Flash Non/Fiction/@FlashNarratives
I don’t normally write narratives or fiction, but I was inspired to try when Amina began working on a short story. These are some of the flash narratives I’ve posted on Twitter.
At church with her Catholic friend, staying behind during Communion, Kim wondered whether that wafer came from Jesus’s thigh or breast.
Unrolling the crisp bills in his pocket, Sean tried to contain his excitement. His broken pinky finger notwithstanding, his first day driving for Rex had gone well.
She did her best work around 11:30 a.m., after she’d finished two cups of coffee and had a proper bowel movement.
Bill lately spent his weekends wandering the aisles at grocery stores and home-goods stores. He had very little room for new things in his studio apartment, but his day as a contestant on @PriceIsRight was fast approaching.
The pharmacist blushed and swallowed when she asked whether he carried non-applicator tampons.
Caitlin paused at the bathroom door, unsure whether she heard someone inside respond to her knock. The coffee shop was loud with tourists. She pushed the door open and stepped in without seeing the barista crumpled in the corner.
He’d really wanted to kiss his boyfriend after his game-winning #homerun, but they’d have to wait until they were both out of their uniforms and back at the hotel.
Qian and Sara both reached for the last veggie wrap; the professional development day had been long.
Mark finished reading the novel recommended by the guy he met from Tinder last week. He wished he was attracted to him.