The Quadrangle
The quadrangle is the name given to the part of the hand that lies between the heart and head lines. For most people these lines are between half an inch and an inch apart for most of their length, widening at each end (figure 43). Naturally, with larger hands the gap is correspondingly greater.
The quadrangle should be firm to the touch and not be overly deep. The deeper this area is, the more introspective and inward-looking the person will be.
Figure 43: The Quadrangle
Figure 43: The Quadrangle
People who have average quadrangles are easy to get along with, and are well balanced and stable. They are prepared to help others when necessary, and have a good sense of humor. They also have a good balance between emotion and logic, especially if both the heart and head lines curve towards the end.
If the head and heart lines are close together for much of their length the person will be lacking in imagination. He or she will also tend to be miserly, narrow-minded, and lacking in humor. There is usually a degree of nervous tension present when the quadrangle is too narrow.
When the head and heart lines are well apart the person will be independent, sociable, and easy to get along with. However, he or she is also likely to be gullible, easily led, and overly keen to please. The further apart the head and heart lines are, the more unconventional, outgoing, and extroverted the person will be.
The space between the heart and head lines determines how generous the person will be. A narrow space reveals someone with miserly characteristics, whereas a large space reveals someone who is generous in every way, not just with money.
Sometimes the quadrangle has a “waisted” formation where the ends are much wider than the middle. The area inside the quadrangle denotes the years thirty-five to forty-nine. When the quadrangle is “waisted” the person will feel restless, unsettled, and lack confidence during that time period.
Often, the quadrangle is irregular in shape, being much wider at one end than the other. People who have this formation are likely to be on top of the world at one moment, and then down in the depths a short time later.
If the quadrangle is wider at the percussion side (little finger side) of the palm than it is at the other end, the person will be sensitive, reasonable, and easy to get on with.
If the quadrangle is narrower at the percussion side than the other, the person will find it hard to express his or her feelings out loud. This person is also likely to be stubborn and rigid in outlook.
Lines Inside the Quadrangle
Ideally, we do not want any lines inside the quadrangle, except for those, such as the destiny line, which always pass through the quadrangle. The hepatica (health line) is another example. Other lines tend to impede the person’s progress and cause confusion and worry. A total absence of lines in the quadrangle is not good, either. It indicates that the person is not growing and maturing inwardly as he or she progresses through life. Marks, such as a cross, star, or square, are usually a good sign when found inside the quadrangle. (We will be discussing these marks in the next chapter.)
The period marked out by the quadrangle (ages thirty-five to forty-nine) is an important one. The person is still young, but has developed maturity and is likely to be reassessing his or her progress up to this point, before moving on. Many people experience a complete change of direction while they are in this stage. This is most likely to be a change of career or of partner, but the changes can be in any area of the person’s life.
In this stage the person is reaping the benefits of everything that he or she has done up until this moment. If nothing has been achieved yet, this is likely to be a sobering time when the person realizes that all the dreams of his or her youth will never happen unless he or she starts moving ahead quickly.
It is common for people who have achieved nothing to virtually give up at this stage, and spend the rest of their lives blaming others for their lack of success. These people will have a destiny line that ends inside the quadrangle.
Fortunately, we all have the power and ability to change. I have seen a number of cases where the destiny line began to lengthen when the person realized that sitting back and moaning was not going to work, and if they wanted to progress they had to start. Once people become aware of and start acting on the old adage, “if it’s going to be, it’s up to me,” their destiny lines will grow to reflect this change in outlook.
People who have already achieved a degree of success are likely to use this time to expand and progress further. In these cases the destiny line is likely to extend well beyond the heart line.
Occasionally, you will see a destiny line that breaks down into a series of small lines or dots inside the quadrangle. This is a sign of total failure, so much so that the person lacks the desire or strength to try to become successful again. This is a tragedy, but again I have seen examples where people with this have finally taken control of their life again, and created a destiny line that again moved forward. It is in instances like this where a sensitive and caring palm reader can help enormously, and guide and motivate the person to start again.
It is common to see a large cross inside the quadrangle. One side of the cross is formed by the destiny line, and another line crosses this diagonally. This is a sign of ultimate success, but after a great deal of difficulty and many setbacks. Whenever I see it on a hand I always encourage the person to be persistent, because this cross can be extremely frustrating, even for normally patient people.
Every now and again you will find another cross inside the quadrangle, formed by two minor lines. This is known as the mystic cross and people with it have a strong interest in the psychic world.
The Great Triangle
The great triangle is formed by three major lines. Two sides are formed by the life and head lines. The third line is usually formed by the destiny line, but it can also be the hepatica (health) line.
Naturally, most people have a great triangle on their hands. If it is even and well formed, the person will be gracious, broad-minded, and sympathetic. We want this triangle to be as large as possible. A small triangle is related to narrow-mindedness and selfishness.
The triangle should be easy to find on the hand. It is a sign of weakness of character when the great triangle is faint or badly defined.
In Indian palmistry it is believed that if all three corners of the triangle are closed the person will be good at saving money.
If the angle created by the head and life lines is closed and well formed, the person will be refined and have good taste. This is also a sign of caution, as you already know. If the degree of the angle is large, the person will lack aesthetic sense, and be coarse and unrefined. Also, if the angle is open, rather than closed, the person will be independent and impulsive.
The angle formed by the head and destiny lines should be large. This denotes good health and a quick brain.
If the lines of life and destiny are joined at the start of the great triangle it denotes a dependent nature. The further apart they are at the start, the more generous and independent the person will be.
The most important aspect of the great triangle is that it reveals when the person is about to achieve great success. If someone has been working hard in his career for many years, and then suddenly makes a breakthrough and becomes famous, you can be sure that the breakthrough will have been visible in his palm for a short time before it occurred.
If you glance at a hand and immediately notice the great triangle, you can be certain that great success is imminent. Sometimes the great triangle is so noticeable that it appears to virtually jump out of the palm.