gail stands, holding the ligature.
I think it’s disgusting. Most of us do. We talk amongst ourselves and we are so pissed off, we know it’s wrong. Now that she is back to tyin’ the ligature round her neck five times a day . . . But you know, that’s the way she was anyway . . . The warden is like, “She’s just doin’ it to get attention, and the more you go in the more she will do it, so you’re not goin’ in.” “You’re not goin’ in,” she says, “till Glory stops breathing.” Till she is blue.
Well when someone isn’t breathing, what are they, eh? When someone isn’t breathing, they are fucking dead. When you stop breathing, you are friggin’ blue and you are dead, aren’t you? Isn’t that what living is? Breathing? When we have gone in like that, when she’s going blue and we breathe into her or whatever what we are doin’ is bringing her back from the dead. And I did not sign up for that.