillment. Northamptonshire, UK: Aquarian Press, 1988.

Aria, Gopi. Palmistry for the New Age. Long Beach, CA: Morningland, 1977.

Asano, Hachiro. Hands: The Complete Book of Palmistry. Tokyo: Japan Publications, 1985.

Bashir, Mir. How to Read Hands. London: Thorsons Publishers, 1955.

———. The Art of Hand Analysis. London: Frederick Muller, 1973.

Benham, William G. The Laws of Scientific Handreading. New York: Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1900. Republished as The Benham Book of Palmistry. Van Nuys, CA: Newcastle Publishing, 1988.

———. How to Choose Vocations from the Hand. New York: Knickerbocker Press, 1901.

Brandon-Jones, David. Practical Palmistry. London: Rider & Co., 1981.

Brandon-Jones, David and Veronica Bennett. Your Palm: Barometer of Health. London: Rider & Co., 1985.

———. The Palmistry of Love. London: Arrow Books, 1980.

———. Your Hand and Your Career. London: Arrow Books, 1980.

Brenner, Elizabeth. The Hand Book. Millbrae, CA: Celestial Arts, 1980.

———. Hand in Hand. Millbrae, CA: Celestial Arts, 1981.

Chawdhri, L. R. A Handbook of Palmistry. New Delhi, India: Hind Pocket Books, 1980.

Cummins, Harold and Charles Midlo. Fingerprints, Palms and Soles. New York: Dover Publications, 1943.

Domin, Linda. Palmascope: The Instant Palm Reader. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 1993.

Dukes, Shifu Terence. Chinese Hand Analysis. York Beach, ME: Samuel Weiser, 1987.

Fenton-Smith, Paul. Palmistry Revealed. East Roseville, Australia: Simon & Schuster Australia, 1996.

Fitzherbert, Andrew. Hand Psychology. London: Angus & Robertson, 1986.

Galton, Francis. Fingerprints. New York: Da Capo Press, 1965.

Gettings, Fred. The Book of the Hand. London: Paul Hamlyn, 1965.

———. The Book of Palmistry. London: Triune Press, 1974.

———. Palmistry Made Easy. London: Bancroft & Co., 1966.

Hipskind, Judith. The New Palmistry. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 1994.

———. Palmistry: The Whole View. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 1977.

Hutchinson, Beryl. Your Life in Your Hands. London: Neville Spearman, 1967.

Jaegers, Beverly C. You and Your Hand. Cottonwood, AZ: Esoteric Publications, 1974.

Lawrance, Myrah. Hand Analysis. West Nyack, NJ: Parker Publishing, 1967.

Luxon, Bettina and Jill Goolden. Your Hand: Simple Palmistry for Everyone. London: William Heinemann, 1983.

Masters, Anthony. Mind Map. London: Eyre Methuen, 1980.

Nakagaichi, Mila. Palmistry for the Global Village. Tokyo: Tachibana Shuppan, 1998.

Newcomer-Bramblett, Esther. Reading Hands for Pleasure or Profit. Austin, TX: Woods Publications, 1982.

Nishitani, Yasuto. Palmistry Revolution. Tokyo: Tachibana Shuppan, 1992.

Sherson, R. The Key to Your Hands. Auckland, New Zealand: Mystical Books, 1973.

Squire, Elizabeth Daniels. Palmistry Made Practical. New York: Fleet Press, 1960.

Webster, Richard. Revealing Hands. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 1994.

West, Peter. Life Lines: An Introduction to Palmistry. Northamptonshire, UK: Aquarian Press, 1981.

Wilson, Joyce. The Complete Book of Palmistry. New York: Bantam Books, 1971.

Out-of-print books that are well worth tracking down:

d’Arpentingy, Casimer Stanislaus. The Science of the Hand. Translated by Ed. Heron Allen. London: Ward, Lock & Bowden, 1865.

Frith, Henry. Palmistry Secrets Revealed. London: Ward Lock & Co., 1952.

———. Practical Palmistry. London: Ward Lock & Co., n.d.

Jaquin, Noel. The Hand Speaks. London: Lyndoe & Fisher, 1941.

———. The Human Hand: The Living Symbol. London: Rockliff Publishing, 1956.

———. Scientific Palmistry. London: Faber & Faber, n.d. Reprint, New Delhi: Sagar, 1967.

———. The Hand of Man. London: Faber & Faber, 1933.

———. Hand-Reading Made Easy. London: C. Arthur Pearson, 1928.

———. The Signature of Time. London: Faber & Faber, 1950.

St. Hill, Katherine. The Book of the Hand. London: Rider & Co., 1927.

———. Grammar of Palmistry. London: Sampson, Low, Marston & Co., 1893.

Spier, Julius. The Hands of Children. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1955. Reprint, New Delhi: Sagar, 1973.

Wolff, Charlotte. The Human Hand. London: Methuen & Co., 1943.

­———. The Hand in Psychological Diagnosis. London: Methuen & Co., 1971. Reprint, New Delhi: Sagar, 1972.
