PLATES 1 & 2 The Mitchell-Hedges crystal skull
PLATE 3 The Temple of the Jaguar at Tikal, Guatemala
PLATE 4 & 5 The Temple of the Inscriptions at Palenque, Mexico
PLATE 6 Anna Mitchell-Hedges with her crystal skull
PLATE 7 Carole Wilson ‘channelling’ information from the Mitchell-Hedges crystal skull
PLATE 8 The British Museum crystal skull
PLATE 9 The ‘cursed’ Smithsonian Institution crystal skull
PLATE 10 ‘Max’, the crystal skull belonging to JoAnn and Carl Parks in Houstan, Texas
PLATE 11 Nick Nocerino with his crystal skull ‘Sha Na Ra’
PLATE 12 Real skull-mask with obsidian blade nose and shell eyes (found during the Templo Mayor excavations and thought to have been used during human sacrifice ceremonies and/or skewered on a tzompantli, or skull-rack)
PLATE 13 Sixteenth century Spanish illustration of the Aztec practice of human sacrifice
PLATE 14 Norma Redo with her reliquary cross crystal skull
PLATE 15 Contemporary Aztec dancer wearing a skull-decorated head-dress
PLATE 16 The Pyramid of the Sun and the Avenue of the Dead at Teotihuacan
PLATE 17 The stone skull found at the entrance to the mysterious cave beneath the Pyramid of the Sun at Teotihuacan
PLATE 18 The stone skull at Palenque, Mexico
PLATE 19 The entrance to the tomb of Pacal Votan inside the temple of the Inscriptions at Palenque
PLATE 20 The Astronomical observatory or ‘Caracol’ at Chichén Itza, Yucatan Peninsula, southern Mexico
PLATE 21 Stone skull platform or tzompantli at Chichén Itza
PLATE 22 The ancient Mayan ruins of Tulum on the Caribbean coast
PLATE 23 Stone carved skulls (combined with the symbol of Quetzalcoatl) on the building of the Atlantes at Tula, the Toltec capital near Mexico City
PLATE 24 The Skull at the centre of the Mayan universe (taken from the ancient manuscript The Codex Borgia
PLATE 25 Some of the crystal skulls gathered for scientific tests at the British Museum’s research laboratory in London
PLATE 26 From left to right: the British Museum crystal skull, Max the Texas crystal skull, the crystal goblet from Monte Alban, the Smithsonian crystal skull, the modern German crystal skull, the reliquary cross crystal skull, the British Museum’s tiny crystal skull, Sha Na Ra
PLATE 27 Mayan priest/shaman Don Alejandro Cirilo Oxlaj Peres (right) and colleague at the tribal gathering in Guatemala
PLATE 28 Contemporary Mayan tribespeople performing the stela ceremony at the tribal gathering in Guatemala
PLATE 29 Representatives of various tribes perform a ceremony to the sun with the crystal skulls Max and Sha Ra Na. From left to right: Don Alejandro Cirilo Oxlaj Peres, Mayan priest from Guatemala; Maestro Tlakaeletl, contemporary Aztec priest from Mexico; Florademayo, tribal representative from Nicaragua; Mary Thunder, representative from North America
PLATE 30 Florademayo (Nicaragua) and Mary Thunder (Texas) in ceremony with crystal skulls
PLATE 31 The chac-mool figurine inside the Temple of the Warriors at the Chichén Itza
PLATE 32 Frederick and Anna Mitchell-Hedges (on the right, aged 20) in the jungles of Central America in the late 1920s
PLATE 33 Frederick Mitchell-Hedges, Lady Richmond-Brown and Dr Thomas Gann in the ruins of Lubaantun (circa 1925)
PLATES 34, 35 & 36 The Mitchell-Hedges skull undergoing scientific tests at the Hewlett-Packard crystal laboratories
PLATE 37 A ‘holographic’ image of a ‘UFO’ appearing within the Mitchell-Hedges crystal skull
PLATE 38 ‘Offering No. 4’ excavated from La Venta (on the Gulf coast of Mexico) showing ‘alien-like’ Olmec pottery figurines (dated to ‘several centuries BC’
PLATE 39 Clay head from Tlatico, Mexico, representing the concept of life-death duality in pre-Aztec Mexican culture as early as 1000 BC
PLATE 40 Necklace of 12 small bone-carved skulls (with the 13th missing?) found in the Guerrero state of Mexico and dated to AD 1000
PLATE 41 Mixtec pottery figurine of the ancient Mesoamerican god of deat – Mictlantecuhtli
PLATE 42 Aztec statue of Mictlancihuatl, the wife of Mictlantecuhtli and the goddess of the world of the dead
PLATE 43 Realistic stucco head found at Palenque, Mexico
PLATE 44 Gargantuan Olmec stone head found at La Venta on the Gulf coast of Mexico (dated to many centuries BC
PLATE 45 The ancient Mayan god of all gods and god of the Eath’s axis, Itzamna, shown sitting opposite a skull in a sacred bundle
Forensic reconstruction of the face on the Mitchell-Hedges crystal skull:
PLATE 46 Drawing by Richard Neave of the University of Manchester’s Department of Art & Medicine
PLATE 47 Drawing by detective Frank J. Domingo of the New York Police Homicide Department
PLATE 48 Patricio Dominguez, Pueblo spiritual adviser
PLATE 49 Kivas at the ancient Anasazi ruins in Chaco Canyon, New Mexico
PLATE 50 Petroglyphs on the wall of the canyon at the Navajo gathering which depict their belief in the alien origins of mankind and the crystal skulls
PLATE 51 Leon Secatero, Navajo spiritual leader