A lady never speaks harshly. A lady never uses curse words.

Especially the F-word. Good Lord!

A lady never expresses a controversial opinion that might upset people.

A lady never, ever shouts. In fact, never raises her voice.

Do not fidget do not touch your hair do not put your hands in your pocket do not rock back and forth never ever look in the mirror in a restaurant. All of that. That’s the way we all were, except you know, those girls. The girls that went into the barn with the boys and lost their reputations. The girls that had babies at fifteen, and went on the welfare and nobody respected them or their child again.

Except me. Oh I respect them. I am sure it was not easy for them and we have no right to judge them, none at all. And in fact, I am grateful to a girl like that. Because if it wasn’t for a girl like that goin’ into the barn and getting herself into trouble, I would not have been given my Glory.

Oh yes, I am still grateful . . . that she is my daughter, and I always will be . . . and I say to my mother and all her lady lessons, to hell with being a lady—nobody LISTENS to ladies . . .

I’ve got to start raisin’ my voice—I’ve got to shout for those bureaucrat robots to even hear me; in fact, I will have to howl like a wounded animal to get my daughter home.