
abandonment, 2, 18, 23, 4041, 42, 7172

abductions, 38, 79, 84, 132133, 196

abortion, 2728


activism against, 126

blending and vulnerability protection, 18, 209210

children and psychological responses to, 210212

child sexual, 201202

domestic violence, 5253, 202, 209

wartime violence against women, 24, 28, 95, 131132

accomplishment recognition, 7981, 82

Actaeon, 125


abuse prevention, 133, 202

as Artemis archetypal characteristic, 126130

bullying, intolerance for, 123, 124, 126, 127

deforestation protests, 62

education for girls, 203205

gender discrimination, 8081, 9697, 148149

racial discrimination, 127128

sexual assault in military, 8183

violence against women, 24, 26, 9596

Women's Movement, xiv, 32, 148149, 176, 193196

addictions, 191

Africa, 24, 28

Agamemnon, 57

Age of Empathy, The (Waal), 200

Alaska, 3335

alchemical goddesses, 107, 135. See also Aphrodite

Alcott, Louisa May, xii

American Athletic Union (AAU), 9697

American Psychiatric Association, 148149

Anastasia Steele, xii

anger, 5357, 144

anima/animus, 48, 67, 68


activism protecting, 126

animal mothers as role models, 14

child abuse using pets, 209

as goddess symbols, 15, 5354, 121122, 158, 171

love of, 1718, 21, 147

protective strategies of, 18, 209210

as surrogate parents, 1, 23, 4, 23, 196201

anti-Semitism, 127


as archetypal ally, 153

associations, 134

footrace myths featuring, 9, 11, 99, 113

goddess type, 107, 135

persona marriages, 113

reproductive urges, 104

son of, 159

virgin goddesses' resistance to, 134

Apollo, 16, 122

Apollodorus, 1

apples, golden, 811, 99108, 157158

Arab Spring revolts, 22, 131

Arcadia, 1, 2, 8, 90

archetypes. See also Artemis archetype

abandoned child, 4041, 42

of Aphrodite, 108, 152

of Atalanta, 109110

of Athena, 134, 136137, 144, 148151

conflicts between, 156157, 192

definition and description, 183

development and configurations of, xiiixiv, 20, 135, 183185

of Hestia, 134, 138

of men, 110

motherhood, 104105

patriarchy and domestic violence, 53

of Selene, 160165

virgin goddess, 119

Ares, 10, 99

Arethusa, 17

Argonauts, 1, 6, 4344, 81

arktoi, 1516

Artemis. See also Artemis archetype

animal symbols of, 15, 5354, 121122

associations, ix, 121

Atalanta mythology and, 1, 2

attributes and accessories, ix, xiixiii, xvi, 16, 122

companions of, 122

consequences of offending, 58, 51, 53, 60

descriptions and overview, 121122

genealogy of, ix, 1617, 122

literature replacing Selene with, 160

moon symbolism, 153

protection of, 7678

retribution themes, 125126

roles of, ixx, 15, 1617, 19, 122, 202

Roman counterpart, ix, 121

shadow aspects of, 5354, 144

vulnerability response of, 147

“Artemis” (Broumas), 74

Artemis archetype

activism (see activism)

