The Mounts

The mounts are nine areas on the palm of the hand (figure 42). They are all named after planets, showing the close association palmistry has had with astrology throughout its history. The qualities of the Greek and Roman gods who were named after these planets were also well known to the population, providing a system of keywords for each finger and mount. This became a simple mnemonic system that helped people to learn and understand the meanings of each finger and mount. Many of these keywords are still just as useful today. For instance, the word “mercurial” comes from Mercury, and “saturnine” from Saturn.


A. Mount of Jupiter

D. Mount of Mercury

G. Mount of Outer Mars

B. Mount of Saturn

E. Mount of Venus

H. Mount of Luna

C. Mount of Apollo

F. Mount of Inner Mars

I. Mount of Neptune

Figure 42: The Mounts


A. Mount of Jupiter

D. Mount of Mercury

G. Mount of Outer Mars

B. Mount of Saturn

E. Mount of Venus

H. Mount of Luna

C. Mount of Apollo

F. Mount of Inner Mars

I. Mount of Neptune

Figure 42: The Mounts

The mounts reveal the person’s interests and consequently are extremely useful in helping people choose a career that they will be happy in. They also reveal how much energy the person is prepared to put into that particular area of his or her life.

They are called mounts, because they are usually raised protrusions on the palm of the hand. However, this can cause complications, since they are not necessarily raised.

A well-developed, high mount shows that the person has good potential in the area indicated by the mount. Conversely, an underdeveloped, hollow mount shows a lack of promise or potential in that particular area. Most people’s mounts are neither high nor low. Consequently, flat mounts should be considered normal.

It can be helpful to regard mounts as banks of energy. A large, high, full mount contains much more energy than a mount that lies flat on the palm. Consequently, large mounts reveal the person’s interests and enthusiasms. Naturally, we all pay most attention to activities that we enjoy doing. Consequently, we exert more energy and enthusiasm in these areas than we do on activities that we have to do, but do not necessarily enjoy.

The height and quality of the mounts change to reflect you. (After all, your hand is a map of your mind.) Sometimes these changes occur extremely quickly. You can prove this yourself, by feeling the mounts on your hands at different times. Examine them when you are feeling full of energy, and again when you are feeling tired. You will notice a distinct difference. If you want to gain more of the positive attributes of a specific mount, you need to exercise it. For instance, you can increase the size and quality of your mount of Venus by having sex more frequently. (There are also lines of sexual satisfaction on the mount of Venus. They are found on the side of the palm between the wrist and the start of the second phalange of the thumb. They indicate the degree of pleasure and satisfaction the person is experiencing in his or her love life.)

The most obvious mount, and certainly the easiest to find, is the mount of Venus, which is the area of the palm at the base of the thumb that is encircled by the life line. There is a mount at the base of each finger, also. For instance, the mount of Jupiter is found immediately below the Jupiter finger. Likewise, the mount of Mercury is found at the base of the Mercury finger.

Below the mount of Mercury, halfway down the hand, is the mount of outer Mars, and below this is the mount of Luna.

At the base of the palm, in the center, between the mounts of Luna and Venus is the mount of Neptune.

Finally, between the mounts of Jupiter and Venus is the mount of inner Mars.

Ideally, we want the mounts to be high (raised) and wide. This is because high mounts show that the person is prepared to put energy and enthusiasm into the area that is related to the particular mount. Wide mounts show that the person will put mental effort into that area, as well.

It takes practice to locate and assess the mounts. They are often easier to see if the hand is held at eye level while you look down the palm. The subject is complicated because not every mount will be raised, and some of them are likely to be displaced. For instance, the mount of Mercury is often sited between the Mercury and Apollo fingers, rather than directly under the finger it relates to.

While looking at the mounts, determine which one is the most prominent in the hand. Press on this mount to see how firm it is. A firm mount shows that the person has gained knowledge, which he or she is utilizing. A soft mount reveals that the person has gained knowledge, but is not making good use of it.

Frequently, it is impossible to determine which mount is the dominant one on the hand. All the mounts will appear to be equally well developed. This is a sign of confidence and capability. People with hands like this are ambitious, enthusiastic goal-setters, who aim high and usually achieve their goals. This is why hands like this are known as “lucky hands.”

Conversely, you will also come across hands that appear to be lacking in mounts. This is not the case, of course. The mounts are all there, but are simply not developed. People with hands like this are lacking in confidence and have major doubts about their abilities. However, our hands are a map of our potential. Over a period of time, it is possible to change a hand like this with concerted effort. However, someone with a hand that appears to be lacking in mounts will have to work a great deal harder to achieve his or her goals than someone else who has a “lucky hand.”

Palmists differ in the amount of attention they pay to the mounts. William Benham, in both of his books, considers the mounts to be the most important single aspect on the palm.1 Other palmists, including Cheiro, cover the subject in a page or two. I tend to be somewhere between these two extremes. William Benham’s books were the greatest single influence on my palmistry career, and I have spent an enormous amount of time researching and studying the mounts. If the mounts virtually leap out to greet me when I first look at someone’s hands, I will pay more attention to them than any other part of the hand. If they are not immediately obvious, which is usually the case, I will examine them after assessing the shapes of the hand and the major lines. With most people, I use the mounts to determine the person’s interests and to confirm other factors I have seen on the hand.

