


“STELLA REPORTS the mission was a failure but not a complete waste,” Gregor said. “We know who holds the scroll, and she’ll track the nun’s movements. But I told her to be cautious since the Sister Islands Agency has now increased its patrols in Ireland. And since six of our foot soldiers were captured. She assures me of their loyalty, but we can never be too careful. She’ll leave her post and be replaced by someone the soldiers didn’t know about so they can’t undermine any future missions. Stella overheard that the nun plans to leave Ireland. She’ll learn where the nun plans to land and nip the scroll then. You will soon have three.”

Gregor fell silent and simply stared at his leader, drinking in the sight of him like a dying man drinks in water. It had been far too long since they were in each other’s presence. It was all he could do not to leap at Arcas and devour him. To offer himself, to worship him as he deserved to be worshipped. Gregor focused on his breathing, controlling his base desires.

A faint breeze blew in from an open window, filling the small hotel room with its spicy scent. Gregor liked the feel of India but hoped he wouldn’t be staying long. There were still important missions that needed to be completed in the US, and he didn’t want to be away from his captains for longer than necessary. They were at a critical stage in operations, and one slip could ruin everything. His lord and master had flown him to India by private jet. It made life so much simpler to have a leader who had all manner of resources at his disposal.

“It seems we’re in luck, Gregor,” Arcas said. Gregor came back to himself and stepped closer, looking at the two open scrolls set reverently on the table. Arcas’s blood was needed to open the leather tubes protecting the scrolls. Now all their secrets were bare.

But Gregor could only gaze in confusion at the strange marks and squiggles on the parchments.

“Why are we in luck, my lord?” he asked.

Arcas slid a hand around Gregor’s waist, and Gregor nearly purred. Arcas’s touch was electrifying, and he greedily wanted more.

“Well, my dear, the two scrolls we have are those that list the ingredients we need.”

Gregor eyed the scrolls before looking at Arcas’s perfect face. “Ingredients for the spell?”

“Yes. Now we have two scrolls left to possess. One will hold the incantation for the spell, and the other the location of the cage. You see, the cage moves around. It’s in a different dimension parallel to ours, making it impossible to find without assistance. The location scroll will tell us when and where to open it. Then I can finally attain my goal.”

Gregor’s heart pounded in excitement. Arcas’s voice had taken on a triumphant quality that was sorely lacking during their separation. Gregor had wanted to reach through the screen and caress Arcas’s face, to give him hope.

“What language is this written in? I’ve never seen it,” he asked, looking closer.

“Not many have. There are only three alive now who have ever seen it, and only two who have written in it.”

“You would be one.”

Arcas smiled in approval and stroked Gregor’s hip. “Is it any wonder you are my favorite?”

Gregor blushed with pride and couldn’t completely hide the desire in his eyes.

Arcas’s smile deepened. “Patience, my dear. Trust me, you won’t be leaving until we make good on our reunion.”

Gregor’s stomach fluttered in anticipation. But Arcas seemed to be in a rare chatty mood, so he took advantage of it. “Who would be the other two? Merlin?”

At the mention of his name, Arcas scowled. Gregor stiffened. Dammit! Why must he be so nosy?

“I’m sorry, my lord,” he said, instantly backtracking. “Forgive me, I didn’t—”

“Hush.” Arcas stroked his hair. “I am not angry with you. Just the mere mention of that bastard puts my teeth on edge. Yes, Merlin is another who can read this.”

“And the third?” Gregor dared to ask.

Arcas smiled again, his expression turning devious. “Well, darling, the third is who we’re trying to find.”

Gregor frowned. “I thought we were trying to find a beast.” What had he missed?

“Yes, and so we are. The beast was not always a beast.”

Gregor shook his head, hating that he felt like a simpleton.

Arcas chuckled. “All in good time, darling. Rest assured, you will be the first to know the full extent of what I have planned for our furry enemies. But for now, when you return to the US, you will handpick the most loyal and devoted knights—be sure of their devotion, Gregor—and give them the task of hunting for certain types of blood.”

Gregor thought back to when Arcas had collected his own blood as well as Nordik’s. “You told me once we needed the blood of different shifters.”

“Yes, and I was right. But not just shifters. It says right here on both parchments. We need the blood of two master shifters—Nordik has already contributed to that. Now we need the blood of a female. Then we need the blood of a pure human, one untouched by fae blood.”

Gregor’s eyes widened. “Is that even possible?”

Arcas’s eyes glinted. “Yes. Don’t think I’ve been idle or simply looking for the scrolls since I’ve been away, Gregor.”

“No, my lord. I would never think that.”

“We need the blood of a fae descendant, which you have already provided for us.” Arcas slipped both arms around Gregor’s waist, pulling him close. Gregor gazed at Arcas’s face, a manic love filling his chest.

“Then there’s the blood of the offspring of an animal and a shifter, and the blood of the offspring of a human and a shifter.”

Gregor frowned. “Aren’t such matings impossible?” But even as he said it, he remembered a certain bull named Whirlwind who was born of a cow and a bull shifter.

“Nothing is impossible,” Arcas said with a smirk. “Then finally we need the blood of four different bird shifters. The same species of bird shifters as those who were the first scroll guardians—eagle, owl, hawk, and raven. There are a few other items to collect, but the blood types are the most critical and the most dangerous. We must stay in the shadows during this mission, Gregor. Stealth is everything. The Agency can’t know about any of this.”

“You know you can trust me, my lord.”

Arcas cupped Gregor’s face, looked deeply into his eyes. “I know. I missed you.”

Gregor melted against Arcas, his gaze turning dreamy. “I missed you as well.”

Their lips connected, and Gregor closed his eyes, not caring about anything but his god’s touch.