authority issues, 123124

concentration and drive, xvixvii, 100, 121, 123, 145, 151, 212

description overview, xv, 148151

elusiveness, 53, 121

ex-spouse relationships, 176

fictional characters as, xii, xv, 3132, 122, 123125, 126

goddess/mortal combination, 12

grief and healing protection, 73

growing beyond, 146147

imagination, 2122, 145

independence and autonomy, 86

love relationships, 136

mother bear protection, 18

mysticism and liminality, 166, 219220

nature reverence, 16, 76, 121

rage, 5354, 144

reflection and contemplation, 21, 100, 166

retribution and punishment, 125126, 144

running, 94

self-determination and journey, 127129, 187, 188

sisterhood and feminist cause support, 16, 122, 149

tree people, 62

violence survival as non-victims, 130134

virgin goddess descriptions, 119

woman's life phases for, 11, 202

women as examples of, 2021, 196208

Arya Stark, xv


abandonment of, xi, 2, 40

Airtime's protection of, xi, 1, 2

Calydon boar hunt, 58, 51, 5759, 5859, 6768

father figures and role models of, 3032

Hippomenes relationship, 109, 112113

intimacy issues, 38

life phase correspondence, 156

love and archetypal characteristics of, 109110

marriage and footrace, classical version, 911, 9394, 98108

marriage and footrace, modern version, xiii, 114116, 119

Meleager relationship, 45, 10, 4750, 103

military service, 1, 81

mythology of, 112, xi

popularity of, xiii

punishment of, 113

return to Arcadia, 8, 90, 93

tree people archetype, 62

wilderness transition, 8, 72, 79, 87, 89, 90

women's stories compared to, 18, 23, 196201

Athena, 119, 134, 136137, 144, 148151

Atropos, 3, 44

authenticity, 117, 178, 179, 184

autonomy, 86, 156

Ayla (fictional character), xv, 177


birth as transition model, 7071

desire for, 104106, 120, 135

gendercide practices, 2630

identity assumptions and expectations imposed on, 39

maternal care and survival, 44

newborn personalities, 22

patriarchal societies and, 25

Babu, Chaya, 27

Bagby, Rachel, 159

Barrett-Lee, Lynn, 197


cub-rearing descriptions, 1315

in dreams, 3336

as goddess animal symbol, 15, 54, 121122, 171

healing stories and, 3235

mother bear metaphors, 1718, 2526, 126

as mythological surrogate parents, 1, 23, 4

women's connection to, 3638

beauty, attraction to, 160161, 166

birth, as first transition phase, 7071, 84

bitterness, 56

blame, 86, 105, 210212

blending, 1819, 209210

bliss, 192194

boars, 58, 51, 5359, 121, 181

Bones (television show), 4950

Book of Changes, 85

Born to be Good (Keltner), 210211

Boston Marathon, 97

boys, 2728, 3940, 4547, 6466, 73

Brave (movie), 125

Brewer, Heather C., 95

bride prices, 25, 120

Broumas, Olga, 74

Brown, Gordon, 204

bullying, 123, 124, 126, 127, 209, 218

“Burnt Norton” (Eliot), 216

Caesarian sections, 7071

Callimachus, 122

Calydon boar, 58, 51, 5359, 181

Campbell, Joseph, 192193

camping, 16, 175

cancer, 7879, 9495, 193

Cancer as a Turning Point (LeShan), 193

Capuchin monkeys, as surrogate parents, 23, 197198, 200201

Chaos, 159

Chapman, Marina, 23, 196201, 205

charity events, 9496

childbirth, ix, 1617, 7071, 122

childfree, 105106, 140


abductions of, 132133

with animals as surrogate parents, 23, 198197, 200201, 205

Artemis archetypes in, description, 123124, 217218

bullying of, 127, 209

courage and survival of, 208210

domestic abuse and, 5253, 201202, 206, 210213, 218

education activism and violence against, 203205, 207

Hestia archetypes in, description, 138

moving frequency and new schools, 129130

parents' expectations imposed on, 4042, 6364

view of parents, 210211

woman's choice to have, 105106, 120

Chinese gendercide, 27, 28

Chipko movement, 62

Christianity, 154

circles, women's, 138, 151, 178, 194, 218

Clan of the Cave Bear, The (Auel), xv, 177

Clinton, Hillary, xiv

Close to the Bone (Bolen), 84

collective unconscious, 26

Comeau, Carole, 133

Commission on the Status of Women, 29, 176

compassion, 144145, 172, 218

concentration, focused, xvixvii, 100, 121, 123, 145, 151, 212

conflict of archetypes, 156157, 192

conformity, 178, 179, 190192

Congo, 24, 95, 202

coniunctio, 111112

Constantine, Emperor of Rome, 154

Convention Eliminating Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), 208

