Most of the bondage techniques in this book would likely be considered by many people in the BDSM community to fall into the basic-to-intermediate range in terms of difficulty, complexity, and risk. There is no universal standard by which bondage techniques are judged, so this is something of a guess on my part, but I’d like to think it’s an educated guess.
Anyway, this book covers basic to intermediate techniques, according to the best of my ability to judge them. It generally does not cover techniques that many bondage fans would consider more advanced. In particular…
1. This book does not cover what are commonly thought of as “suspension bondage” techniques, in which the bottom is partially or completely suspended off the ground. In fact, I decided not to include any techniques in this book which involved a rope that was under strain, load, or tension when running from an overhead attachment point to the bottom. The whole subject of “vertical ropes under tension” can be a very complex one, and I have heard of more incidents than I can remember of bottoms suffering injury after mishaps such as “securely mounted” screw eyes pulling loose from their overhead mountings. Thus, I decided to leave that whole area alone.
2. This book does not cover (in great detail) the highly stylized procedures commonly referred to as “Japanese bondage” techniques. Those are bondage techniques commonly depicted in Japanese erotica, but they are distinctly different from the Japanese martial arts techniques of prisoner-tying commonly called hojo-jitsu. (This book also does not cover hojo-jitsu techniques in great detail.)
3. This book does not cover the techniques and challenges associated with doing what are sometimes called “prolonged bondage” techniques.Among other things, unless special precautions are taken, engaging in prolonged, highly immobilizing bondage can lead to muscle cramps, pressure sores, and (in a worst-case situation) the formation of potentially life-threatening blood clots. All bondage techniques in this book are presented with the understanding that the bottom will be bound for not longer than two hours at a time. (Two hours of being in bondage can seem like forever under some circumstances.) After being in bondage for two hours, I recommend that the bottom be released entirely – or, at least, released to the point where they have full range of motion in their body – for at least ten minutes so that they may use the bathroom, stretch out their body, and so forth.
4. This book does not cover the special techniques that are used to bind someone while they are trying to physically resist being bound (one type of what is sometimes called “resistance play”). The bondage techniques presented in this book are presented with the assumption that the bottom is voluntarily complying with instructions to position their body in a certain way, to remain still, etc.
5 This book is written under the assumption that, once the bottom is in bondage, only conventional sex acts such as intercourse, oral sex, and so forth will occur. If the top plans to use other items of SM equipment, such as whips, paddles, and clamps, it is very important for the health and well being of all concerned, and for the health and well being of their relation-ship, that the top first get adequate instruction in how such equipment is used. Please note that this book does not provide such instruction. For more information on how to use such equipment, please consult the book “SM 101” or other educational writings on such matters. If at all possible, try to get personal instruction in how to use such items of equipment from a few different experienced SM practitioners.