1. PROLOGUE (1:1–4)
2. INFANCY NARRATIVE (1:5 – 2:52)
A. Two birth announcements (1:5–38)
i. Announcement of John’s birth (1:5–25)
ii. Announcement of Jesus’ birth (1:26–38)
B. Mary’s visit to Elizabeth (1:39–56)
C. Two births (1:57 – 2:20)
i. Birth of John (1:57–80)
ii. Birth of Jesus (2:1–20)
D. Young Jesus at the temple (2:21–52)
i. Presentation at the temple (2:21–40)
ii. Sitting among the teachers (2:41–52)
A. John the Baptizer (3:1–20)
i. Inauguration of John’s ministry (3:1–6)
ii. John’s message (3:7–20)
B. Jesus’ baptism (3:21–22)
C. Jesus’ credentials (3:23 – 4:13)
i. Genealogy of Jesus (3:23–38)
ii. Temptation (4:1–13)
4. MINISTRY IN GALILEE (4:14 – 9:50)
A. Inauguration of Jesus’ ministry (4:14–44)
i. Prefatory remarks to the Galilean ministry (4:14–15)
ii. Kingdom preaching (4:16–30)
iii. Kingdom activity (4:31–44)
B. Calling of the first disciples (5:1–11)
C. Opposition from the Pharisees (5:12–32)
i. Jesus cleanses a man of leprosy (5:12–16)
ii. Healing of a paralysed man (5:17–26)
iii. Calling of Levi (5:27–32)
D. Further controversies with the Pharisees (5:33 – 6:11)
i. Questions about fasting (5:33–39)
ii. Questions about the Sabbath (6:1–11)
E. Calling of the Twelve (6:12–19)
F. The path of discipleship (6:20–49)
i. Blessings and woes (6:20–26)
ii. Love for enemies (6:27–36)
iii. On judging (6:37–42)
iv. Two ways (6:43–49)
G. Jesus’ prophetic ministry (7:1–17)
i. A centurion’s faith (7:1–10)
ii. The raising of the widow’s son (7:11–17)
H. Wisdom’s children (7:18 – 8:3)
i. John the Baptizer and children in the marketplace (7:18–35)
ii. Jesus anointed by a sinful woman (7:36–50)
iii. Jesus’ supporters (8:1–3)
I. Discipleship explained (8:4–21)
i. Parable of the sower (8:4–15)
ii. Parable of the lamp (8:16–18)
iii. Jesus’ true family (8:19–21)
J. Messianic signs (8:22–56)
i. Calming of the storm (8:22–25)
ii. Healing of a demoniac (8:26–39)
iii. Restored women (8:40–56)
K. Ministry of the Twelve (9:1–17)
i. Commissioning of the Twelve (9:1–9)
ii. Feeding of the five thousand (9:10–17)
L. Messianic revelation (9:18–50)
i. Peter’s confession (9:18–27)
ii. Transfiguration (9:28–36)
iii. Exorcism of an afflicted boy (9:37–45)
iv. The greatest in the kingdom (9:46–50)
5. JOURNEY TO JERUSALEM (9:51 – 19:27)
A. Jesus’ kingdom mission (9:51 – 10:24)
i. The cost of following Jesus (9:51–62)
ii. The mission of the seventy-two (10:1–16)
iii. The seventy-two return (10:17–24)
B. Life of service and listening (10:25–42)
i. The parable of the good Samaritan (10:25–37)
ii. Martha and Mary (10:38–42)
C. Praying for the coming of the kingdom (11:1–26)
i. Teachings on prayer (11:1–13)
ii. The cosmic war with Beelzebul (11:14–26)
D. Pronouncement of blessings and curses (11:27–54)
i. True blessing (11:27–28)
ii. The sign of Jonah (11:29–32)
iii. Light of the body (11:33–36)
iv. Woes against the scribes and Pharisees (11:37–54)
E. Warnings and encouragements (12:1–12)
F. Teachings on stewardship (12:13–34)
