Chapter 4
Optimizing your campaigns by running split tests
Using the necessary tools for split testing
Knowing the pages to test and not to test
Launching and understanding how a test performed
Analyzing a test
Imagine that you've built a web page designed to sell a Caribbean cruise. At the top of this page, you show a headline that reads “Save on Caribbean Cruise Deals! Nobody Beats Our Prices!” Your business partner approaches you with a couple of new headline ideas that she thinks will improve the number of cruise bookings. What should you do — trust her gut and make the change? Or stick with the original?
The correct answer is to test it. A data-driven business goes beyond making marketing decisions based on hunches and guesswork. To truly maximize your campaign's ROI (return on investment), you need to gather data and run tests to increase the impact. Otherwise, your actions are like throwing spaghetti at the wall and seeing what sticks — and they’ll be just as efficient and impactful to your bottom line.
In this chapter, you examine the dedicated, repeatable process of campaign optimization. Although this process is easy to overcomplicate, you can break it into understandable parts, which gives you the outline you need to run a successful optimization campaign — from the required tools to the final test analysis.
The cornerstone of optimizing a website is split testing, which means to conduct controlled, randomized experiments with the goal of improving a website metric, such as clicks, opt-ins, or sales. Split testing takes two different forms: A/B testing, a technique in which two versions of a page can be compared for performance, and multivariate testing, a testing method in which a combination of variables is tested at one time.
During a split test, you split incoming website traffic between the original (control) page and different variations of the page. You then look for improvements in the goals you’re measuring (such as leads, sales, or engagement) to emerge so that you can determine which version performed best. You use split testing to test areas where you might be able to improve a measurable goal, such as your online checkout process. The test helps you determine what factors increase conversions, what factors deter conversions, and what can lead to an increase in orders. Obtaining the tools you need to run split tests.
To run split tests, you need effective tools. This section tells you about the technology you need to run split tests so that you can optimize your campaign for maximum results.
To choose the right pages to test on your website, you rely heavily on your website analytics tool. This chapter focuses on Google Analytics, a website analytics solution made available by search engine giant Google. This tool measures website, app, digital, and offline data to gain customer insights. Google Analytics has two pricing tiers: free and premium. For most businesses, the free version of Google Analytics is more than sufficient. Pricing for the premium version of Google Analytics starts in the six figures annually; this tier offers higher data limits, more custom variables, a dedicated support team, as well as other features. For more about using Google Analytics, visit
Split tests require the technology that enables you to edit variations, split test variations, and track conversions. You can choose from among several services, including:
to learn more.
.A test duration calculator is a simple calculator that determines how long you need to run your split test to get a reliable test result. You input data such as the existing conversion rate, the number of variations in the test, the amount of traffic your site gets, and more. The calculator then determines how many days to run this test to get a reliable result. Figure 4-1 shows the free test duration calculator offered by Visual Website Optimizer.
When you're looking for pages to split test, use the following guidelines to determine how worthy a page is to test. First, here’s what not to test:
Your worst-performing pages
When looking for pages to optimize, your job is to focus on opportunity pages, which are pages that will have the greatest impact on your goals. For instance, if you expect a 10 percent increase in conversions from your efforts, would you rather that lift be on a page converting at 50 percent or 5 percent? The one at 50 percent is an opportunity page.
Further, your worst-performing pages don’t need a testing campaign; rather, they need an overhaul. The ship is sinking, and you don’t have time to hypothesize over what to do next; you need to make a drastic change that likely doesn’t need to be tested. Remember, in such a case, don’t test; implement!
Pages that don’t impact your longer-term business goals; for example, your 404 page
For the same reason that you don’t want to test the worst-performing pages, you also don’t need to test your nonconversion-oriented pages. These nonconverting pages include your About Us page or your “dead end” 404 page.
However, optimizing 404 pages has proven to be useful in marketing. Even on that page, you should include an offer, a call to action, or some additional steps to keep the user engaged. You don’t need to test adding these elements to the page, however; just add content that meets your goals and then move on to more important pages that impact conversion. Amazon's 404 page, shown in Figure 4-2, directs people to the Amazon home page or suggests continuing to search.
Pages that don’t get enough traffic to run a split test
The final guideline you should follow when determining whether to split test a page is the page's traffic. Look at the number of visits and of conversions that your page gets over the potential test period. Notice where traffic falls off considerably.