Council of the Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers, 180

courage, 90, 146, 208210, 214, 218

crafts, 149

creativity, 89, 106108, 116117

crisis, 84

crones (life phase), 138, 139141, 155, 173, 175, 179180

Cronos, 38, 137

Crossing to Avalon (Bolen), 88

Cupid (Eros), 159

cycling adventures, 7677

danger, 84

Danu (Celtic goddess), 78

Danu, Elizabeth, 7677, 78

Dardenne, Sabine, 132

death and dying, 66670, 102, 172

Declaration of Sentiments, xiv

deforestation, 62

Demeter, 38, 86, 104, 134, 172, 173

Denali National Park, 3335

DeNomme, Donna, 1920

depression, 85, 86

destructive forces, 5257, 5862

Devi, Amrita, 62

Diana, 121. See also Artemis

Dick, Kirby, 82

dioxins, 3335

disappearances of women, 2829

discrimination, 32, 127130, 148149, 211212. See also gender discrimination

Disturbing Peace (Havel), 86

divorce, 141, 176177

does, 121

dogs, 5557, 171

domestic violence, 5253, 201202, 209

dowries, 25, 120

Drama of the Gifted Child, The (Miller), 45

dreams, 3236, 5557, 6667, 155, 159

Duggard, Jaycee, 132

Earth Child Insititute, 95

Eat, Pray, Love (Gilbert), 89

education activism, 203205, 207

Ehrenreich, Barbara, xviii

Eleusinian Mysteries, 164

Eliot, T. S., 59, 216

elusiveness, 53, 121

emotional development, 4547, 6466

emotional experiences, value of, 107

empathy, 38, 111, 136, 144, 145

Endymion, 160170

Endymion (Keats), 160, 166

Ensler, Eve, 26, 201202, 206

enthusiasm, 184

entitlement, 54, 219

environmental causes, 6062, 72, 126

envy, 56

Eos, 160

Eris, 157

Eros, 134, 159, 162

Evslin, Bernard, 2, 47


conformity vs. authenticity, 178, 179, 190192

energy consumption of, 178

motherhood vs. childfree, 105106

of parents imposed on children, 4042, 50, 64

patriarchal views of marriage, xiv, 109

time passing and self-imposed, 102

women in patriarchal societies, 176

fathers, 3032, 110, 123, 189190, 201202

fear, 53, 188, 208214

female genital mutilation (FMG), 2930

femicide, 2829

Feminine, 37

Feminine Mystique, The (Friedan), 105, 176

feminist causes, 16, 122, 126

feminist movements, xiv, 32, 47, 148149, 176, 193196

Fifty Shades of Grey (James), xii

Fonda, Jane, 114

footrace mythology, 911, 94, 9899

forgiveness, 144

“For the Fairest,” 157

forward thinking, 8687, 100

Four Quartets (Eliot), 59

Frankl, Viktor, 166

Franklin, Rosalind, 80

freedom, 187189, 196201

Free to Be...You and Me (Thomas), xiii, 114, 119120, 143, 183, 192

Friedan, Betty, 105, 176

Gaia (Mother Earth), 1718, 3738, 60, 160

Game of Thrones (Martin), xv

gender. See also gender discrimination

birth ratios, normal, 27

brain function comparisons, 195196

patriarchy and marriage roles, 110111

qualities and roles based on, 111112

stress management comparisons, 195

gendercide, 2630

gender discrimination

accomplishment and recognition rejection, 7981, 82

activism against, 8081, 9697, 148149

conscious-raising movements defying, 32

gendercide practices, 2628

in Greek mythology, 1, 6, 7, 3738, 57

healthcare and nutritional neglect, 28

in modern world, 5758

in patriarchal cultures, 9798, 109110, 163, 211

running events and, 9698

Gilbert, Elizabeth, 89

Gillibrand, Kirsten, 82

Gimbutas, Marija, 24


abductions of, 132133

courage and survival, xvxvi, 208210

education activism and violence against, 203205, 207

father figures and male role models, 3032

