I wonder if bein’ tasered jumbles up your brains. Ravi won’t like me if I’ve gone stupid. When they were transferring me from Joliette to the private airplane they got for me they tasered the shit outta me. I was like “please don’t taser me—I’m not gonna DO anything, come on! I’m scared!”

And they point that thing at me and they—


glory relives the tasering.

It’s like bein’ fuckin’ killed. They tasered me twice in New Brunswick and that is totally illegal. Your brain gets shattered like glass into a thousand pieces all over the floor, and I been tryin’ to sweep ’em up and glue ’em back together ever since. I still am . . . for Ravi, and for my mom. ’Cause guess what? Fuck you, mother crocodile . . . WHOOO! I’m goin’ home.