You can easily identify your pages and their traffic numbers using Google Analytics. Examine the number of Unique Pageviews for pages under consideration for split testing. The best report to employ for this job in Google Analytics is in the Behavior suite. In Google Analytics, navigate to the Reporting section and then choose tBehavior ⇒ Site Content ⇒ All Pages. The Pages report loads. From there, use the filter tool in Google Analytics to search for the specific pages you’re considering for a split test.
After you gather the data from the Page report, you should contextualize the pages. You’ll always see a massive drop-off in page views (the total number of pages viewed by a user; repeated views of a single page are counted) after your home page. However, your home page is so far away from your main converting action that it doesn’t make sense to test. Now, if you see a massive drop from a product page to the checkout page, you know that something is wrong with your product page and that you need to optimize it, and that merits a split test.
By following the guidelines in this section, you can hone in on pages worthy of your time and resources for testing. When you find a page that you consider to be test worthy based on the guidelines, make sure to ask these four questions:
Answering these four questions before you commit to testing a page accomplishes the following:
By determining which pages aren’t worth split testing, you can find the pages that merit testing.
After you find the page you want to optimize and run a split test on, what's your next step? What do you specifically test on that page? You have several factors to consider in determining the features you test on a page.
These elements will help you come up with the new versions, or variants, of your page to enter into the split test experiment. One way to start finding your variants is by using qualitative data, described next.
Qualitative data is information that people can observe but not measure. In terms of digital marketing, qualitative data considers the users' behavior. Gathering qualitative data is relatively easy and inexpensive, and it’s extremely helpful for picking the right elements to optimize on your page.
One of the most basic types of qualitative data involves click tracking, mouse movement, and scrolling. Much of this data gets reported in what is referred to as a heat map. A heat map is a visual representation of a user interacting on your site; it reveals where users focus on your site. Figure 4-3 shows a typical heat map.
Running a heat map on any page you’re split testing is a good idea. Most good testing technology tools, such as Visual Website Optimizer, include heat map technology. Heat and scroll map reports can shed light on whether a call to action (CTA) is getting clicks, or whether people are consuming your content.
Here are other types of qualitative data and how to collect it:
) to survey your site visitors and get qualitative data to analyze.Qualitative data is incredibly important and severely underused. Some great tools are available, so start with one and move on to others when you run into user knowledge gaps. These tools can include:
): This suite of tools has heat maps, session recordings, user surveys, funnel analysis, and form-field analysis.
): Focuses primarily on heat maps, tracking clicks, mouse movement, and scrolling.
): This site has five different styles of user tests: After you determine what pages to test and select the appropriate variants, you're well on your way to implementing your test. You still have several other elements to keep in mind before you start your test, however. Pay attention to these components, described in the following sections, to create a strong split test.
Your test needs a hypothesis. For your test to truly be meaningful and actionable, you need to come up with a plan, and you need to document statistics. Testing for the sake of testing or for a particular hunch only wastes your business’s time and resources. A clear hypothesis puts a stop to ad hoc testing.
Create a hypothesis based on this format:
Because we observed [A] and feedback [B], we believe that changing [C] for visitors [D] will make [E] happen. We’ll know this when we see [F] and obtain [G].
Following a basic hypothesis format like the preceding one sets your test’s scope, the segment, and the success criteria. Without a hypothesis, you’re guessing, and you don’t want to base a campaign’s success or failure on a guess.
After you choose a page to split test and the variations you will be testing on the page, you need to determine the key performance indicators (KPIs) that you will use to evaluate your split test. KPIs are metrics that gauge crucial factors and help you to determine the success of a test. For instance, if you run a test that looks only at top funnel metrics, such as clicks, you don’t get a full understanding of the actual impact. For this reason, you need to select your KPIs and know how they impact your business goals. (See more about KPIs in Book 1, Chapter 1.)
To help define your KPIs, make sure to have page-level goals as well as campaign-level goals for all your tests. Your split test goals might look like this:
Page and campaign goals give you the short view, that is, what happened on the page; and the long view, that is, how what happened on the page impacted your overall campaign. It’s possible to see an improvement in the performance at the page level while experiencing a decrease in performance at the campaign level. In the preceding example, you may run a test that generates more leads at the page level but actually decreases the number of products purchased at the campaign level.
Every test needs a definitive stopping point. If you test into perpetuity, you ignore the possibility that no change occurs between variants. You need to create a clearly defined test time period before you start testing, and then stick to that time table.