fictional characters with Artemis archetypes, xv

gendercide practices, 2630

goddess archetypes of vulnerable, 174175

goddesses protectors of, 15, 122

healthcare neglect, 28, 4445

humiliation, shame and blame, 210214

infancy survival and will, 23

jungle survival, 23, 196201, 205

missing, 2829

mother bear parental figures, 1718

mutilation practices, 2930

same-sex attractions, 162163

sexual abuse experiences, 201202, 206

“Girls Choose Better Names” (Babu), 27

Girl Scouts, 16, 21

Girl with No Name, The (Chapman, et al.), 23, 196201, 205

Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The (Larsson), xii, 126

gnosis, 75, 184, 215

god, 215216

Goddesses in Everywoman (Bolen), xxi, xiii, 20, 107, 149, 156, 207

Goddesses in Older Women (Bolen), 138, 172

Gods in Everyman (Bolen), 110

Going Solo (Klinenberg), 139140

Golden Fleece mythology, 1, 43, 81

“Gone Girl” (Talbot), 132

Gonne, Maud, 12

grace, 7778

grandmothers, 179180

gratitude, 103, 219

Graves, Robert, 1, 81

Great Goddess (Great Mother), 45, 60, 153155

Greek culture, ancient, 2324, 25, 46, 53

Greek mythology. See also specific names of gods and goddesses

abandonment themes, 2, 7172

childbirth, 1617

gendercide, 2

gender discrimination in, 1, 6, 7, 3738

marriage, 911

military service, 1

offense of gods/goddesses themes, 5152, 113

patriarchy in, 2324

rape in, 2324, 38

Gresham, Zane, 143

grief, 6970, 7173, 103104

Hades, 79

“happily ever after,” 116

Harding, M. Esther, 120, 136

hares, 121

Havel, Vaclav, 8586

healing, 3236, 6973, 141, 159, 213

healthcare, and gender discrimination, 28, 4445

hearth, 137138, 151

Hecate, 153, 170175, 180, 215

Helios, 160

Hera, xxi, 17, 51, 86, 134, 141

Hermes, 910, 99

Heroes, Gods, and Monsters of the Greek Myths (Evslin), 2, 47

Hesiod, 1, 159

Hestia, 119, 134, 137141, 151152

Hill, Julia Butterfly, 2021

Hippomenes, 911, 99109, 112113

homoeroticism, 162

homosexuality, 150, 162, 211

honor killings, 25

hope, 86, 90

horses, 122, 158, 171

Htun, Mala, 194

Huffington, Arianna, 2526

human trafficking, 17, 25, 29

humiliation, 210211

humility, 54, 59, 91

The Hunger Games (Collins), 3132, 122

Hyperion, 160

I Ching, 85

Iliad (Homer), 44

illness, 3235, 7879, 84, 9495, 193

imagination, xixii, 2122, 145

incest, 201202

independence, 64, 107, 119, 120, 189

India, 26, 27, 28

individuation, 192193

infanticide, 2728

infertility, 3235

Inquisition, 155

inquisiveness, 124

In the Body of the World (Ensler), 201

intimacy, 38, 145146

Into the Woods (musical), 116

introversion, 137, 138

intuition, 171

Invisible War, The (documentary film), 82

Iroquois Confederacy, 179180

James, E. L., xii

James, Vanessa, 197

Japanese internment camps, 129

Jason and the Argonauts, 1, 4344, 57

joy, 187188, 192194

judgment, 53, 6364, 73

Jung, Carl, 2526, 48, 67, 77, 111, 170, 178

justice, 210, 217218

Katniss Everdeen, xii, 3132, 122

Keats, John, 166

Keller, Helen, 220

Keltner, Dacher, 210

Kempusch, Natascha, 132

Kennedy, John F., 41, 176

Kennedy family dynamics, 41

Klinenberg, Eric, 139140

Klugman, Jeni, 28

Kurgans, 24

Kuscsik, Nina, 97

Larsson, Stieg, xii, 126

leadership, 194196

Lean In (Sandberg), 116117, 150151

LeShan, Lawrence, 193

Leto, 1617, 122, 171

Liberation of Persephone, The (website), 79

libido, 162, 169

life phases of women. See also transition(s)

