
I would like to express my love and appreciation to my husband, Chuck, and our family and friends who have been an integral part of this amazing journey in faith and healing. Because of you, we’ve been able to move forward in a healthy environment.

I am thankful to each and every one who has offered prayers and support, and I especially want to thank Cheri Lovre. Cheri has been an invaluable source of strength and direction as I navigated the muddy waters of healing. I am forever indebted to her for her willingness and ability to take the anxiety and emotion of the moment and help frame it in a way that gave options for navigating the next step. She has been God’s special blessing to me as I waded through deep waters.

A special mention to all my Amish friends from the Nickel Mines community who have shown such great interest and concern for our lives in our ongoing, growing friendships. Amish names mentioned in this book are already of public record. These words are not intended to bring glory to the person, but to share how their lives have honored God through interactions I’ve had with them. All of the glory and honor goes to God the Father for the healing we have all experienced in this process.