Marks on the Hand
Most of the finer lines and markings on the hand are caused by stress, tension, and worry. This is why high-strung people appear to have thousands on lines on their hands, while their more placid friends may have just a few.
However, there are a number of marks on the hand that can be identified and interpreted. These include squares, grilles, crosses, stars, and circles (figure 44). By far the most important of these are the squares.
Remember that minor markings can appear and disappear quickly. If you are experiencing a time of uncertainty and feel that you are unable to handle the situation, you may find a few stars appearing in your hands. However, as soon as your life is on an even keel again, the stars will fade away and gradually disappear.
Grille / Islands
Triangle / Star / Circle
Figure 44: Markings on the Palm
Grille / Islands
Triangle / Star / Circle
Figure 44: Markings on the Palm
There are two types of squares. Protective squares, as their name implies, help to protect and nurture the person. Other squares indicate restrictions and limitations. We can find both of these types on the life line.
A protective square is one that encloses a break in any line. It is most commonly found protecting a break in the life line. It is a fortunate sign, indicating that the person will have enough energy and strength of character to handle a potentially dangerous situation. On the life line, if the square had not been present, the person may have become seriously ill. On other lines, it is an indication that the person will ultimately overcome whatever difficulties are indicated by the line.
A square on the life line that does not cover a break is an example of a restrictive square. This is a sign of confinement. It usually means a term of imprisonment, of course, although I have seen a few examples of people with it who felt themselves completely trapped in a situation and had not known how to get out of it. In this case, other indications on the hand will reveal the reasons why the person felt trapped and confined.
Fortunately, squares of confinement can be removed by changing one’s way of life.
A square on the mount of Venus that is not attached to the life line indicates a period of emotional confinement. A lady I read for some years ago had several of these on her palm. She was a codependent person who had a history of being abused by every one of her partners. This was revealed by a chained heart line, as well as the squares on her mount of Venus.
Teacher’s Square
The teacher’s square is a square created by four minor lines either on, or just below, the mount of Jupiter. It is a sign that the person is able to impart knowledge in such a way that other people can easily understand it. People who have this square make natural teachers, and can explain things clearly to others. Consequently, it is found on the hands of the very best teachers. However, many teachers do not have this indication on their hands. People who simply drift into teaching are unlikely to have this square on their hands.
In fact, you are quite likely to find a teacher’s square on the hands of people who have no desire to teach at all. These people would have made excellent teachers, and this talent will come out in various ways. Often, at some stage of their lives, these people will use this skill, perhaps by conducting workshops or classes on a hobby or interest that appeals to them.
Most of us can recall a special teacher who helped us enormously. This teacher would certainly have had a teacher’s square on his or her hand.
Grilles are created by several minor lines, creating a crisscross pattern of lines that looks like a grill. They are usually found on the mounts. These are invariably negative, and indicate that the person wastes a great deal of time and energy, because he or she has not thought something through before acting. This can be extremely frustrating to the individual, since often he or she can not see the situation clearly.
If a grille is situated where a mount should be, but the mount is flat and invisible, it is considered a sign of a cold emotional nature. On a normal size mount, the grille represses the positive qualities of the mount and often enhances the negative qualities.
On the mount of Venus, a grille accentuates the natural passion of the individual. It also relates to a lack of control.
On the mount of Luna it creates a restless, scattered imagination. People with a grille here are usually discontented and hard to please.
On the mount of Jupiter it is inclined to make the person selfish, snobbish, and proud.
On the mount of Saturn it emphasizes the natural saturnine gloominess. It gives the person a morbid approach to life.
On the mount of Apollo it increases the desire for fame, but also encourages the person to scatter his or her energies. People with this grille are often vain, conceited, and inclined to show off.
On the mount of Mercury it shows that the person will not hesitate to stretch the truth when it suits him or her. People with this grille are frequently dishonest in small ways.
You will sometimes find a minor line crossing a major line, creating a small cross on the palm. This is a sign of change. You will have to examine the major line carefully to determine if the change is positive or negative. The cross needs to be distinct to be interpreted. A negative cross relates to disappointments and setbacks.
Other crosses can be formed by two minor lines. These need to be easily visible to be interpreted. This is because people with a nervous disposition have hands with many fine lines, most of which are ignored in an interpretation.
Crosses formed by two minor lines are, with just two exceptions, negative, and can be considered warning signs. A cross touching the destiny line indicates the potential for an accident. A cross touching the life line indicates the likelihood of home and family difficulties. A cross touching the hepatica is an indication of an impending illness.
As these crosses are warnings, the problem indicated can be averted by taking the correct action. For instance, if you have a cross touching your hepatica, you should pay attention to your physical well-being. It would pay to have a medical checkup. You might want to look at your diet and the amount of exercise you do. By taking precautionary action in these ways, the cross will disappear.
There are two positive types of cross on the hand. A cross inside the quadrangle, that is created by the destiny line and a minor line, is a sign of ultimate success. However, it is achieved after much hard work and difficulty. Consequently, although it is a positive marking, it can also be an extremely frustrating one, since everything seems to take forever to achieve.
A cross on the mount of Jupiter, created by two minor lines, is a sign that the person is ready to move ahead in a new direction. This frequently involves a new partner, but it is also related to self-awareness and spiritual growth.
A cross on the other mounts is a sign of a major obstacle that needs to be overcome. A cross on the mount of Mercury, for instance, indicates that the person will have great difficulty in expressing himself or herself.
Islands are small ovals inside a major line. A series of them create an effect like braiding along the line. They are most commonly found on the heart line and relate to emotional ups and downs. On the life line, islands indicate periods of illness. On other lines they relate to uncertainty, frustration, and an unwillingness to move forward.
Small triangles on the palm are found occasionally and show that the person has a shrewd brain and can quickly understand the essentials of a situation. They are usually found on the mounts, and increase the quality of the mount they are on. A triangle is always a positive sign and is often an indication that the person will find success in a creative or scientific career. Interestingly, a triangle on the mount of Venus is a sign that the person will marry for money, and that the relationship will be a success. A triangle gives the owner enormous mental clarity in the field indicated by the mount.
A star is created by four or five minor lines crossing each other to create a star-like marking on the hand. It is a positive sign when found on one of the mounts, but is considered negative anywhere else. When found on a mount it is an indication that the person could achieve great success in the field indicated by the particular mount. The best place to find a star is on the mount of Jupiter. This means that the person will be recognized and honored for his or her achievements.
In other parts of the hand a star is an indication of a situation that the person is unable to handle or control.
It is extremely rare to find a perfect circle on the palm of the hand. On most parts of the hand it is considered a sign of weakness. However, when it is found on the mount of Apollo it is considered to be an indication of great success and even fame.
Dots and Spots
Dots and spots on any of the major lines indicate a blockage of energy. They need to be indented into the palm to be interpreted.
On the life line a dot or spot is likely to be a physical illness. On the heart line, it indicates emotional trauma. (The sole exception to this is a white dot on the heart line. This is a sign of a strong, loving relationship achieved after great difficulty.)
On the head line a dot or spot indicates a period of negativity, with the potential of a breakdown.
On the destiny line a dot or spot indicates a period when the person reviewed his career up to that point.
None of these marks should be interpreted on their own. You always need to confirm your findings by looking at other parts of the hand.