first (maiden), 11, 153, 155, 173

goddess-worshipping societies and, 155

moon phases as reflections of, 153

second (full woman/mother), 155, 158159, 173

third (crone), 138, 139141, 155, 173, 175, 179180, 202

life's journey, 127130, 185187

Like a Tree (Bolen), 61, 95

liminality, 171, 176, 219220

Lindgren, Astrid, 124

Ling, Lisa, 95

lions and lionesses, 121, 171

Lisbeth Salander, xii, 126

Little Women (Alcott), xii

living alone, 139141

“Living Alone Is the New Norm” (Klinenberg), 140

Living with a Wild God (Ehrenreich), xviii

Logan, Lara, 131132, 133

loneliness, 85, 140

loss, 6973, 8386, 146, 176177

love. See also marriage(s)

Aphrodite archetypes and, 108

awareness and importance of, 102104

Endymion attractions and obsessive states of, 161168

mother's expectations of sons, 6364

mutual attractions, 168170

obstacles to, 145146

as risk, 146147

solitude and paradoxical synchronicity in, 142143

virgin goddess archetypes and, 12, 134135, 136137, 138

vulnerable goddess archetypes and, 135136

Luna, 158. See also Selene

maidens (life phase), 11, 153, 155

mandalas, 138


careers and, 116117

dissatisfaction with, 105

and Endymion attractions, 162, 163

goddesses associated with, 134, 141

Greek mythology on, 911, 94, 98, 109, 113, 120

inner (coniunctio), 111112

in patriarchal societies, 25, 46, 109111, 120

patriarchal vs. egalitarian, 163

persona, 113114

post-happily ever after of, 116

solitude and paradoxical synchronicity of, 142143

woman's choices on, 120, 125, 135

maturity, 153, 158

meditation, 138, 139


Atalanta relationship with, 45, 4750

birth and early years, 34

Calydon boar mythology, 68, 6263, 6768

death of, 8, 63, 6768

father's relationship and influence, 4244, 46

footrace memories of, 10, 100, 103

gender and expectations imposed on, 39

mother's relationship and influence, 44, 4546, 6364

memories, 21, 100, 106107


abusive, 3738, 5253, 201202, 209

anima (feminine) psyche of, 111112

brain function, 195196

egalitarian attitudes, 110, 163, 196

as father figures and role models, 3032, 189190

in leadership roles, 194195

military service and sexual assault, 8183

mother's relationship with, 4447, 6366

patriarchal power of, 2326

rage and entitlement of, 54

same-sex attractions, 162

menopause, 138, 155

menstruation, 155

mermaids, 136

Metamorphoses (Ovid), 1, 63

midlife crises, 191192

midwives, ix, 1617, 154155, 171

military service, 1, 8183

Millennium series (Larsson), 126

Miller, Alice, 45

Millionth Circle initiative, 178, 194

monkeys, as surrogate parents, 23, 197198, 200201

moon, 21, 153, 155. See also moon goddesses

moon goddesses, xviii, 21, 100, 121, 153, 219220. See also Artemis; Hecate; Selene