The Mount of Jupiter

Keywords: jovial (from Jove, the Roman form of Jupiter), benevolence, generosity, independence, philosophy, leadership, ambition, confidence, and justice

The mount of Jupiter (A) is found at the base of the first finger. A high, wide mount that is sited directly under the finger reveals someone with intelligence, good self-esteem, and leadership qualities. This gives the person the desire and ambition to achieve his or her goals and to become successful.

You are most likely to find a well-developed mount of Jupiter on the hands of charismatic religious leaders and people in public life. When the mount of Jupiter is strong, all the other mounts on the hand will be, also. I have never seen a strong mount of Jupiter on a hand that also contained weak or negative mounts.

When this mount is deficient, or even flat, the person will suffer from low self-esteem and lack of confidence. He or she will lack ambition and feel awkward in social situations.

If the mount is high, but feels spongy to the touch, the person will be vain and egotistical. He or she will show off, and always want to be the center of attention. This person is also likely to overindulge in anything that interests him or her. Food is one of the most likely areas.

The mounts under the fingers should ideally be found directly below the finger that they relate to. Frequently, though, they are displaced and this alters the interpretation.

If the mount of Jupiter is displaced towards the side of the hand the person will be egotistical. If it is displaced towards the Saturn finger the person will be self-conscious, thoughtful, and interested in learning. Occasionally, it will be found displaced towards the thumb. This means that the person will be extremely aware of his or her family background and heritage, and this will color and influence everything he or she does.

The Mount of Saturn

Keywords: saturnine, traditional values, reliability, responsibility, conscientious, introspective, and solitary

The mount of Saturn (B) is found under the Saturn finger. It is usually the least prominent mount on the hand, which is fortunate, since it is relates to the saturnine qualities. When this mount is well developed, the person will be conscientious and hard-working, but will also be gloomy, melancholy, and solitary. He or she will enjoy work that is involved and detailed, and that can be done with little or no input from others. He or she will find it hard to express love and affection. People with a well-developed mount of Saturn have a strong interest in philosophy, religion, and law. They enjoy research and locating the hidden truths that lie under the surface.

Most people have a flat area under the Saturn finger, and consequently do not have any of the negative qualities that can be created by this mount. These people are independent, and are able to spend time on their own without feeling lonely.

If the mount of Saturn is displaced towards the Jupiter finger, the person will gain optimism and a positive attitude. This is also the case when the mount is displaced towards the Apollo finger. However, these people will still need a large amount of time on their own.

Mount of Apollo

Keywords: enthusiasm, appreciation of beauty, creativity, self-expression, harmony, and people skills

The mount of Apollo (C) is a positive mount that is found at the base of the Apollo, or ring, finger.

A well-developed mount here gives the possessor enthusiasm, people skills, good taste, and a shrewd eye for money-making opportunities. This person will also be adaptable, versatile, and easy to get along with. He or she will enjoy entertaining and being entertained.

If this mount is wide, as well as high, the person will be vain and tend to exaggerate. He or she will have a desire to impress others.

If this mount is soft and spongy, the person will fantasize about all the great things he or she is going to do, but will seldom do anything to achieve them. This person will use charm and enthusiasm to carry people along on his flights of fancy, and they will believe him, at least for a while. He or she will be self-indulgent, vain, and insincere.

Sometimes this mount will appear to be nonexistent. This is a sign that the person lacks imagination, and has little interest in aesthetic pursuits. However, he or she will be extremely practical.

The mount of Apollo is often related to creativity. If this mount is displaced slightly towards the Saturn finger, the person will have a greater interest in creating beautiful things than in performing in public. He or she might, for instance, write plays, rather than perform in them. This placement also means the person will always relate well with young people, and would do well in a career that involved children.

If this mount is slightly displaced towards the Mercury finger, this person will be interested in performing, directing, or producing. He or she will enjoy being in the limelight. Interestingly, this placement also gives the person an affinity with all living things, so he or she may become interested in gardening or keep a number of pets.

Mount of Mercury

Keywords: communication, verbal skills, quick thinking, spontaneous, and mentally alert

The mount of Mercury (D) is sited at the base of the little finger. It relates to clear thinking and self-expression.

People with a well-developed mount of Mercury are interested in the world around them, and enjoy competition and mental challenges. They are affectionate, entertaining, and easy to get along with. They make good partners, parents, and friends. They generally do well in business, since they are shrewd and good judges of character. All of this is accentuated if the little finger is also long.

If both the mounts of Apollo and Mercury are well developed the person will have considerable potential as a public speaker, and be interested in debating and oratory.

If the mount of Mercury is undeveloped, the person is likely to be insincere, deceptive, and full of grandiose, but impractical, schemes. This person is likely to have communication problems inside his or her close relationships.

