Despite the dismissal by many members of the investment industry in Canada, a core of investor activists continue to grow and make their concerns known. They are a loosely knit group from varying backgrounds, many of them escapees from the industry they want to see subject to greater regulation. Their impact remains small—to its shame, Canada still lacks a national securities regulator, and our reputation for investigating abuses to investors and prosecuting villains is abysmal—but their numbers continue to grow.
I’m proud to count myself among this somewhat disorganized bunch and thank many of its members for their direct and indirect assistance in preparing this book. They include Stan Buell, Jon Chevreau, Larry Elford, Ken Kivenko, Gordon Pape, Jim Roache, Ellen Roseman, and Diane Urquhart. Gordon Pape would not likely include himself in this gang, but he remains a voice of wisdom and credibility worth heeding, as I do.
Preet Banerjee, Chris Cottier, Wendy Kormos, Gary Logan, and others who preferred anonymity were gracious and generous with their time—my thanks to them as well.
At Penguin, Diane Turbide’s continued support for me is and always will be much appreciated. The editorial team of Helen Reeves and the constantly tolerant Sandra Tooze were a delight to work with, as was copy editor Heather Sangster.
And much kissing and purring to my home support team, Molly McGuire and my wife, Judy.