
CMSmap is not included in Kali Linux, but it can be easily installed from its Git repository as follows:

git clone    

CMSmap scans for vulnerabilities in WordPress, Joomla, or Drupal sites. It has the ability to autodetect the CMS used by the site. It is a command-line tool, and you need to use the -t option to specify the target site. CMSmap displays the vulnerabilities it finds preceded by an indicator of the severity rating that it determines: [I] for informational, [L] for low, [M] for medium, and [H] for high, as shown in the following screenshot:

The --noedb option used in the screenshot prevents WordPress from looking for exploits for the identified vulnerabilities in the Exploit Database (, as our Kali Linux VM is not connected to the internet. Trying to connect to an external server would result in errors and delays in obtaining the results.