moonstruck/mooning, 161162

mother (life phase), 153, 155

mother bears, 1315, 1718, 2526, 3336, 121, 126


animals as role models for, 1315

Artemis archetype and, 135

decisions regarding, 104106, 120, 135

emotional bonds, 38, 6465

Greek mythology themes of, 3738

as humility and sacrifice, 147

maternal care and infant survival, 4445

one-in-herself vs., 147

Mother Nature/Mother Earth (Gaia), 1718, 3738, 60, 160


goddesses associated with, 134

indomitable spirit support vs. suppression, 189190

relationship with sons, 4447, 6366, 68

responsibility and blame for children, 2223

Murray, W. H., 200

mysticism, 164, 166, 214215

My Story (Smart), 132

Native American cultures, 179180

natural disasters, 51, 60


activism protecting, 6062, 72, 126

Artemis archetype and, 16, 21, 7377, 76

destruction of, 180181

destructive forces of, 51, 60

healing in, 7276, 213214

outdoor challenges, xvixvii, 16, 7377, 175

New York City Marathon, 9697

Nietzsche, Friedrich, 133

Nobel Peace Prizes, 80, 203

non-victims, 130133

Nyad, Diana, xvi

nymphs, 122

Odyssey, The (Homer), 174

O'Keeffe, Georgia, 89

Oliver, Mary, 70

One Billion Rising, 26, 201, 206


fullness and maturity as, 158159

as intimacy and vulnerability obstacle, 145

introversion and, 137, 138

love relationships, 134135

marriage/motherhood and, 120, 147

for non-victim survival, 132

as virgin goddess characteristic, xviii, 119

opportunity from loss, 84

opposites, attraction of, 112

Ovid, 1, 63, 113

Palin, Sarah, 2526


abusive, 5253, 201202, 208212

children neglected by, 18, 21, 4445

child's view of, 210211

expectations imposed on children by, 3942, 50

father figures as role models, 3032

patriarchal roles and expectations of, 109

son's love choices and judgment of, 6364

support or suppression of spirit, 189190

women as mother bears, 1718, 2526

Paris, 157

Parmar, Pratibha, 30

passion, 165166, 169


Athena archetypes and, 149150

attractions, view of, 162, 163

authenticity suppression and, 189

boys and grief expression, 73

decision-making roles in, 157

description, 24

gender discrimination, 211

in Greek culture and mythology, 2324, 25, 46, 53

marriage conventions, 25, 4647, 94, 109111

in Middle East, 25, 207208

motherhood roles in, 3738

obedience requirements, xiv, 9798

religion and, 153154

Peleus, 58

“Perpetual Migration, The” (Piercy), 185, 217

Persephone, 38, 79, 84, 8687, 134, 172, 173

perseverance, 7879, 189

persona marriages, 113

personas, 191

Pert, Candace, 8081

Piercy, Marge, 185, 217

pilgrimages, 34, 8889, 177

Pippi Longstocking, 124

Pluto, 107

Poseidon, 51

poverty, 211212

power, 4041, 187188

pregnancy, 3236, 154, 155

Princess Merida, 125

Procrustean process, 190191

Providence, 200

Psyche, x, 159

punishment, 5253, 113, 125126, 144

quail, 53, 121

racism, 127, 129130, 209, 211

rage, 5262, 144


child sexual abuse, 201202

as family dishonor, 25

goddesses as protectors from, 1, 17, 122, 130

in Greek mythology, 2324, 38

international statistics, 130

in military service, 8183

non-victim response to, 130134

vulnerability and, 1920

as warfare tactic, 24, 95

Reason in Common Sense (Santayana), 71

recognition, 7981, 82

reflection, 21, 100, 101102

refugees, internally displaced, 129130

rejection, 7981, 90, 136, 145. See also abandonment

religions, matriarchal vs. patriarchal, 153155

remorsefulness, 59

retribution, 54, 125126, 144

revenge, 86, 130

Rhea, 38, 137

Rilke, Rainer Maria, 215216

Ring Cycle (Wagner), 41

Ring of Power (Bolen), 4041

Robinson, Carole, 142143

romance, 49

Roman mythology, 107, 121, 158

Rumi, 166

Run for Congo Women, 96, 127

Run for the Cure, 9495

running, 9498, 100, 127

Sandberg, Sheryl, 116117, 150151

Santayana, George, 71

“Sarah Palin, Mama Grizzlies, Carl Jung, and the Power of Archetypes” (Huffington), 25

