The Situation Room was packed.

The countdown sequence for each of the two North Korean ICBM’s was illuminated in red digital numbers in the upper left corner of each OLED.


Parizeau’s voice came over the speaker system.

“We’re approaching five minutes until launch,” said Parizeau. “I repeat, we are at five minutes out.”

The president was standing at the end of the conference table. His arms were crossed as he looked at one of the screens.

General Tralies was pacing on the side of the table opposite from the OLEDs, his face red with frustration and desperation.

“Mr. President!” Tralies barked, pointing at the screens. “We are at five minutes out! We cannot wait—”

“All defense systems should be in a state-of-emergency priority,” said Dellenbaugh, interrupting Tralies. “THADD batteries, mid-range defense systems.”

“For the love of God, Mr. President,” yelled Tralies, practically begging. “You simply can’t wait any longer!”

“General Krug,” said Dellenbaugh, leaning into the speakerphone, cutting Tralies off. “Remind me again of flight times for U.S. missiles.”

“Three minutes, sir,” said Krug, the commander of the Pacific Fleet, patched in from the USS Forrestal. “Three minutes.”


“I want all missiles launch-ready, on my go,” said Dellenbaugh.

“Those numbers are guesses!” said Tralies.

The president looked at Tralies, then back to the closest screen. He put his hand to his forehead and pushed it back through his thick brown hair.


“We’re going longer!” barked Dellenbaugh, shooting Tralies an angry look. “We have until three minutes—we’re going to three goddam minutes!”