See I figure: she was gliding around in the swamp one day and and she saw this handsome fisherman on the shore, he was fishin’ for carp and she like JOLTS outta the water to eat him but what he did bein’ a really quick thinker and prepared for anything, is he dove inside her mouth and through her body and out the other end, but he left something there he left his sperm! And so so the sperm swam up into the crocodile egg and then a half-human, half-crocodile embryo grew and grew and grew and grew and one day the crocodile mother she crawled up on land and she laid this giant big egg but had to go back into the swamp and luckily, a nice big red hen came along and sat on it to keep it warm and then when it was spring and the tulips were blooming and people were dancing guess what. The egg c-c-c-c-c-c-cracked, I remember, I remember the feelin’ of bein’ in that egg and just wanting to just dance out see I pushed and pressed and . . .

And there was a hand . . . and over there was a foot, and an eye and—


Listen. I am not crazy—even though they frequently inject me with meds for schizophrenics, which is totally fuckin’ ILLEGAL I know I wasn’t, um, born of a crocodile really.

But I am FEELING . . . her, I am feeling—

I feeeeel her.

Her crocodile eyes behind my eyes.

The scaly skin behind my skin.

I can feel her knife-sharp teeth in my mouth.

And her GIANT tail inside me. Flapping when I am pissed off at Gail, making me do bad things.

The crocodile part of me ramming ramming against the girl part of me.

Just tryin’ to get out.

To get me back to the swamp.

Where she wants me so I can’t go home to my mom and Ravi.

And ohhh she wants me bad. Badder and badder every day.

“But I’m not goin’ back to you, mother crocodile, so don’t wait up for me!”

I’m getting out of here one day.

And I’m headin’ home . . . to go to the mall with my friends, party at night, get drunk, and finally get a boyfriend.

I plan to get kissed, dude.

So you can just sink right back into your smelly swamp!