Schulz, Connie, 124

Selene, 153, 158170

Self, 37, 56, 77, 178

self-determination, 127129, 187, 188

self-sufficiency, 21, 103

Send Word, Bear Mother (film), 3235

Seneca Nations, 179180

seventh generation principles, 179

sexism, 32, 211

sexual attraction, 162

shame, 190, 210, 211213

Shannon, Lisa, 9596, 127

sisterhood, 16, 122, 149150

Smart, Elizabeth, 132133

Smith, Patricia, 196

snakes, 171

solitude, 138, 139141

Sondheim, Stephen, 116

sovereignty, 139141, 196200

stags, 53, 121

Steinem, Gloria, 1819, 20, 47, 110, 149, 206207

Stevens, Onnolee “Onzie,” 175176, 178179

Stoltzfus, Helen, 3235

Strayed, Cheryl, 7376

suicide, 19

support, 172

swimming challenges, xvixvii

Switzer, Kathrine, 97

synchronicity, 7778, 200

Talbot, Margaret, 132

Taliban, 203205

Tao of Psychology, The (Bolen), 21, 77

Terence, 107

Teresa of Avila, 166

Theia/Thea, 160

Theogony (Hesiod), 159

Thomas, Marlo, xiii, 114, 119120, 143, 183, 192

Thousand Sisters, A (Shannon), 96

“Three Cheers for Pippi!” (Schulz), 124

time passing, 101102

Tiresias, 174

Titans, 158, 160, 171

tomboys, 1516

toxins, 3235


of Atalanta, 8, 72, 79, 87, 89, 90

birth as first, 7071

causes of, 69, 70, 8384

crisis and, 84

divorce and survival, 176177

goddesses associated with, 171172

wilderness metaphors for, 6976, 8391

women's life stages in, 152

travel, 8889

trees and tree huggers, 6062, 72, 126

Trinity, 154

Triple Goddess (Great Mother), 45, 60, 153155

Trojan War, 157

twinning, 4750

underworld mythology, 8485, 107, 173174

Unspoken Hunger, An (Williams), 3637

“unwanted” girls' name translations, 27

Uranus, 3738, 160

Vagina Monologues, The (Ensler), 202, 206

victimization, 19, 28, 130133

violence against women. See also rape

domestic violence, 5253

education activism and, 203205, 207

non-victim response to, 130134

wartime, 24, 28, 95

Violence Against Women Act, 17

virgin goddesses. See also Artemis; Athena; Hestia

archetypal characteristics of, xviii, 107, 119, 134, 148152 (see also Artemis archetype)

as non-victims, 130

shadow aspects of, 144146

virginity, xiv, 1, 25, 2930, 122

Virgin Mary, 154

virgins, psychological, 119, 120, 132


Artemis' response to, 147

exposure of, as act of courage, 90

of love, 136, 167168

obstacles to, 145

revelation and victimization, 19

shadow aspects overcome by, 144, 145

survival tactics and hidden, 1819, 209210

vulnerable goddesses, 86, 107, 135136. See also Demeter; Hera; Persephone

Waal, Frans de, 200

Wagner, Richard, 41

Walker, Alice, 30

war, 24, 28, 96, 131132, 202

Warrior Marks (Walker and Parmar), 30

Weldon, S. Laurel, 194

Wild (Strayed), 7376

wilderness, 8, 6976, 79, 8391

“Wild Geese” (Oliver), 70

William, Prince of England, 40

Williams, Terry Tempest, 3637

“wind under her wings,” 77

Winnicott, Donald W., 22

wisdom, 149, 155, 172, 173175

witches, 155, 171

Woman's Mysteries (Harding), 120, 136

women. See also gender discrimination; girls; rape

animus (male aspect) of, 111112

brain function, 195196

domestic violence statistics, 52, 53

full, 158159

goddess-worshipping societies and status of, 154155

leadership roles, 194196

patriarchal roles and expectations of, xiv, 3738, 4647, 9798, 109110, 163

pre-feminist era roles, 176177

as wartime collateral damage, 24, 28, 95

Women in the Congo, 95

Women's Movement, xiv, 32, 47, 148149, 176, 193194

Women's Suffrage Movement, xiv

Women to Women International, 95

Wonder Woman, 124

Woodman, Marion, 7071

World Conference on Women, xiv, 17, 150, 193

Xena the Warrior Princess, 125

Yeats, William Butler, 12

Young John, 115116, 119

Yousafzai, Malala, 203205, 207208


Endymion myth, 160

footrace prayers to, 10

genealogy and family, 1617, 38, 122123, 137

opera characters comparisons, 41

patriarchal roles of, 53, 154

violence of, 24, 51