This mount is frequently displaced towards the mount of Apollo. This gives the person a cheerful, positive, carefree approach towards life. This refusal to take anything seriously can sometimes work to this person’s disadvantage. If this mount is displaced towards the side of the hand, the person will display amazing courage in the face of danger.

Sometimes the Apollo and Mercury mounts appear to be one large, single mount. People with this formation on their hands are highly creative, “idea” people. They can do well in any field that involves creativity and communication, but usually need some direction and guidance from others to avoid scattering their energies in too many directions.

Mount of Venus

Keywords: passion for life, warmth, love, sensuality, vitality, stamina, and love of life

The mount of Venus (E) is found at the base of the thumb and is bounded by the life line. This mount relates to love, affection, passion, and vitality.

If this mount is reasonably high the person will be positive, enthusiastic, loving, and sympathetic. He or she will thoroughly enjoy life and be happiest inside the right relationship. He or she will be passionate about life and have plenty of energy and enthusiasm.

This mount is an important factor in determining compatibility. The height of the mount reveals how passionate the person is. Obviously, a relationship where one person has a high mount of Venus, but the other has an almost flat mount, would have enormous problems. In practice, we want the heights of the two mounts of Venus to be about the same.

The life line determines how wide this mount is. A large mount of Venus reveals someone who is generous, giving, understanding, and considerate. He or she will also be open-minded, warm, and enthusiastic.

A narrow mount of Venus, created when the life line hugs the thumb, reveals someone who is cautious, listless, and lacking in energy and passion.

Mount of Mars

Keywords: courage, decisiveness, and persistence

There are two mounts of Mars, known as the inner and outer Mars. Inner Mars (F), sometimes known as positive Mars, is found inside the life line, between the Jupiter finger and the thumb. It is the small piece of flesh that folds when the thumb is moved.

The mount of inner Mars reveals whether or not the person can stand up for himself or herself. It relates to aggression, and also shows how physically courageous the person is. This mount should be firm to the touch. People with strong mounts of inner Mars often go into careers where these qualities can be utilized. The police and the armed forces are two examples. If this mount is soft and spongy, the person will be lacking in confidence and unable to stand up for himself or herself.

Directly across the palm from this mount lies the mount of outer Mars (G), sometimes known as negative Mars, which is usually situated between the head and heart lines. Sometimes the head line will finish on this mount, but the heart line is always below it. The mount of outer Mars relates to self-control and moral courage. When this mount is firm to the touch, the person is able to withstand everything that life sends his or her way, and to keep on going long after everyone else has given up.

If one of these mounts is strong, the chances are that the other one will be, also. However, as long as one of the mounts is firm, the person will stick up for his or her friends, and anything else that is strongly believed in.

Strong mounts of Mars are essential for success in any competitive field, such as sports. This is because this mount gives the person sufficient energy, determination, aggression, persistence, and a strong desire to win.

The area in the center of the palm between these two mounts is known as the plain of Mars. Like the mounts, it should be firm to the touch. A good way to test this is to place your fingers on the back of the person’s hand while applying pressure with your thumb on the other side.

When the plain of Mars is firm all the lines that cross it (destiny, head, and heart) can be used to the utmost. When the plain of Mars is weak or spongy the person will be easily influenced by others and make major mistakes in choosing friends. Many teenagers have a weak plain of Mars, but, fortunately, it usually firms as they mature.

Mount of Luna

Keywords: sensitivity, emotions, subconscious, creativity, imagination, intuition, and travel

The mount of Luna (H) is situated across the palm from the thumb, at the base of the hand on the little finger side. It relates to the person’s emotional nature, and also governs his or her imagination and creativity. It is also related to mysticism, spirituality, and intuition.

Like the others, this mount should be firm to the touch. It should also have a clear apex. This is a skin ridge pattern, similar to the fingerprints. This denotes a strong, creative imagination. However, if this is the main mount on the hand, the person will be inclined to daydream and be lacking in the necessary push and persistence to achieve his or her dreams. If this is the dominant mount on a man’s hand, he is likely to be effeminate. If it is the dominant mount on a woman’s hand, she is likely to be frivolous, scattered, and superficial.

If the mount of Luna is high, the person will have a strong interest in travel.

If this mount is deficient or lacking, the person will deal only in concrete facts and have no interest in fantasy or the imagination.

Mount of Neptune

Keywords: speaking skills, quickness of the mind, and connection between the conscious and subconscious

The mount of Neptune (I) is found at the base of the hand, next to the wrist, and joining the mounts of Venus and Luna. When it is firm it creates a level surface at the base of the hand where all three mounts meet.

A well-developed mount of Neptune gives the person the ability to speak in public and to think quickly on his or her feet. Not surprisingly, it is usually found on the hands of entertainers and anyone else who has to speak in public.

This mount connects Venus with Luna, which symbolize our conscious and subconscious energies. If it is equal in height to Venus and Luna the person can come up with good ideas and then make them happen.