i. Parable of the rich fool (12:13–21)
ii. On worry (12:22–34)
G. Readiness for the master (12:35–48)
H. Interpreting the times (12:49 – 13:21)
i. Coming division (12:49–53)
ii. The future crisis (12:54–59)
iii. Parable of the fig tree (13:1–9)
iv. Healing of the disabled woman (13:10–17)
v. Two seed parables (13:18–21)
I. Eschatological warnings (13:22–35)
i. The narrow gate (13:22–30)
ii. Jesus mourns over Jerusalem (13:31–35)
J. Messianic banquet (14:1–24)
i. Jesus heals a man of dropsy (14:1–6)
ii. Honour at the feast (14:7–11)
iii. The great feast (14:12–24)
K. The cost of discipleship (14:25–35)
L. Parables of lostness (15:1–32)
i. Parable of the lost sheep (15:1–7)
ii. Parable of the lost coin (15:8–10)
iii. Parable of the prodigal son and his brother (15:11–32)
M. Parables of wealth (16:1–31)
i. Parable of the shrewd manager (16:1–18)
ii. Parable of Lazarus (16:19–31)
N. Sin and repentance (17:1–19)
i. Faith and duty (17:1–10)
ii. Jesus heals ten men of leprosy (17:11–19)
O. The coming of the kingdom (17:20–37)
P. Two parables about prayer (18:1–14)
i. Parable of the persistent widow (18:1–8)
ii. Parable of the two praying men (18:9–14)
Q. Upside-down kingdom (18:15–34)
i. Jesus blesses the children (18:15–17)
ii. The rich ruler (18:18–30)
iii. The third passion prediction (18:31–34)
R. Approach to Jerusalem (18:35 – 19:27)
i. Jesus heals the blind man from Jericho (18:35–43)
ii. Zacchaeus (19:1–10)
iii. Parable of the ten pounds (19:11–27)
6. MINISTRY IN JERUSALEM (19:28 – 21:38)
A. Entry into Jerusalem (19:28–48)
i. Preparations for the entry (19:28–36)
ii. Triumphal entry (19:37–44)
iii. Temple action (19:45–48)
B. Conflict with Jerusalem authorities (20:1–26)
i. Jesus’ authority questioned (20:1–8)
ii. Parable of the wicked tenants (20:9–19)
iii. Taxes to Caesar (20:20–26)
C. Further conflict (20:27 – 21:4)
i. Marriage at the resurrection (20:27–40)
ii. Son of David (20:41–44)
iii. Hypocrisy of leaders (20:45 – 21:4)
D. Eschatological Discourse (21:5–38)
i. Fall of the temple (21:5–28)
ii. Parable of the fig tree (21:29–33)
iii. Admonition to watchfulness (21:34–36)
iv. Summary (21:37–38)
7. PASSION NARRATIVE (22:1 – 23:56)
A. Last Supper (22:1–23)
i. Judas’s betrayal (22:1–6)
ii. Preparations for Passover (22:7–13)
iii. The paschal meal (22:14–23)
B. The hour of trial (22:24–46)
i. True greatness (22:24–30)
ii. Predicted testing (22:31–34)
iii. New instructions (22:35–38)
iv. Gethsemane (22:39–46)
C. Jesus arrested (22:47–62)
i. Jesus is apprehended (22:47–53)
ii. Peter renounces Jesus (22:54–62)
D. Jesus detained (22:63 – 23:25)
i. Before the Sanhedrin (22:63–71)
ii. Before Pilate (23:1–25)
E. Jesus crucified (23:26–56)
i. Crucifixion (23:26–43)
ii. Jesus breathes his last (23:44–49)
iii. Burial (23:50–56)
A. Resurrection (24:1–35)
i. Women at the tomb (24:1–12)
ii. On the road to Emmaus (24:13–35)
B. Commissioning (24:36–53)
i. Sending with a promise (24:36–49)
ii. Ascension (24:50–53)