Use your duration calculator, mentioned in the “Obtaining the tools you need to run split tests” section, earlier in this chapter, and round up to the next week. For example, if your duration calculator says that you would have meaningful results in ten days, run the test for fourteen. People behave differently on different days, and you must account for this variance in behavior. This little trick will help you gather more complete data.
When you have your hypothesis, your variations, your KPIs, and your test schedule outlined, you’re almost ready to begin your split test. Complete the following steps to take in preparation for your test and then you'll be ready to click the Start button in your testing tool!
Just having Google Analytics on your site isn’t enough; you need to establish your goals. Setting custom events or e-commerce tracking works as well — you just need something to measure.
Having a measureable goal is important because when you have proper e-commerce or goal reporting in Google Analytics, the results of your testing are determined by objective numbers rather than subjective opinion. Having goals set up in Google Analytics is incredibly powerful and will start to show you the efficacy of your campaigns in a single platform.
If a page isn't performing properly, it will corrupt the data. You may think that the variation you’re testing has failed because your hypothesis was incorrect, but in truth, it might be a tech issue. For instance, if one of the pages you’re testing is showing a broken image, the conversion lift (or failure) for that page isn’t caused by the changed variable but rather by the page’s functionality, in which case your test will be for naught. Before you launch your test, double-check your page for bugs by using tools such as BrowserStack or preview options in Visual Website Optimizer.
You don’t want your tests to overlap. Therefore, you should never run multiple tests on the same page at the same time; for instance, running a second, separate test on a page while another test is already being performed on the same page results in conflicting data.
You can run tests on different pages at the same time. However, when running tests on different pages at the same time, you need to make sure that traffic included in one test isn't included in the other.
Just as you need to ensure that your page is functioning, you also have to make sure that your links actually work and go to the right page. A split test between a page with links and a page without properly functioning links is obviously a fatally flawed test that won’t give you true results.
Keep your load time in mind when you optimize. If you have a variant with a better load time, that variant will likely beat out its competition, skewing your results. Use tools such as PageSpeed (
) to analyze and ensure that your variant load times are as close as they can be.
You don't want a test to run indefinitely. You need to set a testing timeline and stick to it so that you can analyze the data and make informed decisions. Here’s when you know you can call your test:
For some tests, the data may overwhelmingly conclude that the variation you tested was a winner or a dud. But if you have trouble determining how a variation performed, follow these guidelines:
By now you either have a successful, a failed, or a null test result. After you’ve concluded the test, you can dig into the data to analyze what happened during the test period and determine your next steps. To analyze your split-testing data, follow these steps:
Report all your findings.
Collect and put your testing data into words. You can use a test report sheet or PowerPoint deck for this. Considering breaking your report into the following sections:
Report your conversion range.
The conversion range is the range between the lowest highest possible conversion rate. This range may be written in the form of a formula, as in 30% lift ± 3%, or you might say that you expect conversions to be between 27 and 33 percent. Be sure to report your conversion rate as a range. When you report a 40 percent conversion lift, but you really have a range of 35–43 percent, you’re doing yourself a disservice by not properly setting expectations for your results or your recommendations.
Don’t let your boss or client think that the conversion rate is static. It isn’t. Set proper expectations by reporting on your conversion rate as a range. Tools such as Visual Website Optimizer create this range for you.
Look at each variant’s heat map.
Observing each variant's heat map helps you find new things to optimize and test. Place these finding in the “Other Observations” section of your report.
Analyze key segments in Google Analytics.
Here, you’re determining whether the test indicates a higher or lower conversion rate for certain types of visitors.
Implement the successful variation.
Ideally, thanks to the results of your split testing, you know what works. Now you can put that knowledge to work. Use your data to make educated decisions about what changes you should make on the page.
If the result of the split test was null, pick your preferred variation.
At this point, if your test has declared no winner from either variation, you can choose which one you’d like to implement. Use this data to develop a new hypothesis and create a new test.
Use your findings to create new hypotheses and plan future tests.
Optimization is a process. Your latest findings should feed into your future work. Here is where you can learn from segments, heat maps, or the test proper to develop your next iteration or fuel a test on a new page.
Share your findings.
At the very least, you should send your report over to your boss or client, and to your colleagues who have a stake in the test. If you want to go above and beyond, you could even publish your findings as your own primary research. Case studies are valuable resources that can establish you as an authority in the market and also generate leads within your market.